After taking the potion, Ye's complexion quickly returned to normal, but she was not a player, and the potion had limited effects. It could only restore her physical strength and injuries, but it could not restore her combat effectiveness.

However, while walking on the sixth floor, Ye still said: "Don't use the tips for the time being. It's up to me to break through this floor."

Tang Hao nodded. Since the Guardian's tactics are like this, their focus must be on the later floors. The further they go, the harder it will be. In this case, the role of the tips becomes very crucial.

"But can you hold on? There are two guardians on this level." Tang Hao was a little worried. The guardians on the sixth level are twins, and neither of them has the same combat power as Demiurge. under.

"It doesn't matter. According to your description, I know something about their abilities, but they don't know my fighting routine. Although once we fight, they will definitely figure it out. A protracted war will not be good for me, but it is just a breakthrough. , it’s not a big problem.”

There was strong confidence in Ye's tone. Since she had said so, Tang Hao stopped talking.

The sixth floor is a forest with a very complicated route, but with Yui's navigation, these are irrelevant. After all, when it comes to routes, the most troublesome thing is the eighth floor. It is a maze of death with no correct path at all. Originally, it was the ultimate defense against player invasion. During the game, eight guilds united to invade. In the large tomb, a total of more than 1,200 people invaded the eighth floor, but the entire army was wiped out there, but Tang Hao was able to break through easily.

Firstly, it was because Gu Aotian did not use the killer weapons on the eighth level, and secondly, it was also because of Yui's role.

Therefore, for Tang Hao and Ye, the only problem to overcome was the guardian himself.

Soon, the two reached the exit of the sixth floor again.

"Ah, here it comes." At the exit of the forest, two figures jumped down from the trees. They were the guardians of the sixth floor, a level 100 dark elf. Her sister Yawu was dressed in men's clothing and controlled hundreds of people. A high-level monster, it is the strongest in group battles. His younger brother Mare is dressed in women's clothing and is good at magic. In individual battles, he is second only to Shalltear among the guardians.

Yawu has a cheerful personality and is very lively. As soon as he jumped down from the tree, he smiled and said: "I am really happy to hear Demiurge's report that you have broken through the seventh level. After all, if you lose to Demiurge, Miurge, then we have nothing to play with, so... let's have a good fight, I am very keen on fighting."


Yawu swung his long whip and immediately rushed towards Ye Sha. At the same time, he shouted to his brother: "Marei, use magic on me."

"Okay...Okay." His younger brother Mare is introverted and hesitant when speaking. He looks very timid, but this is just a disguise for him to bully the enemy. In terms of cruelty, he is no less cruel than other guardians. .

If someone knew nothing about this, he might really be deceived by him, but Ye Zao had obtained enough information from Tang Hao, so how could she be deceived by his appearance? She was on guard against Ma Lei. Even higher than Yawu.

The battle broke out quickly, with one against two, and Ye was obviously at a disadvantage. But fortunately, the two guardians lacked sufficient means to deal with the time-based abilities, and the Scarlet Devil Mansion also had Patchouli, a book that was close to The all-powerful magic book, in terms of magical attainments alone, Patchouli is much better than Marek, who is only good at natural magic.

As long as Ye is free, she will often help Patchouli take care of the big library. She is also very experienced in how to deal with magic attacks. Although she is at a disadvantage overall, she is always ready to counterattack.

"Haha, I caught you!"

After all, it was one against two, and the pressure on Ye was not small. Occasionally, he would inevitably reveal his flaws. As he laughed, Yawu grabbed Ye's flaw, rolled up his long whip, and quickly wrapped around her body. , swept towards Mare.

Seeing the figure flying in front of him, Mare raised his staff and struck Ye hard like a hammer.

Magicians like melee combat, this is common sense.

Ye's face changed slightly. She could feel that the staff was strengthened by magic. It weighed more than 10,000 pounds. It was impossible for her body to bear such a force. In desperation, she used the world without thinking.

However, the time-stop ability cannot be used unlimitedly. Two consecutive high-intensity battles consumed her power greatly. The duration of this world was quite limited, and it was automatically broken in less than three seconds. Although Ye had already taken advantage of At this time, they were freed from their restraints, but Yaw and Mare's attacks arrived almost at the same time.

Night fog phantom murderer!

In an instant, Ye's body separated outwards, spawning countless black phantoms, and there were sharp sword lights on the front, back, left and right. Facing this kind of AoE attack, even those as strong as Yawu and Mare had to defend themselves, and their body instincts The one stepped back.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ye's body passed by Mare and slashed with a dagger.


In an instant, blood spurted out.

Mare's neck was suddenly cut open.

"Marei!" Yawu's face changed drastically, and he ignored Ye's phantom while roaring. With the help of Marei's magic barrier, he whipped out a whip, and with a bang, the long whip hit Ye's back.

Ye groaned, and her whole body was flung away, but at the same time, she also escaped from the surroundings of the two.

Ye lost the chance to hit Mare, and Yawu did not attack again because he was concerned about his brother's condition. He quickly came to Mare's side and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the other man's injury clearly.

After all, Mare was a level 100 dark elf. His physical strength was by no means comparable to that of an ordinary magician, and he was also protected by a magic barrier. Although he was bleeding heavily, his injuries were not serious.

After confirming Mare's situation, Yawu looked at Ye again, only to find that the other party had run away.

"Damn it, he actually ran away... By the way, is there another person?"

"No... I don't know." Marei shook his head indifferently, and Yawu immediately opened his reconnaissance vision. He still couldn't find Tang Hao in the forest, so he could only sigh in disappointment.

"Ah, it seems I can only leave it to the guys at the back."

Of course it is impossible for Yawu to find Tang Hao.

Now that he has decided to hand over these two guardians to Ye, Tang Hao will naturally give them enough trust. He knows very well that his fighting will not be useful, and staying will only delay him, so as soon as the battle begins, he Yui quickly hid due to her shielding ability.

Although Yawu is known as the king of the forest and is extremely good at reconnaissance and hunting, facing the GM Yui, her reconnaissance methods are useless, so he took advantage of the gap between the two of them being dragged by the night and ran away in advance. At the exit, when Yawu was trying to find him, Tang Hao had already joined Ye and left the sixth floor.

However, although the sixth floor was successfully broken through, the situation at night was not optimistic.

She was whipped by Yawu. The whip contained magical power and was not a simple physical attack. In terms of injury alone, it was much more serious than Mare's. Even walking was a bit unnatural.

Tang Hao stuffed some medicine into her mouth, but it didn't have much effect, so he just carried her on his back.

Ye seemed a little unhappy, and Tang Hao quickly said: "You hugged me just now, and now I'm carrying you, as a courtesy. You can take this opportunity to recover your strength. I may have to rely on you for a while."

"...Okay." After hesitating for a while, Ye finally gave in and let Tang Hao carry him.

The fifth floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick was a glacier world that was extremely cold. Since Ye was seriously injured, Tang Hao did not hesitate to use his divine power, wrapping the two bodies with divine power to resist the invasion of the cold.

But not long after, Tang Hao found a silver-white figure standing on the cold ice field, which looked like a human but not human.

Is that... Cocytus?

Tang Hao was suddenly shocked. This guy didn't guard the exit!

Cocytus, the guardian of the fifth level, is an insect warrior. He is known as the ruler of the glacier. He is a pure force, able to control any weapon and exert ultimate power.

"Come on, let's fight in an upright manner!"

Like all martial arts idiots, after seeing Tang Hao, Cocytus immediately thrust the weapon in his hand into the ice field and said with great heroism. As he spoke, icy cold air came out of its mouth.

In an instant, the ice field became even colder.

Tang Hao's heart sank. The time and place were favorable, and he occupied almost nothing. Such an area was the opponent's absolute home field. Even if Ye was in good condition, he might not be able to defeat this guy, let alone he was injured. .

It seems that the only option is to use the tips bag.

In desperation, Tang Hao took out the first tip bag from his arms.

The moment I tore open the brocade bag, a few cherry blossoms flew out...


Before Tang Hao could react, the cherry blossoms flew into the air and gradually gathered into a beautiful human shape.

"Huh?" Tang Hao was completely stunned when he saw the human figure.

Tang Hao originally thought that Yakumo Purple had the same clever plan as Zhuge Liang in his bag, but he never expected...

The human figure in mid-air looked down at Cocytus, smiled, and said delicately and charmingly: "So, do you want to stay here as an undead, or do you want to stay here and become an undead?"

Saikyoji Yuyuko!

What emerged from the kit was the undead lady.

Seeing her, even Cocytus was stunned for a moment.

After Yuyouzi finished his opening remarks, his eyes blinked, and there was a hint of surprise and confusion in his tone, "Hey, this doesn't seem to be the White Jade Tower? What is that place? And...who am I?"

Tilting her head, this beautiful undead lady had a silly expression, silly and cute at the same time.


At the same time, Tang Hao was also full of questions.

Although Saigyouji Yuyuko has the attributes of pink and black, she is still a natural idiot, but Tang Hao did not expect that she would be so natural that she doesn't even know who she is.

Speaking of which, is this guy really Yuyuko?

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