You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2266 Mysterious Place-A Hundred Years Passed Quickly

Bai Ziran came to the golden light again, sitting cross-legged beside it like a bodyguard.

In this way, time passed day by day, and Bai Ziran never left.

As time passed, the pressure from the golden light became heavier, and even Bai Ziran could not bear it.

In this way, a hundred years passed.

During this hundred years, Bai Ziran kept his eyes closed and did not move, which could be regarded as a deep retreat.

During this period, countless people from various forces came to investigate, and finally under pressure, Bai Ziran did not stop them and let them study, but they were all repelled by the pressure of the light.

In the end, there were even strong men who wanted to take the light ball away and study it alone, but they were finally repelled by Dao Lintian with the treasure of Daotian Sect.

Since then, the past hundred years have been stable, and the real strong men have no problem asking.

Because of the breath on that day, those with low cultivation may only know that the strong men have come, but the real powerful men feel something different.

That was a realm they were striving for. Since then, the real strong men did not even dare to step into Yangzhou.

They were afraid that the terrifying aura would come again.

"When will you wake up?"

Bai Ziran, dressed in white, stood in the golden light ball and murmured. She had been silently guarding Ye Lin for a hundred years, and in a hundred years, the golden light ball had not changed at all.

The only change was that the aura became stronger.

Crack... Crack...

A series of crisp sounds spread throughout the world. In Bai Ziran's surprised eyes, cracks appeared on the light ball. As the cracks became more and more, they finally covered the entire light ball.

The next moment, the golden light ball shattered, and in it stood a naked man bathed in golden light. This man was Ye Lin.

Bai Ziran looked at the naked Ye Lin without any shyness, but only curiosity.

After all, at her level, there was nothing she had not seen.

The next moment, Ye Lin opened his eyes slightly and saw Bai Ziran, who was full of curiosity at first sight.

Looking at himself naked, Ye Lin smiled and waved his hand, wrapping himself in a blood-red robe.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, thank you for your protection for a hundred years."

Ye Lin smiled. Although he fell into a deep sleep, he knew everything Bai Ziran did, and even knew everything that happened in the outside world.

Bai Ziran was able to protect him for a hundred years, which made him very moved.

"Elder Ye, the breath on your body..."

Bai Ziran was shocked. She suddenly couldn't feel the slightest breath of Ye Lin.

Ye Lin was like a huge abyss that made people wonder how deep it was.

Ye Lin just smiled slightly and didn't explain Bai Ziran's shock.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, you've worked hard."

Ye Lin took out a black gun tip from the space ring. This was a fragment of the Supreme Weapon. It was just a reward to repay this cause and effect.

He couldn't use the fragment of the Supreme Weapon because he had the real Supreme Weapon.

He would study his Supreme Weapon carefully some other day.


After a moment of silence, Bai Ziran took Ye Lin's gift, but a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Once this item is accepted, it also means that the hundred years of kindness will be written off.

"Oh? Let's go, the sect leader has something to say to me."

Suddenly, Ye Lin didn't know what he noticed, and smiled at Bai Ziran.

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