You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2265 Mysterious Place-Arrogant Li Qing

Looking at Li Qing in front of him, Bai Ziran felt an indescribable disgust in his heart. This person is the most proud disciple of the inner sect elder and the first disciple of the entire Daotian Sect.

Moreover, this person is extremely conceited and has a great obsession with power. Although he did not say it clearly, he has been acting in the name of the next sect master a long time ago.

However, although the sect master saw all this, he did not stop it, which also represented tacit consent.

Moreover, his cultivation had reached the peak of the celestial immortal a long time ago. Now that so many years have passed, no one knows how far this person's cultivation has reached.

"There is no secret here."

Bai Ziran shook his head and said, but his body did not move at all.

"Hehe, why don't you let me check it out? After all, the eyes of all major forces are now focused on our Daotian Sect. Even if our Daotian Sect is so big and powerful, it can't withstand those crazy guys."

Li Qing walked towards Bai Ziran step by step. Every step he took would give birth to a fiery red lotus in the void, and the lotus would emit fiery red flames, and the space would be slightly distorted.

Bai Ziran looked solemn as if she was facing a great enemy. She slowly stood up and looked at Li Qing opposite her.

"The person behind me is Elder Ye. Although I don't know what happened, Elder Ye is now going through the most critical period. Do you really want to offend the elder?"

Bai Ziran gritted her teeth secretly. Li Qing in front of her was stronger. Although he was still a long way from the true immortal based on his aura, he was not far away.

Just the aura made her unable to resist at all.

"Elder Ye? Since it is Elder Ye, I have to care about him even more."

Li Qing waved his hand, and Bai Ziran's body fell to the side uncontrollably.

And such a simple action shocked Bai Ziran. Just now, she couldn't even think of resisting.

"It's like a perfect work of art."

Coming to the golden light ball, Li Qing looked at the golden light ball in front of him with an intoxicated face.

He could sense that the light ball contained extremely terrifying power, and this power was still growing stronger. If he absorbed this power, he would definitely be able to enter the realm of true immortals.

From then on, he was comparable to those so-called elders, and the entire Daotian Sect would sooner or later be his possession.

Thinking of this, Li Qing ignored the strange looks of other disciples around him and put his hand on the light ball.

However, the next moment, a huge force came, and Li Qing was thrown out directly without warning, and his body slammed heavily on the ground in the distance, splashing a large amount of dust.

"Brother Li, it seems that Elder Ye doesn't welcome you very much. You'd better leave quickly, otherwise, Elder Ye will do something more terrible. It's hard to say."

Looking at Li Qing who was in a very embarrassed state in the distance, Bai Ziran hugged his arms and teased. The disciples around the 24th and 44th had already left one after another. They came to watch the excitement. Now it seems that they can't watch the excitement anymore. What are they waiting for?

As for what happened three days ago, they are not qualified to inquire, and it may not be a good thing.

Didn't you see that the leader of his clan never showed up from beginning to end?

"Good, very good."

Li Qing's face was gloomy, and he finally turned and left.

Just now, his soul was severely damaged, and he had to go back quickly to nourish his soul. This time, he really lost more than he gained.

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