"Xuanjin is an important material used to create earth-level spiritual weapons. Its hardness is self-evident. Ordinary mortal fire cannot melt it."

Looking at the Xuanjin in his hand, Ye Lin fell into deep thought.

Not to mention the mysterious gold in his hand, even the yellow-grade high-grade long sword in his hand cannot be melted by ordinary flames. If he wants to melt the mysterious gold in his hand into the long sword, he must ask a weapon refiner to take action.

"Sun Moon City is extremely vast, let's see if we can find the weapon refiner."

After thinking about it, Ye Lin started looking for the weapon refiner in Sun Moon City.

Sun Moon City is a large city that can accommodate millions of people, and there are countless practitioners in it. It is impossible to find talented people.

After turning halfway, Ye Lin finally found a place.

This is an extremely dilapidated blacksmith shop. Why is it said to be extremely dilapidated? Because even the door of the blacksmith shop in front of me is broken, and there is a big hole in the roof. It looks extremely shabby.

If it weren't for the three big characters written on the plaque, Ye Lin would have thought it was a slum.

Walking in along the gate, all you see is a small workshop and an old man lying on the ground drinking.

"Get out, I'm closed here. If you want to build something, find another place."

Looking at Ye Lin walking in, the old man waved his hand casually and said.

Looking at the old man in front of him, a transparent panel appeared in front of Ye Lin's eyes.

Name: Zhang Si

Cultivation level: Foundation building stage

Fate: white

Numerology: [Item Refiner] (Level 2)

Destiny: Guarding the dilapidated blacksmith shop all his life and ending in depression.

Recent opportunities: None

[Weapon Refiner]: You are born with divine power and are born to be the leader in weapon training. When it comes to weapon training, you are always ahead of ordinary people.

Looking at the panel in front of him, Ye Lin was shocked. He didn't expect that he would actually find the weapon refiner.

Weapon refiners or alchemists are divided into levels one to nine, with level one being the lowest and level nine being the highest.

"Senior, I've been looking around this city, but I haven't found anyone with real skills. You are the last one."

"I wonder if senior would be willing to do this favor for junior? I will definitely repay you generously afterwards."

After saying that, Ye Lin took out the long sword and Xuanjin and placed them in front of the old man. Seeing this, the old man's originally cloudy eyes lit up slightly.

"Xuanjin is a good thing. As long as you find all the materials, you can create an earth-level spiritual weapon. You are really willing to give it up."

Seeing Ye Lin take out Xuanjin and the long sword, Zhang Si already knew what this guy wanted to do.

Hearing this, Ye Lin showed a wry smile. The materials of the earth-level spiritual weapons were all extremely precious. How could he find them?

"Senior, please."

Seeing Ye Lin bowing to him, Zhang Si nodded secretly. The appearance of his blacksmith shop had already defeated countless people, and he had never met such a junior who understood etiquette.

"In that case, old man, I will help this young man of yours. When things are done, I need a medium-grade spiritual stone."

After Zhang Si finished speaking, Ye Lin was slightly shocked, but he still nodded silently.

Although mid-grade spiritual stones are precious, they are hard to find for a weapon refiner, and even more difficult to ask a weapon refiner to take action.

"Okay, one hour."

After Zhang Si finished speaking, he put away the wine bottle in his hand, picked up the long sword and black gold and came to the workshop. In an instant, a blue flame appeared on the table.

Zhang Si methodically threw the mysterious gold into it and started refining it.

An hour later, Zhang Si was already sweating profusely.


As Zhang Si shouted, the blue flame disappeared, and a long sword with cold light lay in it.

"Low-grade Xuan level, not bad."

Looking at the long sword, Zhang Si stroked his beard and smiled. He was a second-level weapon refiner, and refining earth-level materials was still a bit difficult for him.

"Thank you, senior."

Seeing this, Ye Lin was overjoyed and immediately took out a medium-grade spiritual stone and handed it to Zhang Si.

"No, you provide the money and I provide the effort."

After Zhang Si put away the spirit stone, he lay down on the ground and began to fall asleep. Ye Lin picked up the long sword and put it into the space ring before walking out of the blacksmith shop.

"Now that I have the assistance of a low-grade Xuan-level long sword, I can still be invincible even if Zhang Xiao is more powerful."

Walking on the road, Ye Lin murmured.

At present, he has many methods and is not afraid of Zhang Xiao at all. As long as Zhang Xiao dares to take action, he will definitely be able to capture him.

"It's time to return to the sect. There is still the opportunity of Niu Bo."

On the way, the corners of Ye Lin's mouth raised.

Along the way, he hurriedly walked towards Qingyun Sect. When he reached the foot of the mountain, it was already dark and the moon hung high above his head.

Halfway through, Ye Lin suddenly stopped and looked around.


Ye Lin pretended, with the sixth level of spiritual power surging all over his body. He looked around, and he seemed to be ready to take action immediately.

"The alertness is quite high. Sixth level of Qi training? Yes, but just six levels of Qi training is not enough."

At this time, a young man in a robe walked out of the night.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Ye Lin looked solemn.

Name: Wang Yun

Cultivation: Sixth level of Qi training

Fate: White

Numerology: [exceptionally intelligent]

Fate: After three months, he went down the mountain to slay the demon, and died after being sucked dry of blood by the demon.

Recent opportunity: I went to Sheshan Mountain for training half a month later, and accidentally discovered a cave, and found a high-grade Xuanjie spiritual fire in the cave.

[Extraordinary intelligence]: You are very smart. You always think before doing things, and you can always use your clever mind to avert danger after encountering a crisis.

Looking at the life panel of the person in front of him, Ye Lin smacked his lips. The spiritual fire is the fire nurtured by heaven and earth.

Whether it is alchemy or weapon training, spiritual fire is needed for support. Spiritual fire is extremely precious. A Xuan-level top-grade one is worth at least three top-grade spiritual stones. Even so, it is hard to find.

"Who I am is not important. What is important is that you can hide your cultivation and not be afraid of Zhang Xiao. The gap between the sixth and eighth levels of Qi training is like a natural moat."

Wang Yun finished speaking and was about to leave. The next moment, he was stopped by Ye Lin.

"You already know my cultivation. You must die."

Ye Lin showed murderous intent, and his spiritual power rolled all over his body, showing his murderous intent.

"Humph, I want to leave, you have to be able to stop me."

Seeing this, Wang Yun snorted disdainfully, circulated the spiritual energy in his body, and quickly disappeared into the night with an extremely strange body movement.

Watching Wang Yun leave, Ye Lin recovered his cultivation into his body.

"Exploring? A trick."

Ye Lin sneered and walked towards Qingyun Sect.

Although he and Zhang Xiao had never fought, he knew from the panel that Zhang Xiao was a cautious person. Such a cautious person would definitely carry out an investigation.

So when he left Qingyun Sect in the morning, he had already suppressed his cultivation to the sixth level of Qi training, just to confuse the people who came to investigate.

The reason why he let Wang Yun go now was to let him go back and inform him. Once he killed Wang Yun now, Zhang Xiao would definitely not take action, and it would be extremely troublesome later.

His actions also responded to the future events on the panel.

"Sixth level of Qi training? Humph, is this what you rely on? On the surface, it is the fourth level of Qi training, but in fact it is the sixth level of Qi training."

"It's only been half a year since I started, and in just half a year, you have stepped from a mortal to the sixth level of Qi training. What treasures do you have?"

"But even if there are treasures, they belong to me, Zhang Xiao."

In a hall, Zhang Xiao sneered, and Wang Yun stood beside him.

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