You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2224 Mysterious Place-Encounter

"Let's go, you can follow me from now on."

"But the premise is that I am not your master, not even in this life. I have never acknowledged you."

"When I think you can protect yourself, I will drive you away without mercy. You have to think carefully."

Ye Lin explained solemnly, and An Xin nodded heavily without any hesitation. It was not known whether he heard Ye Lin's words.

But for Ye Lin, it's not a big deal.

"In that case, let's go."

After saying that, Ye Lin took An Xin's hand and walked towards Dao Tianzong.

Is fate really so magical? Is there any invisible line of fate between him and An Xin?

If this was not man-made, it must have been some kind of luck. Destiny was at work. Ye Lin never believed in coincidences.

The distance from the small mountain village to here is enough for a mortal to walk for a lifetime.

In this way, Ye Lin led An Xin to his dojo, casually taught An Xin a few martial arts skills, and then let him practice.

After not seeing each other for so long, An Xin's Taoist cultivation has entered the early stage of foundation building.

"Master, how do you practice this?"

"Master, this is so difficult."

"Master, I am in the middle stage of foundation building."

Listening to An Xin's words, Ye Lin's head was almost pounding. An Xin would come to him whenever he encountered something he didn't understand.

Master on the left and Master on the right, it seems that he did not listen to what he said before.

However, his talent is also excellent. Under Ye Lin's guidance, he went from the early stage of foundation building to the middle stage of foundation building in just half a month.

But that day, when Ye Lin was teaching An Xin, Bai Ziran came here.

"Huh? Elder Ye, who is this kid? Is he your disciple?"

Bai Ziran stepped on the ground and immediately saw An Xin who was practicing hard.

"No, he's just the son of an old friend."

Ye Lin shook his head lightly.

"By the way, what do you want from me?"

Ye Lin opened his eyes and stood up. Under normal circumstances, his relationship with Bai Ziran was okay, but Bai Ziran usually wouldn't come to him if nothing happened.

"Elder Ye, a secret realm suddenly appeared thousands of miles away. It is said that it is a true fairy secret realm. Now countless forces are rushing there with their disciples."

"What the sect master means is that we also take the disciples to practice and practice. It is said that the secret realm can only be entered by those in the fairyland."

"This time, we are taking the outer disciples with us. The people leading the team are you and me, Yang Xiu."

"Master Master asked me to ask you what you want. If you don't want to, then forget it."

Bai Ziran said softly, but from time to time her eyes would be on An Xin who was practicing hard aside.

An Xin, who was in deep cultivation, didn't notice Bai Ziran's existence at all.

Ye Lin was here to protect him, so he felt relieved and fell directly into deep cultivation.

He has great trust in Ye Lin.

"Oh? In that case, let me go and have a look too. I happen to be tired from staying too."

Ye Lin smiled and said that wherever there was Yang Xiu, he would be there. He wanted to see the attitudes of Li Shanchang and Yang Xiu this time to see if those two people were really working together.

"That would be great, but without further ado, we have to get going as soon as possible."

Bai Ziran smiled, obviously very happy.

"Well, wait a minute, let me settle this little guy first."

Ye Lin brought An Xin into the main hall, and then gave a few instructions to An Xin before raising his hand to place a ban on the main hall.

Although it was just a casual arrangement, it would take a lot of effort for the immortal to break through.

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