The disciple who was watching the game happily was stunned when he heard this.

Then he spoke. "Xuanjin is a good thing. It is an important material for forging earth-level spiritual weapons. If it is integrated into a yellow-level weapon, there is a 90% chance that the weapon can be upgraded to Xuan level."

"But this thing is worth a thousand gold, and you can't touch it in ordinary days. Why are you asking this? Do you have it?"

Looking at the strange look of this disciple, Ye Lin waved his hand.

"Tsk, boring."

After saying that, he continued to watch the fight happily.

This piece of Xuanjin is a good thing. If you put this piece of Xuanjin into your long sword, your long sword has a high chance of being upgraded to the lower grade of Xuan level.

In just a few minutes, the two people on the ring have entered a fierce battle. If there are masters here, they will definitely see Niu Bo gradually falling behind.

"Brother, go down, inner disciple, I'm determined."

Zhang Xiao knocked Niu Bo back with a punch, with a face full of disdain.

"How dare you do this when the outcome is not decided yet?"

Hearing this, Niu Bo was furious. As an inner disciple, he was challenged by an outer disciple for the first time in ten years, which was humiliating, but the person in front of him dared to mock him.

This made him furious, and then his attack became more clever, and every move was a killing move, without any reservation.

"I wonder what this inner disciple's panel is like."

Name: Niu Bo

Cultivation: Eighth level of Qi training

Fate: White (something)

Numerology: [Kendo Champion] [A little lucky]

Destiny: After being defeated by Zhang Xiao, he could not bear the blow, his Tao heart was broken, and he was in a daze all day in the outer sect. Finally, he went down the mountain three months later and was sucked dry by the evil demon and died.

Recent opportunities: Three days later, he went to Longzhu Valley to relax and accidentally found the corpse of a foundation-building monster. He found a foundation-building monster pill from it, but because his Tao heart was broken, he casually discarded the monster pill.

[Kendo Champion]: You have a unique understanding of kendo, and you can always make rapid progress in kendo.

[A little lucky]: Good luck, good luck can often save you from danger.

Seeing Niu Bo's opportunity, Ye Lin choked. Good guy, this is the first time he has seen someone throw away an opportunity.

"Get off here."

At this time, a roar came from the ring, and Niu Bo's sword energy surged all over his body, and an extremely strong sword energy rushed towards Zhang Xiao.

Even standing under the stage, Ye Lin could feel the power of this sword energy.

"Humph, just relying on you, a waste, can you become an inner disciple? It's a shame for the inner disciples, get off here."

"Batian Fist."

At this time, Zhang Xiao had completely torn his face with Niu Bo. With a roar, a huge fist shadow appeared behind Zhang Xiao.


With a loud bang, Niu Bo's sword energy was immediately dispersed by the fist shadow, and Niu Bo flew off the ring directly, lying on the ground, his life or death unknown.

Seeing this, the outer disciples watching the battle around were in an uproar, and a generation of inner disciples came to an end.

"Brother Zhang is invincible, Brother Zhang is mighty, Brother Zhang is domineering."

At this time, there were bursts of shouting from the crowd, and the rest of the people looked at the disciple with a strange look.

"Okay, now I am an inner disciple, thank you all for your support, please go back."

Looking at the people below, Zhang Xiao waved his hand.

Seeing that the winner had been decided, Ye Lin turned and walked down the mountain. He wanted to rush to Tianfeng City now to seize Zhang Xiao's opportunity.

After Ye Lin left, a white-robed figure appeared beside Zhang Xiao.

"The guy named Ye Lin just now has been watching the battle? To the end?"

Zhang Xiao frowned and looked at the disciple beside him and asked.

Hearing this, the disciple nodded.

"Yes, brother, from the beginning of your battle to the end, he has been watching calmly, seemingly without any fear."

After listening to the disciple beside him, an intriguing smile appeared on Zhang Xiao's face.


After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he thought to himself.

Zhang Liang's elder brother is himself. He must know this identity. If it were someone who was at the fourth level of Qi training, he would be panicked and even want to escape from the sect.

Instead of watching his fight calmly, he can do this, which means he has his own support.

"He must have some support, background, or some means."

"Whether it is background or means, as long as it is tested, there is no threat."

Zhang Xiao stood there and muttered to himself.

Then he said to the disciple beside him.

"Tonight, go and try him. If he really has only superficial skills, come back. I want to avenge my brother with my own hands. If he really has any means, report to me immediately."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, Wu Feng nodded.

After Zhang Xiao's back disappeared, Wu Feng sneered.

"Fuck, he can be so calm. If he really has any means, he will definitely be able to deal with you. Let me go to die? Bah."

After cursing, Wu Feng left the ring. He must test it tonight, but he will just do superficial work.

On the other side, Ye Lin has already started to speed up to Sun Moon City. Sun Moon City is different from Tianfeng City.

Sun Moon City is a big city that can accommodate a million people. You can imagine how huge it is.

However, the journey is also very long. After three hours of full speed, Ye Lin arrived outside the city of Sun Moon City.

When he arrived outside the city, the guards at the city gate did not stop him. Tianfeng City was afraid of the bandits, but they in Sun Moon City were not afraid.

Walking into the city, compared to Tianfeng City, there are more people in Sun and Moon City, and the sound of hawking on the roadside is endless. What directly crushes Tianfeng City is that the environment of Sun and Moon City is clean and tidy.

"My dear friend, do you know where the largest blacksmith shop is in this city?"

At this time, Ye Lin casually grabbed a person next to him and cupped his fists.

"You must be a foreigner at first glance. Everyone knows about our blacksmith shop in Sun Moon City. No one knows, just walk a mile from here and you'll be there."

Following the direction the person pointed, Ye Lin thanked him and then walked forward along the road.

Halfway through, Ye Lin suddenly stopped and looked at the huge attic in front of him. There was a plaque at the door, which clearly read the seven characters of "Dragon Blacksmith Shop".

Ye Lin raised his feet and walked into it. As soon as he walked in, the temperature around him dropped rapidly. Various weapons were arranged in order in the blacksmith shop, and there were bursts of cold light above them.

"Master, do you want to buy or build?"

At this time, a middle-aged man covered in tendon meat came to Ye Lin and was angry.

"It's okay. Let me take a look first. Boss, your name is quite interesting."

Ye Lin walked into the blacksmith shop, looked at the various weapons, and asked the boss casually.

"Hi, I came up with this name together with my wife. My wife is also in the blacksmithing business, so we hit it off immediately and chose this name."

"It's rare for a girl to be a blacksmith."

At this time, Ye Lin's eyes suddenly lit up as he walked deeper, and then he squatted under a table and looked at the dark, palm-sized thing on the corner of the table.

"There's nothing you can do about it. These days, the only thing that can make money is this industry."

Listening to the boss's words, Ye Lin nodded. In this world, the lives of ordinary people are like ants. They can be crushed to death at will. Most people like to travel with weapons.

"Boss, how do you sell this thing?"

Ye Lin slowly took out the black gold that was used to support the table legs and said to the boss.

"Sir, this thing is just a stone that I use to prop up the table legs. It's not valuable. If you want it, I can give it to you."

After listening to the boss's words, Ye Lin shook his head.

"Boss, I won't take your things for nothing. Let's just give you these three taels of silver. It can be regarded as my buying this thing from your hands."

At this time, Ye Lin took out three taels of silver from his arms and handed it to the boss. Since what happened last time, he has developed the habit of carrying money when he goes out.

"Sir, you can't do that. This is just a useless stone."

Seeing the boss's refusal, Ye Lin smiled and shook his head. The boss in front of him was just a mortal. He didn't know the value of black gold at all. The more precious the thing, the greater the cause and effect involved.

He handed the money to the boss, which was regarded as the end of the cause and effect.

"Boss, listen to me, take it."

Then Ye Lin put the money on the table and walked out.

"Look at this, ugh."

The boss sighed and reluctantly put away the money on the table.

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