You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

352 The first time to read the mind of a monster

Who will go to the world of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica"? This is a question.

Although Kaguya said so confidently, as if she could throw the tentacle monster at any time, everyone in the group knew very well that there were almost no group members who were truly capable of action, was still a long time before going to Gensokyo for a banquet. What happened a few days ago, everyone's shuttle plants have not recovered.

No, even Misaka Mikoto and Erza want to go on an adventure in the world of One Piece, but they are temporarily stuck because of Shuttle's CD, and they still have two days to go.

As for the group members who originally belonged to Gensokyo, Yakumo Purple sent Yu Ji back to Chaldea, but it was useless, and Patchouli sent Merlin back to Chaldea, but it was useless... It's all Merlin's fault, this guy forced himself He wanted to come over, but Roman couldn't take him with him when he went back, so he had to trouble Patchouli to take action.

Kaguya also went to Chaldea to pick up Yuji, and the shuttle plant was still cooling down. Otherwise, based on her personality, she would have gone to the Arad continent to cause trouble.

So the only person who can really take action now is Tang Hao...

No, there's another one!

Da Bendan: Xiaowu, come out to work.

Gu Ming felt that she was from Gensokyo and had never been to other worlds. She did not even attend the banquet not long ago. As a result, her sense of existence during the recent period was very low, and she was gradually almost ignored. .

Little Five Loli: Me?

Da Bendan: Yes, you are also the veteran of the chat room after all. It’s not a problem to stay at home all the time. Occasionally you have to go out and walk around. It’s rare that everyone is not free. Aren’t you just right?

Xiaowu Loli: Isn’t there still you?

Da Bendan: Although I can move, there is another magical girl, and Hanla was invited by me. Logically speaking, I should be in charge here, so Xiaomei Yan can only leave it to you.

Gu Ming was silent for a while.

Xiaowu Loli: Am I not suitable?

Dabendan: Why is it inappropriate? For someone who is introverted and not good at communication, I think your abilities are quite suitable, and you almost never participate in chat room activities. If you continue like this, you will be marginalized.


Gu Mingjijue gently touched the third eye in front of her. She didn't care about the edge or not, because she had long been accustomed to this kind of thing. Due to her ability to read minds, even most of the monsters in Gensokyo hated and feared her. She was worried about her, including those monsters who also lived in the old hell as disliked people, so she isolated herself in the Earth Spirit Hall and stayed with the animals day and night.

Because animals can't speak, she was welcomed and admired by the animals. Gradually, she got used to this living condition. Although the number of animals became more and more annoying sometimes, it was especially troublesome to manage because they were all too big. It's active, but fortunately there are many powerful animals in hell, so it's not really a big problem.

Leave the management of the pets to the pets, leave the garden repairs to the pets, leave the management of the wraiths to the pets, leave the adjustment of hellfire to the pets, and by the way, leave the work of playing with my sister. Let the pet do the work, so that the whole person can relax.

Therefore, it is not bad to stay in the Earth Spirit Palace and watch what is happening in the chat room like a bystander. does seem a bit lazy?

This word has been mentioned before, and it feels like it is the perfect one to apply to myself. When Yakumo Purple pulled herself into the chat room, she probably didn't want herself to be just a bystander. Since she had already named her, it would be unreasonable to shirk it. .

Thinking like this, the mind-reading monster suddenly felt a little more active in his heart.

How about going out for a walk?

Xiaowu Loli: So, do you really want me to go?

Da Ben Dan: It’s all decided by you.

Xiaowu Loli: Okay, let me tidy up a little bit.

Gu Mingjijue removed his fingers from the keyboard and said hello, "Ah."

Soon, a girl ran in pushing a cat cart.

Although it looks like a girl, it is actually an animal. It is a unique flame cat in hell. It has two tails. Its name is Flame Cat. It is usually responsible for carrying corpses. Because it can communicate with the resentful spirits, Gu Ming feels that it is the most powerful. subordinates...or rather pets.

"Sir Jue, do you have anything to do with me?" The flame cat looked at Gu Ming and Jue with very respect, and even a little awe, just like a child standing in front of his parents, cautiously.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, although Gu Ming Dijue is the master of the Earth Spirit Palace, he usually doesn't take care of much and leaves everything to his pets. He has also been isolated from the outside world for too long and lacks activities, so his combat effectiveness is not very good. Strong, even some animals in the old hell can fight better than her.

But the minds of animals are very simple and they never have rebellious thoughts, just like children who will not rebel against their parents. All the animals in the Earth Spirit Palace are loyal to Gu Ming Earth Enlightenment, even if some of them are stronger than Gu Ming Earth Enlightenment. Therefore, unlike Remilia, Gu Ming's majesty in the Earth Spirit Palace is absolute.

"I'm going out for a while. I'll leave the affairs of the Earth Spirit Palace to you for the time being. Also, if Lianlian comes back...well, there's no need to tell her specifically. Anyway, even if she comes back, she will go back outside soon. played."

"Master Jue is going out?" Flame Cat was surprised, because since she became conscious, Master Jue has never left the Earth Spirit Palace, which is hard not to be surprising. "Is Master Jue going to the world on the earth? Is it true? Are you going to cause trouble for that miko?"

"We'll be thankful that the miko doesn't cause us any trouble."


Seeing the pet nodding obediently, Gu Mingchi thought for a moment and realized that there was nothing worth explaining in particular, so he waved his hand and said, "That's basically it. You can go down."

"Then I'll take my leave, Master Jue." Then, the flame cat pushed the cat cart and ran out.

At the same time, Gu Mingdijue withdrew his gaze, rummaged around the bed for a while, and finally found his mobile phone under the bed, with a light layer of dust still accumulated on it.

"I never thought I would need it."

The Earth Spirit Hall is an almost completely closed place. Not to mention the Internet, there are very few technological props for humans. As for the computer in her room, Kaguya helped her set it up after joining the chat room. When she got up, she also gave her a mobile phone. Gu Mingdijue always thought that there would be no chance of using it.

"This is the first time..."

With that said, Gu Mingdijue pressed the shuttle button and started her first journey through another world.

Xiao Meiyan quickly locked the door of the ward, then leaned against the door, looking at the spacious and bright ward. The wind blew through the curtains, bringing a slight coolness. She considered whether to close the windows together. .

At least, in a completely closed environment, if someone can suddenly come to her side, it at least means that the chat room has special abilities.

But will it really come?

A little nervous, a little uneasy, and a little bit of inexplicable expectation...

Ah, I really should close the window.


Just as Xiao Meiyan was walking towards the window, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, slowly falling from the air almost close to the roof. Xiao Meiyan suddenly raised his head... This was a girl with a fair face, Her eyes were indifferent, as if she didn't care about anything. She had short pink hair and strange decorations on her body that looked like eyes?

As the breeze blew by, her red skirt swayed gently.


The sudden visual impact made Xiao Meiyan retreat subconsciously. She lost her balance and fell directly to the ground. For a moment, her head felt a little empty.


Gu Mingjue landed gently on the ground, lowered his head, and looked at the girl sitting on the ground in front of him. She wore unsightly glasses on her round face. The two braids were black and long. She looked quite simple and imposing... ...Almost none. You can see her humble character at a glance, and there is a sense of weakness from beginning to end.

"Hello, my name is Gu Mingdijue, and my ID in the chat room is Xiaowu."

Gu Mingdijue introduced himself, his voice as indifferent as if he had no emotion.

This is also a matter of course. She has no friendliness towards humans at all. Under normal circumstances, no one is enough to make her speak. Because Xiao Meiyan is a member of the chat room, she changes her attitude slightly, but almost never Even when she interacts with humans, she cannot express that kindness.

"Hello...Hello..." Xiao Meiyan hadn't recovered from the surprise, her eyes were still dull for a while, and she said nonchalantly, "Jue...Miss Jue is very cute..."

Gu Mingjijue glanced away, "I didn't read any real thoughts of praise from your heart, only panic, uneasiness and confused paleness. Because I didn't know how to respond for a while, so I can only say this."

"You...can you know what I am thinking?" Xiao Meiyan's eyes suddenly widened, and a bright light finally appeared in her eyes.

"Of course, I am a mind-reading monster, so I am also hated."

"That's it...that's how it is..."

"Don't you hate me?"


"That's it, because you are very cowardly and have low self-esteem, are not good at communicating with others, and don't know how to face the current situation. I can know your thoughts, but I am more relaxed towards you... Well, it turns out that such a situation also exists? "

Gu Mingdijue tilted his head, seeming to be thinking about something.

There was a moment of silence.

"That..." Xiao Meiyan suddenly plucked up the courage, "Miss Jue, although you are right, but... I am not saying it perfunctorily, because Miss Jue is really cute, compared to an inconspicuous person like me. stand up……"

As she spoke, Xiao Meiyan lowered her head again.

"Maybe because of the hairstyle."


"And glasses."


"In the words of that miko, spring is not enough."

"..." Xiao Meiyan was confused for a while, what on earth was she talking about.

"Then, before getting down to business, let's dress up first." Gu Mingdijue closed one eye and smiled faintly, "I used to dress up the pets when I was bored. With your quality, as long as you dress up seriously, After a while, it should become very cute."

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