The sudden second appearance of magical girls made Tang Hao's head a little confused. Similarly, a girl sitting on the hospital bed also felt a little incomprehensible to the current situation.

Her name is Xiao Meiyan. She suffers from congenital heart disease. Her eyesight is very poor and she must wear high-definition glasses. Her physical fitness is also very weak because she often lives in the hospital and her academic performance is also very poor. She has become a timid and cowardly character, a girl with low self-esteem who thinks she can't do anything.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, the fourteen-year-old transferred to Mitakihara Middle School. However, because of her cowardly and inferior character, she accidentally entered the witch's barrier on the way out of school that day and was seduced by the witch to commit suicide. When she was about to die, she was rescued by her classmate Madoka Shikama, who took care of her. It was also at that moment that she learned that there were magical girls in this world.

For a period of time since then, she has been following Madoka Shikama. As the protected child, she also witnessed the battle between Madoka Shikama and another magical girl Tomoe Mami.

But this time did not last long. On the day of the Witch's Night, Tomoe Mami was the first to die in battle. After that, in order to protect her and the people in this world, Madoka Shikama went to the Witch alone to protect her and the people in this world, regardless of her advice. The challenge... ended up with Madoka Shikame also dying in the battle.

This is a matter of course. The power of the witch is too strong. Even Shikama Madoka and Tomoe Mami combined can't defeat her. What can Shikame Madoka do alone?

Kneeling beside Shikama Madoka's body, Akatsuki Homura cried hoarsely, and at the same time hated her own powerlessness. What she said to Shikame Madoka's body was heard by the fantasy creature QB, and gave her the chance to become a magical girl. Qualification, and for this wish in her heart, Akatsuki Homura did not hesitate to bet her soul, and signed a contract with QB with "the wish to meet Madoka Shikama again" and became a magical girl.

She hopes that she is no longer the one being protected, but the one who can protect others.

This prayer overcame entropy and gave her the ability to reincarnate in the timeline.

Then her wish came true, and when she opened her eyes again, she was back to the day she was discharged from the hospital.

She originally thought that all of this was a dream, but when she saw the soul gem in her hand, she knew that it was not an illusion or a dream. Everything was real, including Madoka Shikama and Asami Tomoe in the witch. Death in battle at night, and the fact that she became a magical girl.

She really returned to the original point in time, which made Akatsuki Homura extremely excited. She couldn't wait to go to school, see Madoka Shikama again, and tell him that she too had become a magical girl, but just as she When I got dressed and got out of bed, I picked up my phone and found an icon that didn't exist before.

Two-dimensional chat room.

Is this also the miracle that happens after becoming a magical girl?

Xiao Meiyan didn't know it, but looking at the icon, she felt an inexplicable attraction, so she entered the chat room under the name "Magical Girl".

At first, she was a little confused, a little wary, and more at a loss. Until the second magical girl joined, she even thought that this was an online gathering place for magical girls.

But, the real situation doesn’t seem to be like this?

"A chat room connecting to another this kind of thing real?" A brief browse through the group announcement gave her a general understanding of the chat room. Although she still doubted the authenticity of the group announcement, , since there is already a magical girl in this world, and since I can reincarnate in time, then it does not seem so incomprehensible that there is a chat room that can connect to other worlds.

The key is, can these people in the chat room be trusted?

A companion? Or an enemy?

Xiao Meiyan looked at her phone silently, not daring to draw conclusions easily.

Da Bendan: So, if you have read the group announcement, please come out and introduce yourself. Even if you don’t tell me, I still have a way to know who you are... Ah, by the way, before that, can I ask you to change it? Name?

Yeah, it would be confusing if both of them are named magical girls.

Xiao Meiyan couldn't help but nodded.

But I still like magical girls very much, because I can finally be the same as Shikame Madoka-san, and she is not lying. She is indeed a magical girl. On the contrary, the person who comes from behind is really a magical girl?

Magical Girl: I am a magical girl, there is no reason to change my name.

Yes, I am already a magical girl. I can no longer be as cowardly as before. I must muster up the courage. Otherwise, let alone protecting Shikama Madoka-san, I will even back off... But, wouldn't it be a bit rude?

Xiao Meiyan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and eagerly wanted to take back those words, but she couldn't find the way to do so over and over again.

Magical Girl: I...I am also a magical girl.

Her Royal Highness: Two magical girls are really a headache, especially these two brats who are quite vigilant. How about being tougher?

Magical Girl: Tough?

Magical Girl: How... how tough are you?

Her Royal Highness: During this time, you should have seen the group announcements, right?

Magical Girl: I saw it.

Magical Girl: Me too, but is this true?

Her Royal Highness Princess: So my method is very simple. Since you don’t dare to reveal your identity, just let people from our side confirm it. Then you can judge for yourself whether it is true or false... Of course, things If it develops like this, then you will suffer. After all, the most common ones here are tentacle monsters. It is easy to deal with magical girls. Don't blame me for what will happen when the time comes.

Hey, are you threatening?

Tang Hao suddenly sweated. How could they have any tentacle monsters here?

Magical Girl: Touch...the hand-relieving monster? ! very scary!

In a certain bathroom, a girl about ten years old was so frightened that she almost dropped her cell phone into the bathtub. She turned around hurriedly and looked at the wand floating in the air, "What...what should we do, Ruby? They might Tentacle monsters will be sent over!”

"Don't be nervous, Illya, that guy is just scaring you."

Although it is a magic wand, it makes a human-like sound, especially the wand's body, which twists and turns like noodles, looking very coquettish, "But then again, Illya, you are quite understanding, you actually know Tentacle monster.”

"It's... that's not the case!" Illya blushed and sank into the bathtub. Half of her face was immersed in the water, and bubbles were spitting out of her mouth.

Ruby didn't tease her anymore, and said while twisting: "In my understanding, only the master who created me can do this kind of thing, traveling through parallel worlds. I can't confirm the authenticity of this chat room yet. Maybe it's just a magic gift... It can sneak into your phone silently without me even noticing it. It's at least a magic gift of the same level as mine. It may be a trap for the enemy, so we should be cautious. A little is better.”

"Well, don't we need to answer?" Illya asked.

"Yes, let's just wait and see what happens." Ruby nodded up and down, "Anyway, there is another magical girl here. Let's see her reaction first. Hehe, I really want to see what that magical girl is like. Loli."

"Well..." Illya slowly surfaced, looking at the chat box on her phone, thoughtfully, "Actually, I don't think the people here are bad people, but since Ruby said so... "

Magical Girl: Can you come over? Come to my world?

Kaguya's words startled Xiao Meiyan. After hesitating for a while, she finally sent out these words.

Although she has become a magical girl, her physique and combat power are very weak, and it is unknown to what extent she can use her time ability. If she conflicts with an enemy like a witch, she will never win, so, If the person just kept his word, he might be in danger.

But, but

If someone can really come from other worlds, wouldn't it prove that this chat room is real?

Although even if someone appears next to her immediately, she cannot tell where the person is coming from, but she can also go there. As long as there is an obvious difference in the world view, she can tell it immediately.

Then it was confirmed that this chat room can really travel through different worlds, and... I am actually a character in the animation.

Ah, this is a bit bad. How could I be a character in the animation?

But let’s forget about that for now. As long as we can help Shikame-san and use the power of other worlds, we can defeat Witch Night... It seems worth giving it a try?

Magical Girl: Well, if possible, I would like to meet you. I hope some of you will come over...

Magical Girl: Of course, I don’t want the tentacle monster anymore, please.

Dabendan: Well, this request is okay, but since you made the request, you should at least show your sincerity, such as telling us your name.

Is that so?

Ah, yes, although it may be a bit dangerous, it does seem rude if you don't even tell your name.

Anyway, I can't hide it when someone comes over, so it shouldn't matter, right?

Magical Girl: name is Akatsuki Homura.

Da Ben Dan: Haha, I just said it was Xiao Meiyan, Kaguya, you lost.

Her Royal Highness: I didn’t lose. Originally, I thought it was Xiao Meiyan who was the most likely, but you beat me to it, so I guessed that it was Headless Senior.

Magical Girl: Are you making a bet?

Dabendan: It’s nothing, just playing around.

Magical Girl: Oh, but why do you think it’s me?

Da Ben Dan: Because you are relatively popular.


What is that? That kind of thing is not important at all.

Xiaomeiyan said in her heart.

Magical Girl: So, when are you coming? I don't have anyone else here for the time being.

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