Shortly after sending the invitation, Tang Hao quickly logged into the chat room.

Da Ben Dan: By the way, shouldn’t our chat room be seriously planned?

Seventeen-year-old girl: What are you planning?

Dabendan: It’s just a matter of personnel deployment and coordination. What a group should have. I still feel that everyone is too lax during this period. They are either busy talking about love or eating, drinking and having fun, and not doing business. Those who don’t do it are too lazy, of course, including me.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Don't say anything, including you, aren't you the only one who is busy talking about love?

Although it seemed to be true, Tang Hao couldn't help but blush when he saw this sentence.

Da Bendan: That's right... I'm not that busy with romance, and I really feel the need to plan it carefully.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Then tell me, what is the planning method?

Dabendan: Well, let me organize the language first.

Da Bendan: The first thing is to recruit new people. This is the only way for the development of a chat room. There are currently only two methods, one is an invitation with a 10% success rate, and the other is to go to the unknown world to perform tasks...especially the second Point, I think our current attitude is still too casual and lacks orderly arrangements.

Sage Hui: But there’s nothing we can do about it. After all, everyone has their own things to do, and it’s impossible to stay in the chat room all the time. After all, the substitute cannot completely replace the person.

Dabendan: Well, this is indeed a difficult problem to solve.

The current chat rooms present a very troublesome three-pole divide. One is ordinary people who lack ability, the other is the elite who lack time, and the third is idlers who have both ability and time but are limited by the interference value.

In this differentiated environment, although there are many members in the chat room, there are not many group members who can actually be sent out to recruit new people. As a result, most of the group members have nothing to do most of the time. When the onlookers... of course, this idleness is only for the chat room, they are still very busy in their own worlds.

But one thing that cannot be ignored is that this status quo also results in the fact that permissions to travel to random worlds are often wasted, so that the recruitment of new people is slow, causing the development of the chat room to get stuck in a subtle way.

Tang Hao had noticed this phenomenon before, but he never had a clear concept. Until now, perhaps because he changed from a boy to a man, his thinking became clearer and he finally had a clear understanding.

I'm afraid Yakumo Murasaki has known about it for a long time, so she proposed a plan to improve the strength of the chat room group members two days ago. If ordinary group members like Kato Megumi can also have a certain level of combat power, then the administrator's Recruitment authority will not be wasted easily, and you can go to the unknown world more times. As the number of times increases, the requirements for task completion can also be reduced. Even if you only succeed once in three times, you can steadily add new group members. .

But the improvement of strength does not happen overnight. No matter how convenient the Devil Fruit is, it is not that easy to obtain it without people like Yakumo Murasaki taking action, especially for ordinary people like Kato Megumi who have no fighting ability at all. Even with the help of a chat room, how easy is it to steal the fruit ability from an esper?

Of course, Tang Hao can understand Yakumo Murasaki's thoughts. People will never cherish things that are easily obtained. This is human nature, but he still feels that it is a bit overwhelming. Even if Kato Megumi and the others are allowed to work hard, they must at least let them Have some self-protection ability.

Dabendan: It's like playing a development game... Our development of chat rooms can also be regarded as business development. When everything is lacking in the early stage, we should concentrate our existing efforts on key development. The most important thing at the moment is the level of the chat room. As long as the level goes up, everyone can benefit, so even ordinary people can arrange it.

Yukinoshita: This seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the previous strategy, right?

Dabendan: Now and then, in the past, it was mainly Kirito Asuna's side who was in urgent need of backbone combat power, but now, the big tomb is being tossed by Zimei so much, and it will temporarily choose to shrink down. It is really the last resort. You can also send out humanoids, so the problem there is less serious, and Kirito and Asuna can have their hands free.

Da Bendan: Then, as the level of the chat room increases, the mall will be further opened, and the prestige of the group members will also increase. Perhaps an ability can be exchanged directly from the mall, then the overall chat room will be improved. In this way Once the path is opened, it will be easier to walk in the future.

Hiyori Kazuki: So, now even ordinary people can be invited?

Da Bendan: Yes, that’s what I think. The top priority is to upgrade the chat room to lv2. It doesn’t matter whether the newcomer is strong or not. And this task is not too serious, only four people are, three to be precise, because I still have a 100% invitation card here.

Her Royal Highness: Have you decided who to give this invitation card to?

Dabendan: Not yet.

Yu Ji had no intention of joining the group, and it was not impossible for him to choose Tang Hao. He had promised both Lingmeng and Aleister, but even if these two joined the group, they would only increase the number of idlers, especially Ayles. On the other side of the tower, there is no need to go so fast. You can continue to drag it up.

Others like Accelerator and Shokuhou Misaki are good candidates, but there is no need to make a decision so quickly. You can wait and see the situation.

Da Bendan: But there’s no rush. I’ll make a decision after three more new people are added. It’s completely late.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, although this idea is not brilliant, it is not satisfactory.

Yakumo Murasaki's words were undoubtedly approved, and Tang Hao also smiled. Although he was the administrator and could make many decisions on his own, the overall plan for the development of the chat room was obviously not his alone. Yakumo Murasaki passed, Kaguya had no problem, and other group members naturally had no objections either.

After all, Tang Hao's proposal is extremely beneficial to ordinary group members, especially ordinary people like Kato Megumi.

Kirito: So, shall we start now?

Da Ben Dan: If there is nothing urgent, you can start at any time.

Tang Hao looked at the list of group members. Except for Sakata Gintoki, all group members with an interference value of less than 60 can participate in this task. Of course, Misaka Mikoto and Erza cannot participate in this task because they have a few days. After that, they will go to the world of One Piece. Their adventure is also relatively important, and Zoro cannot do the same.

But even so, there are still nearly half of the people left.

However, just as everyone was discussing who should go to the unknown world, a line of eye-catching information suddenly popped up in the chat box.

[Magical girl joins the two-dimensional chat room]

Sudden newcomer!

In an instant, the conversation in the chat room came to an abrupt end.

Tang Hao quickly clicked on the newcomer's avatar with the speed of a single man for twenty years. Although the newcomer had not uploaded an avatar yet, it was just the initial gray and white avatar. But unfortunately, this magical girl was not brought in by him, and he could not see the other person's world information.

Da Ben Dan: Who pulled him in?

Seventeen-year-old girl: It’s me.

Her Royal Highness: Where are you from?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Madoka Magica.

Magical Girls: Who are you? Why do you know Madoka?

Da Ben Dan: So you are not Madoka, then who are you? Xiao Meiyan? Tomoe Asami? Sakura Kyoko? Or Miki Sayaka?

Magical girl:! !

"Puella Magi Madoka Magica", the masterpiece of the Warrior of Love, creates a desperate world view and a bunch of desperate magical girls. The five protagonists are also called the Five Colors Team, which are exactly what Shikame Madoka and Tang Hao mentioned above. Four names, since they are people from this world, that magical girl is probably one of these five people.

The magical girl's reaction was obviously equivalent to acquiescence.

Magical Girl: Why do you know my name? where is this place? Are you also a magical girl? Or... a witch?

Da Bendan: You have a lot of questions, so don’t worry. Have you read the group announcement?

Magical Girl: Group Announcement?

Magical Girl: I haven’t seen it, is that important?

Dabendan: It's very important, but before that, can you tell us your name?

Magical Girl: I...

Magical Girl: No, I can't believe you yet.

Well, suddenly joining an inexplicable chat room and not being able to exit, even saying goodbye to yourself and your friends by name, is indeed easy to make you wary. Tang Hao understood this and was about to comfort him again. Suddenly

[Magical girl joins the two-dimensional chat room]

Wait, what the hell is this?

Tang Hao thought he was dazzled for a moment, but he looked at the chat box carefully, and then looked at the group member list on the right. Yes, the number of people has indeed increased. There are now 23 group members, and there are two people with the same name. They are all magical girls.

By the way, can the ID in a chat room be repeated?

This was the first time Tang Hao knew of such a thing.

Magical Girls: Is this really a gathering place for magical girls?

The newcomer spoke, but not only did the two newcomers have the same name, but they also had the same avatar. Tang Hao had no idea who was speaking.

Forget it, ignore it for now and read the information.

Tang Hao immediately opened the personal information of the second magical girl, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The second magical girl he brought in had a world representation, and this world was shaped like a moon!

Shape moon?

It's that model moon, right?

A magical girl from Xingyue, the name Illya immediately popped into Tang Hao's mind.

However, although Xingyue is not a world rich in magical girls, there are actually many magical girls when it comes to them, such as...Magical Girl Illya, Magical Girl Kuro, Magical Girl Miyu, Magical Girl Tohsaka Rin, Magical Girl Golden Diamond, as well as the magical girl Jeanne d'Arc, and the magical girl Masato who just changed jobs not long ago!

So, which magical girl is she?

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