You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2222 Mysterious Place-Slightly Angry Ye Lin

After walking out of the door, Li Shanchang turned around and looked at the hall behind him, with a sneer on his face.

"Ye Lin, Ye Lin, although I don't know you, you are too arrogant. Do you really think you are invincible? You should never come to this Central Region."

"Then let me give you the first delicacy."

Li Shanchang left with a wave of his sleeves, while Ye Lin did not move at all.

He wanted to see what tricks Li Shanchang wanted to play, and to respond to all changes with the same.

One day later, Ye Lin sat cross-legged in the hall and suddenly felt something was wrong, so he got up and opened the hall to the outside world.

As soon as he went out, he smelled a strong smell of blood. When he looked again, he saw Qingming Mingyue and the others lying neatly at the door of the hall.

All his five servants died.

During this period, he did not notice anything.

Although he had no feelings for these five people, this move was tantamount to slapping him, Ye Lin, in the face.

He slapped his face with a loud slap.

"Good... good... very good."

Ye Lin's face was as gloomy as water.

He looked around and stood up to leave Daotian Sect. He must be under the surveillance of Li Shanchang now. He decided to use himself as bait to lure Li Shanchang.

After leaving Daotian Sect, Ye Lin walked alone in the sky with his hands behind his back, stepping on the void step by step, slowly and leisurely admiring the beautiful scenery below.

There are waterfalls that flow thousands of miles, and there are mountains and rivers that stretch as far as the eye can see.

This world is beautiful, so beautiful.

However, Ye Lin wandered around for three hours without any movement.

"It seems that you still don't have the courage, and you can only use those dirty means?"

Ye Lin stood alone in the air and murmured. Li Shanchang did not appear from beginning to end.

Suddenly, Ye Lin's eyes pierced through the void and looked into the woods below.

"Boy, hand over the thing in your hand, otherwise, we will let you experience the most cruel punishment in the world."

"Yes, boy, hand it over, and suffer less."

In a bush, two masked strong men with long knives in their hands surrounded a little boy who was less than 1.5 meters tall.

The little boy stood in place, holding a long sword tightly in his right hand. There was no fear on his little face, only determination.

"That's obviously my thing. Killing people for treasures is so clear and unworldly."

"You want the things, you can kill me."

The little boy took the lead and stabbed the person in front of him with the long sword in his hand like lightning.

But the strong man reacted faster than him. Before his sword arrived, the strong man had reacted and immediately raised the long sword to block his chest.


The long swords collided with each other and made a crisp sound, and the tips of the swords rubbed out a little spark.

The next moment, the little boy was kicked away by the strong man, and his small body hit the tree trunk behind him.

"Hmph, a thing with no hair yet."

"Kill him."

The two strong men approached the little boy step by step. They raised their long knives and chopped at the little boy. The little boy's right leg was already soaked in blood, and it was obvious that he had been seriously injured before.

At this time, he had no strength to move, and just watched the long knife fall towards him.

"Mom, I can't avenge you."


A loud noise sounded, and the little boy was startled. He saw a purple lightning flash in front of him, and the two strong men in front of him disappeared directly on the spot, and were directly evaporated by the thunder.

"What's going on? Why are you here?"

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