You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2206 Mysterious Place - Bright Moon, Fresh Wind, Morning Clouds, Walking on Snow, Looking fo

The reason why she helped Ye Lin so much was because she and Ye Lin were in a cooperative relationship.

Moreover, if Ye Lin entered the realm of True Immortal and turned against her, she would be confident enough to escape from Ye Lin's hands. After all, she escaped alive from the pursuit of three True Immortals.

Moreover, once Ye Lin left here, there would be no place for Ye Lin to survive in the entire Galaxy Universe. Even in the vast Galaxy Universe, it was not impossible for her to kill someone.

Therefore, she did not believe from the bottom of her heart that Ye Lin would turn against her.

First, the income was not proportional to the input. Once Ye Lin turned against her, not only could he not kill her, but he would also be hunted down by countless powerful forces in the entire Galaxy Universe, and even by Taiyi Jinxian himself.

Second, if Ye Lin cooperated with her, Ye Lin would get the favor and even help of the only daughter of Taiyi Jinxian, and even get the attention of Taiyi Jinxian, who stood at the top of the Galaxy Universe.

The interests involved were so important that even a child would know how to choose.

"Okay, let's contact each other later."

Ye Lin smiled and cut off the contact with Li Wushuang.

"Mingyue, Qingfeng, Xiaoyun, Taxue, Xunmei pay homage to the Ninth Elder."

At this time, five clear and powerful voices came from outside the hall.

"Come in."

When Ye Lin heard the voice, he knew that the five servants assigned to him had come.

The next moment, the hall was slowly opened, and three women and two young men came slowly. When they came to Ye Lin, the five people bowed to Ye Lin.

"Ninth Elder, I am Mingyue."

"I am Qingfeng."

"I am Xiaoyun."

"I am Taxue."

"I am Xunmei."

Mingyue, Qingfeng, Xunmei are all women, only Xiaoyun and Taxue are men.

"Ninth Elder, from today on, we will be responsible for everything here. If you have anything, you can tell us as much as you want."

Listening to Mingyue's clear voice, Ye Lin nodded secretly. These five people looked good in appearance and temperament, but the only flaw was their loyalty.

Perhaps, among them there are people sent by Yang Xiu, because according to the panel, Yang Xiu is a severe old six.

If he were Yang Xiu, he would definitely send one of his own people beside him.

Because this is to ensure his own safety.

Different places have different means.

If Yang Xiu was a local, he would definitely not think of him like this, but Yang Xiu is a genius of the Galaxy Universe, and he is also a genius who has cultivated to the peak of the celestial being as a casual cultivator.

To be able to cultivate to the peak of the celestial being alive, there is no doubt about the means, and any slight movement can arouse his vigilance.

"Okay, you guys retreat first. After three days, one of you will take me to the inner gate and take me to get familiar with the Daotian Sect."

Ye Lin waved his hand and said in a deep voice, which was considered to have started to drive people away.

"Yes, elder."

The five people bowed to Ye Lin and slowly retreated, and at the same time, they had already started to find work for themselves.

After all, they would not forget the purpose of their coming here, which was to serve the new elder.

After all, the things squeezed out of the elders' fingernails are enough for them to use for a lifetime. As long as they please the elders, they will have a bright future.

Being able to be a servant means that their talents are not very good, and the only way out is to please their masters.

Watching the five people leave, Ye Lin began to close his eyes and rest. All this was just to pass the time. After all, hard practice is useless for him now.

Even if he is now at the peak of the celestial immortal, according to his talent, hard practice will take at least 100,000 years to start, and he will enter the realm of the true immortal after 100,000 years of hard practice in seclusion.

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