You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

320 The Sky Fox Arrives (4100 orders plus updates)

The moment he saw Youyouzi, Tang Hao was not only shocked, but also ecstatic.

What he lacks the most now is combat power, and it is top-level combat power. Yuyuko belongs to the top group in Gensokyo. Although it is almost impossible to sweep the Great Tomb, it is impossible to resist one or two guardians. No problem at all.

If you can get help from Youyouzi, this trip will undoubtedly be much easier.

But... is she really Yuyuko?

Let's not talk about how Yakumo Purple sent people here. In terms of interference value alone, Yuyuko's interference value cannot be lower than Patchouli and Gu Mingjijue. Even the two of them can't get through, let alone Don't talk about Youyouzi.

In other words, it’s not Yuyuko herself?

That's right, no matter how dumb or stupid Youyouzi is, it's impossible not to know who she is.

Could it be a humanoid existence? But when did Yakumo Murasaki make humanoids?

There were too many doubts in his mind, but at this time Tang Hao couldn't care so much, and immediately shouted to the undead lady in mid-air: "Yuyuko, your name is Xigyouji Yuyuko, you are here to help... No, it's her Those who are enjoying lunch, have you seen the bug under your feet in front of you? It is the lunch I prepared for you!"

Regardless of whether it is the real body or the human form, since she appears in the form of Yuyuko, her thinking mode is probably the same as Yuyuko. If it comes to helping in fights, with her lazy and leisurely character, she may not be able to bring it up, but if it is said When it came to eating, she would definitely work harder than Reimu.

Sure enough, when the word lunch was mentioned, Yuyouzi's eyes suddenly lit up, and her listless expression became excited, "Well, can I eat it?"

"Of course!" Tang Hao nodded vigorously, "Not only is it edible, it tastes super good, and... the portion is large, so you'll be full!"

After hearing that the amount was large, Yuyouzi's eyes glowed green, and even her saliva seemed to be flowing out. Her light body immediately flew towards Cocytus, "Then, I'm going to start... ah"

"Wait!" Cocytus swung his weapon and released layers of ice, trying to block Yuyuko out. "Who are you? I'm here to duel with a warrior. If you are not a warrior, just step aside. Go, don’t get in the way!”

The power of the ice was very strong, but it could not trap Yuyuko. She was an undead, and it was common for her to pass through gaps in the wall. She passed through the ice as if it was nothing, and bit Cocytus on the shoulder.

Click! Click!

Can't bite into it.

Youyouzi let go of her mouth and looked at Tang Hao with an aggrieved look on her face, "It's so hard."

Tang Hao quickly explained, "It has a hard shell. Have you ever eaten field snails? Although the shell of field snails is very hard, the meat inside is very tender. The same is true for it. As long as the shell is removed, you can enjoy authentic seafood." Delicious.”

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" Youyouzi nodded repeatedly.

But Cocytus was extremely angry. His body shook, and the tyrannical force knocked Youyouzi away. He roared: "I am not food!"

"Yes, it is!" Tang Hao pointed at Cocytus and said loudly, "You see, this guy lied in order not to be eaten. He has no consciousness of being food at all. It is a heinous crime. You must not let it go. it!"

"Food that can resist is really rare. I have never eaten it before." The interest in Yuyouzi's eyes became more intense, which made Cocytus's scalp tingle. "It must taste very good. In that case, I will break you first." shell."

While speaking, a huge fan opened behind Youyouzi, and countless butterfly-like barrages were shot towards Cocytus.

"Anti-Soul Butterfly, eighty percent full, okay, hit it!"

Tang Hao yelled and ran around quickly. Since Youyouzi had already launched an attack, Cocytus had no time to deal with him. If he didn't take advantage of this time to run, why not stay and watch the show?

Regardless of whether this Yuyuko is the real person or a human form, since Yakumo Murasaki has sent her here, there will be no problems and it is not her turn to worry.

"Don't run! You actually want to escape during the battle. Are you worthy of being called a warrior? If you are a warrior, come and fight me openly!" Cocytus roared loudly when he saw Tang Hao running away.

Warrior? Bah, warriors are nothing!

An upright martial artist is just a fool. Who has time to fight with you?

Tang Hao cursed in his heart and ran faster than a rabbit.

It wanted to chase after him, but was blocked by countless butterflies. These butterflies contained terrifying death energy, so it had to deal with it with all its heart and could only watch Tang Hao escape.

Due to environmental reasons, this glacier world was not very convenient to move around. It took Tang Hao nearly an hour to successfully break through and enter the fourth level.

The environment on the fourth level is different. It is a huge underground lake. Although it is not as vast as the glacier world, it is still very troublesome. As far as Tang Hao knows, the guardian of this level has not appeared in the animation, because it does not have self-awareness like other guardians, but the existence of a strategic siege weapon. It is more than thirty meters tall. As long as it is If an intruder comes in, it will automatically launch an attack.

Boom! Boom...

Sure enough, not long after, Tang Hao heard a strong vibration in the distance, and even the entire underground lake shook violently.

This kind of thing is so terrifying. Although there is a saying that an elephant will be killed by too many ants, it would only work if there were too many ants!

Gritting his teeth, Tang Hao used the second tip bag without hesitation.


As the kit was opened, a yellow tail swept across Tang Hao's face. It was so fluffy that it made people want to sneeze. When he looked closely, he saw it was a nine-tailed fox wearing Taoist uniform.

Yakumo blue!

After all, he had already met Yuyuko, so Tang Hao was not too surprised by Yakumo Lan's appearance. Instead, he thought...ah, it was indeed so.

Yakumo Lan was not as dull as Yuyuko, and she did not look at Tang Hao after she appeared. Instead, she paid attention to the surrounding environment, squinting her eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"That's it." Then, Yakumo Lan nodded, then turned to look at Tang Hao, and said with a smile, "We meet again. I came to help you on the order of Master Zi. Since you opened the second brocade Nang, have you already met Youyouzi?"

"Is she really Yuyuko?"

"No." Yakumo Lan shook his head, "That is the humanoid made by Murasaki-sama based on Yuyuko. Although it simulates Yuyuko's power form and thinking circuit, it is Murasaki's power that drives her, so there is no true body. You don’t have to worry about the memory. As for me, I’m a clone.”

"Although my body cannot come to this world, you know that I am Master Murasaki's shikigami. As long as I make my own clone, I can come here in the form of spell cards. Of course, the power of the clone is quite limited, even if My main body has transferred most of its power to the clone, and I can only maintain it for a short period of time, and it is difficult for me to fight head-on, but this occasion is very suitable for me to perform."

"you mean?"

"That's right." Yakumo Lan smiled and nodded, "I have just calculated the general shape of this area. The enemy is a huge monster over thirty meters long. Once it attacks, it will be difficult to escape from under its nose. And Almost the entire area is under its control...but after all, it is only almost. According to my calculations, there is an absolutely safe route. I will hold it here. You only need to follow this route. Before that, you can leave smoothly.”

After Yakumo Lan finished speaking, she reached out and waved her hand, and two talismans flew out of her sleeves and flew towards the distant place, leaving a light yellow trail on the way, like a road sign.

Even though Tang Hao had long known how powerful Yakumo Lan was, he was still shocked at this moment. "In just such a short time, you have already calculated the complete terrain of this area and even found a safe route?"

Although this underground lake is not as huge as the glacier world, it can't be seen to the end at a glance. Yakumo Lan only took a few glances and calculated it completely. This is too abnormal.

Yakumo Aoi fluttered her tail. Although she was the top monster in Gensokyo, because she had seniors and juniors, she had to deal with all kinds of household things all day long, and she only had a chance when she was managing the Great Barrier. There are very few opportunities to show off one's own abilities, so now that I heard Tang Hao's words, I couldn't help but feel a little proud.

It can also be said to be the excitement of the beast.

"Of course, the power of mathematics is very great. Mastering mathematics is equivalent to mastering the mysteries of the world. If it were my body, it would only take three seconds to calculate it. Unfortunately, Lord Zi does not take it seriously. Orange is too I can't learn it even when I'm young... By the way, do you like math? If you're interested, come to Gensokyo in the future and I can teach you!"

Suddenly, Yakumo Blue's tail trembled more violently.

Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, Mathematics? No, this is too scary!

"I... I think I'd better forget it, my brain is a bit stupid." Although Tang Hao was indeed very envious of Yakumo Lan's calculation ability, when he mentioned mathematics, he felt a splitting headache and quickly refused.

"Really, that's it..." Yakumo Lan lowered his tail in despair.

Seeing her depressed look, Tang Hao felt a little sorry and changed his words, "Well, it may be useful. If necessary, I will come and ask you for advice."

Suddenly, Yakumo Blue's tail was raised again, and he nodded repeatedly, "Welcome anytime!"

It seems that Yakumo Blue also has a good teacher side.

Even if it is a clone, Yakumo Blue's existence in this world is limited. After saying that, Tang Hao stopped delaying. While Yakumo Blue was going to attract the guardian's attention, he quickly moved forward along the marked route. run.

But having said that, on the fifth floor, Yakumo Purple made a humanoid figure of Yuyuko, and on the fourth floor, he sent out Yakumo Blue. The two areas perfectly matched the abilities and characteristics of the two people. It was almost like It's like it's tailor-made, could it be...

Is this all part of your calculations?

Purple sister!

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