You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 210 Arrival at Sanghai City

"Let's go. It is said that the Long family is about to start a fight with the Wang family. Let's go and join in the fun."

"Let's go, waiter, I'll pay you on credit when the grandpas have money."

After saying that, many big men picked up the swords beside them and walked out of the door.

"Sir, what do you need to eat?"

At this time, the waiter with a towel on his shoulders hurriedly came to Ye Lin and nodded.

It was because those big men surrounded the entire restaurant, and Ye Lin was petite, that was why Ye Lin was not discovered immediately.

"Sit down and chat with me. This is yours."

Ye Lin took out a low-grade spiritual stone and placed it on the table, smiling.

"Spirit...Spiritual stone."

The moment he saw the spirit stone, Xiao Er swallowed hard.

Their Songhai City was extremely poor, and as for the spiritual stones, they were high-end goods, and you couldn't even see one on a daily basis.

As a mortal, he was not qualified to come into contact with this thing.

But as long as he gets a low-grade spiritual stone, he can live without worries for the rest of his life.

Now after seeing the spirit stone in Ye Lin's hand, his mouth suddenly became dry. He looked around and found no one, and hurriedly sat down in front of Ye Lin.

"My guest, feel free to ask, and I will answer everything you know."

The waiter patted his chest and said, his eyes fixed on the spirit stone in Ye Lin's hand.

As a waiter in a restaurant, he receives people every day. He is a smart man.

At first glance, Ye Lin looked like a big shot from the outside world. What would a big shot have to talk to him about?

It's just that I just came to Songhai City and I don't know what's going on, so I'm asking for information.

"Okay, how long has the Wuwanghai riot been going on?"

"From the outbreak to now, there has been an outbreak every three days, which is about a month."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded, and then asked again.

"What's the situation with the Wang family that those big men were talking about just now?"

"Sir, you don't know this. This is what happened."

"Previously, the Long family, the Wang family, and the Zhao family were the three major families in Songhai City, and among these three major families, there are powerful men at the Golden Core stage."

"Now that Old Mrs. Wang's death is approaching, the Long family and the Zhao family want to destroy the Wang family in one fell swoop. Destruction is a trivial matter. According to the gossip, both families are here for a piece of Wang family's stone."

After the waiter finished speaking, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed slightly and turned to stone.

"go on."

"When the Wang family was mining ten years ago, they suddenly discovered a strange stone. The stone looked ordinary, but the hardness of the stone was extremely high. No matter how hard you attack, you can't damage the stone at all."

"As soon as the old man of the Wang family saw it, he knew that this stone was definitely not an ordinary thing. He finally took the stone home and studied it carefully."

"And this news was also heard by the other two major families, but the old man of the Wang family was very strong at the time, so the other two major families did not take action."

"But this time, Mrs. Wang's death is approaching, and the Long family and Zhao family can no longer bear it."

After the waiter finished speaking, Ye Lin knocked on the table and pondered.

"Ten years ago, Mrs. Wang was strong and strong. Ten years from now, the end will be approaching. What should I say?"

"It is said that Mrs. Wang meditated on the stone day and night, and was finally injured by the stone. That is why he was seriously injured. His end is approaching."

After the waiter finished speaking, Ye Lin was shocked. He was now 80% sure that the stone was one of the nine stone tablets.

It contains a sword move, but this is just a guess. Only when we see it can we be truly sure.

As for the Wang family, he must go.

If it is really a stone tablet, even if you don't encounter the cave of a real person in the realm of gods during this trip, you will still make a lot of money.

"Tell me Wang's address."

"My guest, if you go straight along this road until you reach the end, you will find a mansion. That is the Wang family's mansion."

"Okay, it's yours."

Ye Lin threw the low-grade spirit stone to the waiter in front of him, then stood up and left the restaurant.

The waiter grabbed the spirit stone and put it in his arms, and came to the door of the restaurant with excitement on his face.

"My lord, please go slowly. My lord, please go slowly."

The waiter nodded and bowed to Ye Lin's back.

"What are you doing? Instead of cleaning up the restaurant, you sit down and chat with others. Don't you want this month's wages? If you don't want to work, just get out."

At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly came up behind the waiter, pointed at the waiter's nose and insulted him.

"Mom sells batches. I don't want to do it for a long time. Whoever wants to do this miserable job can do it. Damn it, say goodbye. You are rubbish. When I buy your restaurant in the future, you can just wait and work for me."

The waiter took off his hat and threw it in the face of the man in front of him, and walked out of the restaurant angrily.

As soon as he exchanged the spiritual stone for white money, he immediately bought the restaurant.

Don't bully young people into being poor, huh.

On the other side, Ye Lin looked at the huge red door in front of him, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door in front of him.

Boom, boom, boom.

There were knocks on the door, and after a while, the door was slowly opened.

A girl with a height of only 1.5 meters and two buns stood in front of Ye Lin, her face full of warning.

"You...who are you looking for?"

"Looking for the head of your Wang family."

Looking at the little girl in front of him, Ye Lin smiled slightly.

"You...why are you looking for my dad? Are you a bad person?"

The little girl looked at Ye Lin warily.

"Just take me there. If I were a bad person, would I still talk to you so politely?"

"That's right." The little girl nodded, not quite understanding.

Then she looked around behind her.

"Come in."

When Ye Lin walked into the mansion, the little girl slowly closed the door, picked up a pillar, and leaned against the door with great effort.

"Let's go, my daddy is in the main hall, I'll take you there."

The little girl walked in front of Ye Lin, and Ye Lin followed behind.

The entire mansion was extremely vast, but there were few people. Along the way, Ye Lin didn't see many people.

Following the little girl all the way to a main hall, in the main hall, a middle-aged man sat on the main hall with a sad face.


Looking at the man in front of her, the little girl shouted, then opened her arms and threw herself into the arms of the middle-aged man.

"Oh, my dear daughter, Daddy is busy now, you can go and play by yourself, go."

Looking at his daughter in front of him, the middle-aged man's face full of sorrow gradually relaxed.

Then he suddenly looked up at Ye Lin.

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man grabbed the long sword beside him, protected the little girl behind him, and looked at Ye Lin vigilantly.

"Master Wang doesn't need to know who I am, he just needs to know that I can solve the difficulties faced by your Wang family."

Ye Lin smiled and sat aside, picked up the teacup and poured tea for himself.

"My dear daughter, go down first, Daddy has something to say to this brother."

After Master Wang finished speaking, the little girl nodded and turned to walk out.

"I am the master of the Wang family, Wang Qing, is what you just said true?"

Wang Qing bowed to Ye Lin with a fist, his face slightly moved.

The Long family and the Zhao family are about to attack the Wang family, just because of this matter, he can't eat and sleep.

It is also because of this matter that all the servants in the mansion ran away.

Now that he heard that someone was willing to help their Wang family survive the disaster, his first thought was surprise, and the second thought was disbelief.

The Zhao family and the Long family both have Jindan-stage masters sitting in charge, and there are as many as seven or eight foundation-building cultivators under them.

Such power is extremely terrifying.

And what about the young man in front of him? He is young, fair-skinned, and has no aura at all. He is a complete mortal.

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