You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2264 Mysterious Place-Falling into Sleep

At the moment when Ye Lin closed his eyes, an extremely powerful pressure erupted from his body, and the devastated ground was once again destroyed and turned into a ruin.

And Ye Lin was wrapped in a golden halo, which wrapped Ye Lin like a cocoon, and there was a faint sense of great terror.

"What happened?"

Three days later, Bai Ziran, Hong Yanran and a group of disciples dared to slowly approach Ye Lin. They looked around, feeling the faint fluctuations of immortal power remaining in the air, and their eyes widened with shock.

And the golden light ball suspended in the air also attracted their attention.

"What is this? Could it be a treasure from the sky?"

"I don't know."

The disciples were curious, but no one dared to take a step forward. They stood in the distance and stared at the golden light ball.

And Bai Ziran approached little by little, because she felt a familiar breath on the light ball, which was Ye Lin's breath.

As she approached step by step, the disciples around held their breath and dared not breathe.

Although most of them were immortals, and were regarded as immortals by mortals, they could still remember what happened three days ago.

It was beyond their acceptance.

When Bai Ziran got close to the golden light ball, the breath of Ye Lin became stronger, but there was no danger at all.

"Elder Ye, what secrets do you have?"

Standing outside the light ball, Bai Ziran murmured. The reason she came here was that Dao Lintian sent her to investigate. After all, Dao Lintian's soul was seriously injured just by a glance three days ago, so Dao Lintian did not dare to investigate in person, and could only send his eldest disciple to come.

"Senior sister, what on earth is this?"

Seeing that there was no danger, the disciples around began to move, and approached carefully one by one.

"Stop, this place is now a forbidden place of the sect, and no outsiders are allowed to enter. Leave now."

Bai Ziran's face suddenly turned cold, and she said in a cold voice. Although she didn't know what happened, she could keenly feel that Ye Lin was going through the most critical moment.

At this time, no one was allowed to disturb.

"Senior sister..."

Hearing Bai Ziran's words that could not be refused, the disciples around him hesitated, and some disciples slowly retreated, which shows how much power Bai Ziran has in Daotian Sect.

Bai Ziran and Hong Yanran were picked up by Dao Lintian, who had already treated them as his own daughters.

Generally, Dao Lintian was in retreat, so the two sisters usually walked in Daotian Sect on his behalf.

Sometimes, the two sisters had more power than the elders.

So, these disciples were so afraid of Bai Ziran.

Seeing the disciples leave one by one, Bai Ziran simply sat cross-legged next to the golden light ball.

Just then, a thousand-foot-high rosy glow lit up in front of him, shining on the sky, and accompanied by a pressure, a figure walked out of the rosy glow.

Seeing this young man, the disciples who were about to leave stopped and watched.

"Li Qing, what are you doing here?"

Bai Ziran frowned.

"Such a big thing happened in the sect, and it even alarmed the entire Central Region. Countless forces are secretly preparing to make a move."

"As the next head of the Daotian Sect, shouldn't I come and take a look?"

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