You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2208 Mysterious Place-Goodbye Yang Xiu

After three days of investigation, Yang Xiu temporarily ruled out Ye Lin's identity as a prodigy of the Galaxy Universe.

Because Ye Lin did not meet the requirements in various places, according to Bai Ziran, Ye Lin came from other states and came here to avoid being hunted down.

He had to believe this statement, because in this way, he had no place to investigate if he wanted to, and he just hoped that he was overthinking.

Since he came here, his suspicion has become more serious, and he always feels that everyone wants to kill him.

"We pay our respects to the elders."

The disciples below bowed to Ye Lin apologetically. This is the succession ceremony of each elder, just to make everyone familiar with the face, so that everyone can see the new elder and remember it.

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings later.

"Get up, don't be so polite."

Ye Lin said with a smile. This is just a small scene. After all, he was the master of the sect.

"Ninth Elder, today is not only your succession ceremony, but also the day when my Daotian Sect recruits disciples."

Shen Yue said slightly.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Ye Lin raised his eyebrows.

"Every ten years, our Daotian Sect recruits disciples in the entire Yangzhou area, and today is the day to recruit disciples."

"According to the Sect Master's meaning, you also need to find a few disciples that you like."

Shen Yue said slightly, after all, each of the eight elders in the inner sect of Daotian Sect has more or less a few disciples under his command.

As a new elder, it would be unreasonable for Ye Lin not to recruit a few disciples.

"Okay, let's go and take a look."

Ye Lin nodded and said, since he came here, he should follow the rules.

Seeing the end of the succession ceremony, the disciples below dispersed and went to do their own things. They were very busy, and they squeezed out time to come here to participate in the elder succession ceremony.

In a few minutes, the square below, which was originally crowded with people, became extremely empty.

"Congratulations, fellow Taoist."

"Oh no, it should be called elder now."

At this time, Yang Xiu brought the people behind him to Ye Lin and smiled and saluted Ye Lin.

As a comrade who had fought side by side with him before, if he didn't come up to congratulate him at this time, he would appear to be ignorant.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, fellow Taoist, I am just an elder with a nominal title."

Ye Lin stepped forward and personally helped Yang Xiu up, and the two seemed to be very close.

Name: Yang Xiu

Cultivation: Peak of Heavenly Immortal

Fate: Taoist

Race: Human

Identity: An ordinary casual cultivator, but if you despise him for this, you will definitely pay a huge price.

Numerology: [Rat hiding in the dark] [Comprehension is divine] [Unparalleled combat power] [Words come true]

Destiny: Enter the realm of Daluo transcendence, and finally leave the galaxy universe to explore a more mysterious world.

Recent opportunities: At the next disciple-recruiting conference, he accepted a young man named Li Shanchang as his follower, but who would have thought that Li Shanchang was a genius from the Galaxy Universe. Half a year later, on a dark and quiet night, Li Shanchang attacked him brazenly, but who would have thought that he underestimated Yang Xiu's cultivation and was killed by Yang Xiu. In the end, he inherited Li Shanchang's cultivation and successfully entered the realm of half-step true immortal.

[Rat hiding in the shadows]: Born with a very cautious personality, he likes to leave all kinds of back roads for everything he does, never do things he is not sure of, and likes to backstab people behind.

[Comprehension and Divine]: His comprehension is extremely amazing, and he can usually see through all the skills at a glance.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: He is extremely keen in combat, and his combat awareness has never been matched by anyone in the past and present. If he is entangled by him, it will definitely be a nightmare.

[Words come true]: Born with supernatural powers, words come true, and good advice.

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