You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2210 Mysterious Place-Disciple Recruitment Conference

As for mortals, it doesn't matter.

For cultivators, once they accept a disciple, it means that they have to bear the cause and effect, and they need to bear this cause and effect themselves.

There are many troubles, and Ye Lin is also a person who hates troubles, so it's good to be alone, quiet.

"Four... four seniors, please accept me as a disciple."

At this time, a young man suddenly came to Ye Lin and knelt down and cried. His body was full of scars, without the slightest aura of cultivation, just an ordinary mortal.

And there was an extremely terrifying scar on his leg.

This kind of scar is fatal to a mortal, and one careless may lose this leg.

"Stand up and talk."

Yang Xiu frowned and waved his hand. The terrifying scar on the young man's leg was restored to its original state in an instant, and the injuries on the young man's body were also restored to their original state.

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

The young man immediately got up and thanked.

"Tell me."

Yang Xiu said lightly.

"Four immortal masters, I come from a small mountain village a hundred miles away from here. My family of four originally lived a happy life, and I also had a fiancée."

"I thought my life was perfect, but in the end, our village welcomed a group of mountain bandits. They started burning, killing and looting without saying a word, and killed anyone they saw."

"My parents, my neighbors, and my relatives all died under their knives, and my fiancée was also raped to death by the mountain bandits for me."

"I will never forget the look in her eyes when she died, I will never forget it."

"I ran away, I left there, and on the way to escape, I accidentally heard that Daotian Sect was recruiting disciples, so I came here."

"I am not willing to give up, I want to cultivate immortality, I want to practice, I want to become stronger, to avenge my parents, to avenge her, and to avenge my relatives."

"Please accept me as a disciple, immortal master."

The young man knelt down and cried again. In a short time, he was in tears and even sobbed.

He knelt on the ground motionless.

This scene attracted the attention of all the disciples around, and even the young men and women who came to worship him had a trace of pity in their eyes.

The life of this young man was not pitiful, because there were people in this world who had a worse life than him.

It was a sin for mortals to live.

For example, it was not uncommon for a cultivator to destroy a mortal kingdom with a slap when he was in a bad mood.

Who would make decisions for mortals?

If they died, they died. Even if a kingdom was destroyed and billions of mortals were killed, no one would care, because after a few decades or hundreds of years, a new mortal kingdom would be established.

Yang Xiu, who was standing next to Ye Lin, had a trace of pity in his eyes. How similar was the experience of this young man to his own? He was like this at the beginning.

Later, he suffered all the sufferings in the world, and finally achieved such cultivation in the end.

Who knows the hardships and tiredness he has experienced during this period? Who cares?

"I can promise you, but I won't accept you as my disciple. I can teach you to practice. When you have practiced successfully, we will have nothing to do with each other."

"Are you willing?"

Yang Xiu said in a deep voice. Obviously, he was unwilling to bear the consequences.

Perhaps he accepted the young man as his disciple for his former self.

Perhaps he saw his former self in the young man?

"Thank you, Master, thank you, Master."

The young man immediately came to Yang Xiu's feet and kowtowed repeatedly, and was finally helped up by Yang Xiu.

Ye Lin's mouth corners slightly raised.

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