You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 208: Changes in Dongzhou

"Brother, are you here? How many sword techniques have you mastered?"

Seeing Ye Lin coming, Jian Wushuang's eyes lit up, he hugged Ye Lin's neck and said eagerly.

Back then, it took him a full day to comprehend the six sword arts, so he was very curious about how many sword arts Ye Lin, who could defeat him, had comprehended.

"Only three paths have been understood."

"Sandao? Even stronger than me before."

Hearing this, Jian Wushuang's face was full of admiration.

Ye Lin not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has such a powerful understanding.

"Let's go, I'm ready. We three brothers are going to have a good drink today."

Then Ye Lin and Wu Xin followed Jian Wushuang, and the three of them walked into a restaurant.

"Master Wushuang, Master Wushuang Yajian has prepared it for you. Please take a seat."

As soon as he walked into the restaurant, a young boy nodded and bowed.

"Okay, remember, I want the treasures from your restaurant."

"That's natural." The boy put the towel on his shoulders, nodded and smiled.

"Let's go."

The three of them walked all the way to the second floor. At this moment, a woman walked towards them and passed by Ye Lin.

Ye Lin immediately stood on the spot and turned to look at the woman's back.

"What? Is it possible that my second brother has fallen in love with that woman? If so, tell my brother and he will help you find a matchmaker."

Seeing Ye Lin's motionless figure looking at the woman's back, Jian Wushuang's mind moved and he said with a smile.

"It's okay, let's go."

Ye Lin shook his head and smiled.

When the three of them arrived in the private room, they sat around a round table.

"You three gentlemen, your wine."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Lin was a little stunned.


Just as the woman put down the wine in her hand and ran away, Ye Lin called out to stop her.

"Does this young master still have something to do?"

The woman turned to look at Ye Lin with a confused look on her face.

"No, go down."

Ye Lin waved his hand and said.

Now he was extremely certain that the woman in front of him was Huang Ruyan.

That Lin Zisheng's lover.

Lin Zisheng was beheaded by himself, but his lover actually came to this Excalibur City restaurant and became a servant. It was really a trick of fate.

"Donor, sometimes you can't go against your will. With your current status and strength, you only need to wave your hand, and there will be countless women willing to become Taoist partners with you."

With a smile on his face, Wu Xin picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank the wine in one gulp, smiling.

"Yes, second brother, if you like it, go for it."

Jian Wushuang also patted Ye Lin on the shoulder.

"You are overthinking it. That woman is just very similar to an old friend of mine. She just admitted her mistake for a moment."

Listening to the two people's banter, Ye Lin looked helpless.

These two people are just thinking nonsense.

"By the way, will my second brother go back to the Wuming Mountain next?"

While drinking, Jian Wushuang asked Ye Lin.

"Of course, I came out with a mission this time, and the time was very short. Now that the mission has been completed, it's time for me to return to the sect."

Hearing Ye Lin's explanation, Jian Wushuang nodded.

"I have long heard that Wuming Mountain has strict discipline, and now I see that it is indeed the case. But second brother, third brother, come here, this is a messenger talisman. If anything happens in the future, the three of us can contact each other."

Jian Wushuang took out two jade charms and handed them to Ye Lin and Wu Xin. Ye Lin and Wu Xin took them with a smile.

"But second brother, I think we will meet soon."

Jian Wushuang looked at the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile.

Nowadays, Tianhe County is about to be in chaos. The fundamental reason is that the major forces are in short supply of resources.

The shortage of resources is accompanied by war, and all the major forces in Tianhe County and the hidden forces are here for this purpose.

This is true for Tianhe County and other counties in Dongzhou. In fact, Dongzhou has been quiet for a long time.

Once Tianhe County is in chaos, the rest of the counties will also be in chaos. At that time, how can Wumingshan, the number one force of the Dongzhou human race, ignore it?

After all, Wuming Mountain is just a power, and when the time comes, it will inevitably take action to gain some benefits.

"Oh? Why did you say that?"

Ye Lin looked at Jian Wushuang, while Wuxin also had doubts on his face.

Although he is a disciple of Foshan Buddha, his status is extremely embarrassing. After all, his master is only one of the nine Buddhas in Foshan. Compared with Jian Wushuang's status in Shenjian City, it is very different.

So he didn't know as much as Jian Wushuang about many things.

And Ye Lin is even lower. In Wuming Mountain, if you want to have a lofty status, you need extremely strong strength.

"Now that Dongzhou has been immersed in it for a long time, according to what the elders of Excalibur City said, a war will break out in the near future."

"A war will affect the entire East Continent. By then, the three giants of East Continent will not be immune."

"The demon tribe has wanted to destroy our human race for a long time, and just at this time, a big demon with 60% of the blood of divine beasts appeared in the demon tribe. So I don't need to say more about what happens next, you will definitely know."

"And the first place of chaos is Tianhe County. It is said that the tribes in the Northern Desert of Tianhe County have begun to make trouble."

After Jian Wushuang finished speaking, Ye Lin and Wu Xin digested it carefully.

At the same time, I was extremely shocked inside. Dongzhou was going to be in chaos. This was news that could shock the world.

What kind of unparalleled war would it be that would affect the entire Eastern Continent?

By that time, the strength of the Golden Core stage is no different than cannon fodder. Only the Nascent Soul stage can save lives, and the real person in the Transformation of God Realm is the master of the war.

As for the True Lord of the Hedao stage, they are all buried underground and will not take action unless absolutely necessary.

"Strength, in the final analysis, is still not enough, but Dongzhou is in chaos, then, taking advantage of the chaos, I will rise."

Ye Lin analyzed the situation and thought to himself.

It is said that heroes emerge in troubled times, he is confident that he can take advantage of this chaos to rise quickly.

"And now Tianhe County is already undercurrent, many forces are making plans, and even Wuming Mountain has sent a real person in the God Transformation Realm to suppress it."

"I guess by then, your disciples of Wuming Mountain will not have a peaceful day to practice."

Jian Wushuang finished drinking the wine in his hand and said with a smile.

In a war, the younger generation will definitely fight first, until there is no way out, the older generation will take action.

After all, on the battlefield, who will drop a nuclear bomb at the beginning?

"By then, the three of us will meet more often, and various secret realm geniuses and treasures will also be born in the future. A vast and turbulent world is about to begin."

After Jian Wushuang finished speaking, Ye Lin's eyes flickered.

He was very yearning for what Jian Wushuang said.

The emergence of the Great World, the struggle of the Great World, aren't these symbols of the rise of the Tianjiao?

"Okay, I can't say any more, I'll take it with me."

Jian Wushuang said with a smile.

Then, Wuxin began to envy Jian Wushuang in his heart.

How high must Jian Wushuang's status in Shenjian City be, even knowing such a secret.

And what about him? As a Buddhist son of Foshan, the future heir of Foshan, he knows nothing.

In such a comparison, it is really a failure.

"Why say those things, the enemy will be blocked by the generals, and the water will be covered by the earth. I guess the next time we meet, we will all be in the Nascent Soul stage."

"Hahaha, come, drink."


The three raised their glasses and began to drink one after another.

"So you are here, I finally caught you, I thought you were going to run away."

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