You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2212 Mysterious Place - Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range

"It seems that Senior Brother Yang Xiu is a star from heaven who came down to earth, and finally personally accepted Senior Brother Yang Xiu as his personal disciple."

"Since then, Senior Brother Yang Xiu has settled down in Wudao Tianzong. As for the rest, I don't know."

Listening to Mingyue's words, Ye Lin chuckled. It is said that people with high cultivation can see the fate line of the cultivator.

The thicker the fate line, the better the luck of the person, and the more extraordinary the future. He is a person with great blessings.

But now Ye Lin, who is at the peak of the immortal, can only see some superficial things.

Presumably, the leader of the Daotian Sect saw something extraordinary from Yang Xiu.

Maybe he was shocked by Yang Xiu's luck. After all, he will definitely be a Daluo Jinxian in the future.

A true transcendent power.

"Let's go back."

During this period, a month passed very peacefully. Nothing happened, and Ye Lin was in seclusion.

The disciples of Daotian Sect also wanted to test the new elder, so during this period, many disciples came to Ye Lin to ask about his cultivation.

In order to play the role, Ye Lin naturally accepted all the visitors, and answered the questions of these disciples one by one, which also earned him a very good reputation.

In this way, gradually, Ye Lin's name spread widely in Daotian Sect.

After all, the eight elders of Daotian Sect were in seclusion all day long, and it was difficult for even their disciples to see them, let alone others.

Ye Lin's spirit of accepting all visitors successfully won the hearts of the people.

Yang Xiu, who was secretly paying attention to Ye Lin, had completely dispelled his doubts about Ye Lin.

After all, this is a normal phenomenon.

On this day, Ye Lin's peaceful life was broken, and Bai Ziran and Hong Yanran came to Ye Lin's dojo hand in hand.

"Elder Ye, we are here."

Bai Ziran opened Ye Lin's hall and said with a smile.

During this month, she had also looked for Ye Lin several times, asking Ye Lin about his cultivation problems and discussing cultivation together.

During this period, the relationship between the two became better and better.

Although Ye Lin's cultivation was the same as hers, his understanding of cultivation was much higher than hers.

"What? Is there any news from the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range?"

Ye Lin dismissed the five servants in front of him, and the five servants left with gratitude on their faces.

On weekdays, Ye Lin would preach to the five of them when he was free, which caused their strength to rise like a rocket.

They were grateful to Ye Lin from the bottom of their hearts.

"Yes, there is news, and according to reliable sources, the demon king in the Wan Yao Mountain Range has begun to gather various demon beasts to attack the human cities in our Daotian Sect's territory."

"The demon king has the cultivation of a true immortal, and the true immortals of our Daotian Sect cannot be transferred at present, so this time the sect master just asked us to observe the demon king's movements first."

Bai Ziran said with a serious face. She found that she was really tired. She was only in the middle stage of the celestial immortal. The last time she faced a troll at the peak of the celestial immortal, she almost died in the hands of the troll.

And this time? The difficulty directly increased exponentially, directly to the true immortal.

I have to say that it is really tiring, but there is no way. In this huge Daotian Sect, there are still many celestial immortals, not to mention the true immortals. But the master can give this matter to them, which can be regarded as valuing them.

"Oh? Will fellow Daoist Yang Xiu go?"

Ye Lin said in surprise.

It seems that he is surprised by the great demon of the true immortal.

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