You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2211 Mysterious Place-Time Bomb

The identity of the young man in front of him had already been known. He was Li Shanchang, the man who would assassinate Yang Xiu in half a year.

In this way, the disciple-recruiting meeting passed little by little. Some people were happy and some left with disappointment.

Those who passed had just experienced the first level. Next, the suffering they faced had just begun.

Cultivation is against the will of heaven, how could it be so easy.

In the end, Ye Lin still had no beast for a disciple. As for the reason given, it was that fate had not arrived yet. Bai Ziran and Hong Yanran had nothing to say.

After all, after entering the fairyland, everyone believed in fate. When fate arrived, it would come naturally.

Ye Lin's reason was impeccable.

"Oh, by the way, this little thing is for you."

Suddenly, Ye Lin took out two pills from his arms.

"Elder Ye, this is..."

Bai Ziran and Hong Yanran took the pills and said with doubts.

"This is the Rejuvenating Pill, which is made with special techniques and various treasures of heaven and earth. I got it from a secret realm."

"Although this pill is of no use to you, I will keep it as a little gadget."

Ye Lin said with a smile.

"Thank you, Elder Ye. I like this little gadget very much."

"Me too. By the way, Elder Ye, according to reliable information, a demon king has just been born in the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range. I am afraid that there will be chaos during this period."

"So, in a month, we will go to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range to investigate. If Elder Ye is free, we can go together."

"It is said that the reason why the demon king broke through was with the help of a secret treasure of the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range."

Listening to Bai Ziran's mysterious words, Ye Lin smiled and nodded.

"Okay, you can come to me when you take action. After all, I have nothing to do now."

"Okay, it's a deal. We will come to you when the time comes."

Yang Xiu, who was standing aside, felt mixed emotions when he saw this scene. He had been trying hard to please the two senior sisters, and the two senior sisters also treated him like a dear brother.

But what he wanted was not a brother, and this relationship was earned by his daily favorability.

On the contrary, Ye Lin did nothing to make the two senior sisters so fond of him, and the two senior sisters did not even inform him in advance of the trip to the Ten Thousand Demons Mountains.

This hurt him deeply.

And Yang Xiu's little move was naturally seen by Ye Lin, which was also part of his plan.

It is best to build a good relationship with the two women in front of Yang Xiu.

No matter how cautious Yang Xiu is, there will always be a moment when he is upset.

When he is upset, it is useless to be so cautious.

In the end, he wants to make Yang Xiu's heart collapse.

This is a heart-killing plan.

"Well, see you later."

"See you later."

After saying that, the two women waved to Ye Lin, smiled and nodded at Yang Xiu, and turned to leave.

"Elder Ye, I will leave first."


Seeing the two women leave, Yang Xiu also left.

In this way, only Ye Lin and Mingyue were left at the original place.

Ye Lin looked at the backs of Yang Xiu and Li Shanshi and fell into deep thought.

"Mingyue, do you know Yang Xiu?"

Suddenly, Ye Lin asked.

"Ah? Elder, Mingyue also knows a little bit."

"More than a hundred years ago, Senior Brother Yang Xiu suddenly fell from the sky and fell straight into our Daotian Sect, falling into the Sect Master's Hall like a meteor. At that time, even the Sect Master who was in retreat was alarmed."

"After the Sect Master finally found Yang Xiu, he only said one sentence."

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