You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2223 Mysterious Place-Meet Xiao Anxin Again

A gentle voice came, and An Xin immediately turned around and saw Ye Lin walking towards him step by step from high above.

The moment he saw Ye Lin, An Xin couldn't bear it anymore. Tears burst into his eyes, and he quickly ran forward and hugged Ye Lin.

"Master, my mother is dead."

An Xin hugged Ye Lin, and her tears directly soaked Ye Lin's clothes.

Seeing An Xin so helpless, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with complexity, and for a moment, An Ran's figure appeared in his mind.

He also knew that once the small mountain village was destroyed, it would only be a matter of time before the mother and son died.

Because two mortals have no fixed residence in this world and wander around, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

But he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"How did you get here? As far as I know, the distance from here to your home is very long. At the very least, an ordinary mortal would have to walk a lifetime."

Ye Lin touched An Xin's head and said in a gentle voice.

"I don't know, my mother and I were wandering in the jungle, but one night, we encountered a monster. I had a fight with the monster, but I couldn't defeat it. In desperation, my mother went on her own to save me. One person leads the monster away."

"Before I could run, I felt my eyes go dark. When I opened my eyes again, I was around here. I didn't know where it was."

"And after I opened my eyes, I found something in my arms. Just as I was looking at it carefully, I met these two people. They kept saying that the thing in my hand was theirs, and they couldn't wait to kill me."

Listening to An Xin's words, Ye Lin sighed, now is no longer the time to worry about those things.

It must be a fate that An Xin can come here and meet him.

"Well, maybe your mother is not dead yet."

Ye Lin comforted softly.

"Not dead? Really, Master?"

Suddenly, An Xin raised his head and stared at Ye Lin with his big eyes.

"After all, you haven't seen your mother's body, have you? If you haven't seen the body, don't make such a simple conclusion. You have to remember one thing, seeing is believing."

"If you don't see it, there is no result, you know?"

Ye Lin comforted in a soft voice. He didn't know why he could be so patient with little Anxin in front of him.

However, the two of them were so far apart that they could meet again. Isn't this a kind of fate?

"Master, this is what my mother gave me."

At this time, An Xin carefully took out a green bracelet from her arms.

Ye Lin's face froze the moment he saw the bracelet. He could feel that something was wrong with the bracelet, but he couldn't tell.

"Since it's yours, take it well."

"Have you thought about the next step?"

Looking at An Xin, Ye Lin finally sighed.

This is also a miserable child.

"Master, can I follow you? I promise, I will never cause trouble. I want to practice with you. I want to kill all the monsters in the world to avenge my mother."

An Xin's eyes were firmer than ever before at this moment. He looked at Ye Lin like this, his eyes full of perseverance.

"Kill all the monsters in the world? What a beautiful wish."

Ye Lin touched An Xin's head and recalled, "How can the great monster in the world be so easy to kill?"

But at this moment, Ye Lin felt compassion for this child.

"In that case, that's all. It's a kind of fate that you and I meet again."

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