You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 22 Killing Zhang Xiao, the cause and effect is resolved

"Begin practicing."

Looking at the middle-grade spirit stone in his hand, Ye Lin closed his eyes and began to operate the Star Power with all his strength. Suddenly, a stream of spiritual energy entered his body, strengthening every part of his body.

The time of practicing always passed extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, a day and a night passed.

On the second night, Ye Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's time to get Niu Bo's chance tonight. If the demon pill of the foundation-building period demon beast is refined and absorbed, there is a great chance of breaking through the eighth level of Qi training."

"By then, my chance of becoming an inner sect disciple will be even greater."

Now he knows very little about the inner sect disciples. Even if he challenges them, he has to find the weaker one. He has to find time to understand the general situation of the inner sect.

After thinking about it, Ye Lin got up, opened the door and walked down the mountain. He has gradually become accustomed to traveling at night.

The frequency of going down the mountain so frequently every day has been noticed by those who are interested.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, Ye Lin walked straight towards Longzhu Valley.

Dragon Falling Valley, according to legend, a real dragon fell here thousands of years ago, and finally the real dragon fell there.

At first, many cultivators went to Dragon Falling Valley to look for the remains of the real dragon, but in the end they found nothing.

You know, those who can be called real dragons are all great masters of the Mahayana period. If you can get a dragon bone, it will be enough for this life.

Dragon Falling Valley is not far from Qingyun Sect. After walking for about an hour, Ye Lin finally arrived here.

In a huge canyon, there was a trace of cold air. Even if Ye Lin was a seventh-level Qi training cultivator, he couldn't help shivering at this time.

"Hiss, I am a seventh-level Qi training cultivator. Even if I don't wear clothes at a few degrees below zero, I won't feel the slightest cold. This place is weird."

Ye Lin muttered to himself, and then he sped up and began to search for the dead foundation-building period monster beast. He just wanted to take the monster pill and retreat quickly.

This place is not simple.

After searching for most of the day, there was not even a hair of a foundation-building monster here, let alone a monster beast. Instead, the temperature around was getting colder and colder. Looking forward, the grass and trees on the road were already frosted.

You know, the weather now is summer according to the previous life. This place is too weird.

Finally, on an ice surface, there was a huge wild boar corpse. How big was it? It was a little bigger than the elephant in the previous life.

"I finally found it, but such a huge wild boar, must it have mutated?"

Looking at the huge wild boar in front of him, Ye Lin's face was weird.

However, he still took out the long sword and chopped it towards the wild boar's head. The long sword that was upgraded to the lower grade of the Xuan level easily cut the wild boar's head in half. There was a white demon pill lying in it.

Ye Lin put away the demon pill and suddenly looked at the wild boar. Suddenly, his eyes widened.

The wild boar in the foundation-building realm in front of him was actually frozen to death alive. This is a bit outrageous.

In the foundation-building stage, the whole body is full of spiritual power. Even if it jumps into the magma of thousands of degrees, it can support for a few minutes. The wild boar in front of him was actually frozen to death.

"There must be a big secret here, or a shocking treasure. Now my strength is not enough. When I break through to a higher level, I will definitely come to see it again."

Looking at the mysterious canyon in the distance, Ye Lin hurriedly ran towards Qingyun Sect.

The monster beasts in the foundation-building stage were frozen to death. If he stayed there, wouldn't he be waiting to die?

It took an hour to go there and half an hour to come back. Sure enough, when people encounter life and death crises, they can burst out huge potential.

After arriving at the sect, Ye Lin first put away the foundation-building demon pill in his hand.

"Tomorrow is the day when Zhang Xiao will take action on the panel. It will take a full half month to refine all the foundation-building demon pills."

"First kill Zhang Xiao, then seize Wang Yun's opportunity in half a month, and finally I will close the door. Once I break through the eighth level of Qi training, I can challenge the inner disciples."

After a brief plan for the future, Ye Lin began to adjust his physical condition and adjust his whole body condition to the peak.

Zhang Xiao is at the eighth level of Qi training. Although he has talismans as a trump card, he can't be careless. You know, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength.

At sunset the next day.

"It's time."

Suddenly, Ye Lin opened his eyes, his eyes full of murderous intent.

A cause and effect, it's time to end.

After preparing everything, Ye Lin walked out of his residence and walked down the mountain on purpose. He wanted to give Zhang Xiao a chance.

When he came to the foot of the mountain, the moon was already high, and it was a dark and windy night for killing.

Coming to an uninhabited place, Ye Lin slowly squatted down, as if searching for something. When he just left the sect, Ye Lin had already found Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao's tracking skills are far inferior to Wang Yun's.

At this moment, in the dark, a tiger roar suddenly sounded, Ye Lin suddenly turned his head, and bursts of blood-red mist appeared on his right arm.

"Seven Killing Fists, kill."

Boom, the two fists hit each other, and a loud noise sounded.

Tap, tap, tap.

After a punch, Ye Lin took a step back. Looking at the numb fist, Ye Lin's heart sank.

Qi training level 8 and Qi training level 7 are indeed not at the same level. Originally, he wanted to see the difference, but with this punch, the difference was fully revealed.

In this punch, he used all his strength, but Zhang Xiao only took a half step back. With one punch, the winner was decided.

"This punch is only half a point stronger than mine. If it is a head-on battle, even if I lose now, I can retreat unscathed."

Ye Lin said in his heart.

"Qi training level 7, you are really hiding it."

Zhang Xiao's face darkened. With just one punch, he had figured out Ye Lin's cultivation level. He was at the seventh level of Qi training, and he was considered the best among the seventh level of Qi training.

Otherwise, under this punch, if he was an ordinary seventh-level Qi practitioner, he would be killed by his own punch.

"What treasures do you have on you? But it doesn't matter anymore. If I kill you, it will all be mine."

"Tiger Roaring Fist."

Zhang Xiao roared angrily, and a deafening roar of tigers came from behind him. A shadow of a tiger appeared on his right arm and punched Ye Lin.

Seeing this, Ye Lin immediately took out the talisman and poured all his spiritual energy into it. Suddenly, light appeared on the talisman, and a fierce light appeared and rushed towards Zhang Xiao.


Seeing this, Zhang Xiao was horrified, and immediately increased his spiritual power output and punched him.


There was a loud noise, and the blood vessels on Zhang Xiao's entire arm burst, and blood dripped all over his body.


The next moment, before Zhang Xiao could take a breath, a sword light flashed through his body and came out directly. Zhang Xiao covered his chest in disbelief and looked at the long sword floating in the air behind him.

"Tian... Tianjian Sect's sword-controlling skills?"

Zhang Xiao's eyes widened and he half-knelt on the ground. Now, he had no power to fight back.

"Spare...spare me."

Looking at Ye Lin approaching step by step, Zhang Xiao said weakly.

He is already an eighth-level master of qi training, and he has just stepped into the inner sect and become an inner sect disciple, ushering in the most glorious moment of his life.

He doesn't want to die.

"You are the biggest threat to me alive."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he sealed his throat with a sword, and Zhang Xiao's head hit the ground weakly.

After everything was completed, Ye Lin squatted in front of Zhang Xiao and groped around on his body.

Sure enough, he found ten low-grade spiritual stones.

"There are only ten low-grade spiritual stones? I guess all the resources have been used to break through the eighth level of Qi training, right?"

Ye Lin thought to himself, otherwise he would not believe that Zhang Xiao, who had been the leader of the outer sect for eight years, only had ten low-grade spiritual stones in his body.

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