You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2207 Mysterious Place-Yang Xiu's Shock

"Ninth Elder?!!"

Inside a cave, Yang Xiu looked at his disciple in shock.

"Yes, senior brother, according to reliable information, our new ninth elder is named Ye Lin, who was appointed by the sect master himself, and will hold a succession ceremony in person in three days."

Listening to his junior brother's report, Yang Xiu paced back and forth on the ground with his hands folded, frowning.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? I originally thought that he would leave on his own after waking up, why is he now the ninth elder?"

"Something is wrong, nine out of ten things are wrong, how is it possible?"

Yang Xiu frowned and muttered to himself, why? Why did he become the ninth elder?

Suddenly, Yang Xiu closed his eyes, from the beginning of meeting Ye Lin to the end when Ye Lin was seriously injured and came to Daotian Sect, scenes played in front of him like a movie.

"Go quickly, check Ye Lin's identity for me."

"I'll give you one day to find out his address and specific identity."

Yang Xiu pointed at the disciple in front of him and said solemnly. He couldn't find anything wrong, but it was wrong. He couldn't explain the feeling.

It was that feeling.

"Yes, brother, don't worry. I'm a professional in investigating information."

The disciple in front of him hurried down after saying that.

"Why did you become an elder? I hope it's not what I guessed, otherwise..."

Yang Xiu stood there, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

That day, Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes and stood up to the outside world. Outside the door, Mingyue was waiting alone. When he saw Ye Lin coming out, he hurried forward to salute.

"If my guess is correct, today should be my succession ceremony, right? Let's go, lead the way."

Ye Lin rubbed his palm and said with a smile.

"Of course, elder, please."

Mingyue led Ye Lin all the way to the inner door.

Daotian Sect seemed like a closed world, with endless mountains and many monsters living in them.

Not even a single disciple could be seen.

After walking for half an hour, Ye Lin finally saw a stretch of palaces.

The palaces stretched one after another, and in the center was a huge square.

The square was crowded with young girls and young men.

In the center of the square was a high platform, on which stood a beautiful woman, with a red pillar more than one meter high next to her, on which was a token and a long whip.

Mingyue brought Ye Lin to the high platform, then bowed to Ye Lin and stood beside him.

"Inner disciple, Shenyue greets the elder."

The woman on the high platform bowed to Ye Lin, then picked up the token and long whip on the pillar in front of her.

"Elder, this is your identity token, and this is the God-beating Whip."

"This God-beating Whip is a must-have for every elder. If an elder finds that a disciple of the sect has violated the sect's rules, he can directly use the God-beating Whip to teach him a lesson. During this period, no one can stop him."

Ye Lin took the two things handed over by Shen Yue and nodded slightly, then his eyes surveyed the disciples below.

Finally, in the crowd, he found Yang Xiu, who was dressed in purple and stood in the middle of the crowd, and behind him followed three disciples. It was vague that the three disciples respected him.

Seeing Ye Lin's eyes sweeping over, Yang Xiu nodded slightly, and Ye Lin just nodded slightly and looked away.

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