You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 209 Heading to the Wuwang Sea

Hearing the voice, Ye Lin looked up and saw Li Youwei walking towards him and sitting down in front of Ye Lin.

"Sister Youwei, what do you want to talk to my second brother about?"

"Second brother?"

Hearing Jian Wushuang's strange address, Li Youwei was full of confusion.

How come Ye Lin became Jian Wushuang's second brother after not seeing him for a while?

"Of course, my second brother is extremely talented. Now and in the future, he is my second brother Jian Wushuang. What do you want to talk to my second brother about? Are you refusing to pay? What's the matter?"

Jian Wushuang picked up the wine glass and filled it for Li Youwei, and asked.

"Humph, Ye Lin owes me one hundred high-grade spirit stones and one thousand low-grade spirit stones."

After Li Youran finished speaking, Jian Wushuang looked at Ye Lin in surprise, while Ye Lin looked helpless.

"It's a small matter. Just put it on my account. You can ask for it from the steward of Shenjian City later. I will pay off the second brother's debt for him."

"Oh? Brother Wushuang is so bold. Ye Lin still owes me something. I wonder if Brother Wushuang can pay it back?"

After Li Youwei finished speaking, Jian Wushuang became interested.

Is there anything in this world that I, Jian Wushuang, can't pay it back?

"Sister Youran, just tell me. Whatever my second brother owes you, I will pay it back for him."

Jian Wushuang waved his hands and said with a big face.

"Okay, Ye Lin owes me a drop of divine beast blood. Brother Wushuang will pay it back for him. By the way, it's the real blood of ancient divine beasts."

"Hahaha, it's a small matter. I will pay it back for him... pay it back... what did you say?"

Halfway through, Jian Wushuang realized that something was wrong and looked at Li Youwei with a frown.

Ancient divine beast blood? Are you kidding?

"Second brother, is this true?"

Jian Wushuang turned his head and looked at Ye Lin.

"It is true."

Ye Lin nodded with a smile.


For a moment, Jian Wushuang didn't know what to say. Where can you ask him to get the blood of ancient beasts?

Even the Ten Thousand Demons Palace doesn't have a drop of blood of ancient beasts.

"Ahem, second brother, I can't help you with this."

After a while, Jian Wushuang sat back in his seat and said awkwardly.

Just now, he was too full of words, and now he was slapped in the face.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about it, it's just the blood of the beast. I will definitely return it to you next time I come out."

Ye Lin looked at Li Youwei and said.

"Hmph, I'll spare you the spirit stones and other things, but you must give me the blood of the beast."

Li Youwei drank a glass of wine, her two cheeks flushed, and said.

"Of course, I will give it to you next time we meet."

Ye Lin said with a smile.

After three rounds of wine, Ye Lin was already a little dizzy.

Wine, as a thing, can be evaporated by spiritual energy once it enters the body, but what's the point of that?

And this wine is not an ordinary thing. If it is ordinary wine, even if spiritual energy is not used to evaporate, even if millions of kilograms are drunk, it will not make a Jindan stage cultivator drunk.

After all, the physical and spiritual strength of Jindan stage cultivators is not a joke.

But this wine, even Ye Lin gradually couldn't hold it.

After seeing Jian Wushang and Wuxin lying on the table unconscious, Ye Lin couldn't stand it anymore, closed his eyes, and fell asleep on the table.

"So... so many Ye Lin."

Li Youwei's eyes were blurred, and the next moment, he lay on the ground and fell asleep.

"Hiss, this wine, the power is so strong."

I don't know how long he slept, Ye Lin covered his head and climbed up.

He still felt dizzy now.

Seeing the three people who hadn't gotten up yet, Ye Lin smiled.

It seems that these three people really regard him as a friend, otherwise, he only needs to move his fingers to kill the three people.

The most taboo thing in the cultivation world is not to show your weakest side to others under any circumstances.

Ye Lin smiled and shook his head, took three quilts to cover the three people, then took out a piece of paper and began to write.

After writing, he put the paper on the table, turned around and looked at the sky in front of him, and disappeared as a stream of light.

Not long after Ye Lin left, Jian Wushuang opened his eyes and picked up the paper in front of him with a smile on his face.

He had already woken up, but deliberately tested Ye Lin. If Ye Lin dared to take action, he would have to lie down and go out.

And Ye Lin passed his test, and Ye Lin is now his real second brother.

As the future heirs of a big force, none of them are simple goods.

"We will meet at the top after today's farewell."

There were eight big words written on the paper.

"Okay, see you at the top, not bad, not bad, good literary talent, I didn't expect that my second brother is not only strong in strength, but also so outstanding in literary talent."

Looking at the eight big words, Jian Wushuang was full of admiration.

At this time, Ye Lin was flying above the clouds with his feet on Zhuxie, looking at the map in his hand.

His current goal is Wuwang Sea, to seize Jian Wushuang's opportunity.

After all, that is the perception of a real sword cultivator in the God Transformation Realm. Even if he is also a real sword cultivator in the God Transformation Realm, he will be tempted. Ye Lin has no reason not to be tempted.

"Wuwang Sea is a full million miles away from me, but three hours is enough."

Ye Lin put away the map, surrounded by the sword intent of destruction.

The sword intent surrounded his body, and his speed suddenly increased by several levels.

Only Ye Lin used the sword intent to travel.

Three hours later, Ye Lin came to the nearest city to Wuwang Sea, Sanghai City.

After all, Wuwang Sea is not just an ordinary sea.

He needs to understand the general situation. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Knowing more is never a bad thing.

Arriving at the city gate, Ye Lin lowered his flying sword and walked into the city with his hands behind his back.

The city was very shabby, even more shabby than he had imagined.

Walking into the city, there were all kinds of street vendors on the roadside, and the sound of hawking was endless.

Along the way, Ye Lin found that there were many cultivators in Sanghai City, but most of them were cultivators in the Qi training and foundation building stage. As for the Jindan stage, Ye Lin had only seen three since entering the city.

And they were all in the early Jindan stage.

Following the road, Ye Lin came to a restaurant.

After hanging around for a long time, he understood a truth: places like restaurants are the easiest places to collect intelligence.

Walking into the restaurant, there were many shirtless men sitting there. Next to each man, there was a big knife, and drops of blood dripped onto the ground from the big knife.

Those blood were all human blood.

Ye Lin found a remote place, sat down slowly, and poured tea for himself.

"Have you heard? There is another riot in Wuwang Sea. A riot a few days ago directly killed a great Jindan stage master. This time, I am afraid it is not that simple."

"Yes, alas, Wuwang Sea has been rioting from time to time these days, disturbing the people. It is said that there is a treasure light in Wuwang Sea. I think there must be a treasure."

"What if a treasure is born? It has nothing to do with us."

"That's right."

Hearing the conversation of these big men, Ye Lin thought secretly.

The riot in Wuwang Sea is likely to be caused by the appearance of the cave of the God Transformation Realm.

However, there is no exact time on the panel. No one knows when Jian Wushuang will sharpen his sword. He came here just to try his luck.

I didn't expect that he would really run into it.

If it is really caused by the cave of the real person in the God Transformation Realm, he will make a lot of money.

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