You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

321 The purple girl descended from the sky (fourth update)

The two kits summoned the human form of Yuyuko and the clone of Yakumo Lan respectively. For the last kit, Tang Hao was even more looking forward to it, not knowing which big boss would be summoned.

At the same time, just as Tang Hao stepped into the entrance of the third floor, Yui said excitedly: "Brother Ritian, the conflict in the system has weakened. As long as we advance one more floor, I can use teleportation!"

"Really? That's great!" Seeing Yui nodding excitedly, Tang Hao was also very happy. Once Yui's GM authority was unrestricted, even if Gu Aotian's entire army was dispatched, he would never be able to stop him. .

However, how to break through this layer is the biggest problem.

According to the signs of the actions of the guardians, their plan should be to obstruct them through the previous levels. If they can win the best, they can also weaken the power of the night. Therefore, the guards at this last level must be very terrifying. Maybe even be prepared to face all the Guardians.

After all, none of the guardians on the previous floors died, nor did they suffer any huge trauma. Except for the guardians on the fourth floor, all of them were able to move normally, so Cocytus might be a little dangerous.'s not just the guardians we have to face next.

Oh! Oh! Whoa...

Following the clearly audible footsteps, Tang Hao looked up and saw countless skeleton armies, densely packed like a tide, coming over.

The first three floors of Nazarick have no special terrain. All they have is an endless army of skeletons. Although the level of these skeleton soldiers is not high, heroic human adventurers can easily eliminate them, but the victory is in numbers... The human wave tactic is simple to say, but it is always the most effective tactic.

However, seeing the skeleton soldiers getting closer and closer, Tang Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

All the way here before, the enemies he faced were all Guardians. He, a novice, had done nothing but open two kits. He could only let Ye take the wounded and fight hard, so that his conscience was strongly condemned. But now , the enemy finally did not have overwhelming combat power, and he was finally able to bully these skeleton soldiers.

"Don't block the road!" Tang Hao shouted, swung his sword and rushed towards the skeleton army. Wherever the sword light passed, the skeleton soldiers were smashed one by one, and there was a strong tendency for gods to kill gods and Buddhas.

But in the blink of an eye, Ye silently pierced the skeleton army like a sharp knife, and the white skeletons splashed out like a faucet... I have to say that, in terms of the ability of the soldiers, , Tang Hao is also beyond his reach.

Rather, there is no one in Gensokyo who is not good at clearing out minions. They play barrage as a game, and they are all map cannons.

Although Ye was seriously injured, he did not feel too much pressure when facing such mixed soldiers. He seemed to be driving unparalleled all the way. Soon he and Tang Hao broke out of the skeleton army's blockade, and then they saw a Colosseum. open square.

"Finally I'm here. If it had been any later, I would have fallen asleep..."

In the center of the square, a portal suddenly opened. Following an elegant voice, a Gothic lolita holding a black parasol slowly stepped out. She had excessively pale skin and long silver hair. Although she looked only about fourteen years old, But she has an impressive bust.

When the portal closed, she threw her parasol upwards and turned into a blood-colored butterfly and disappeared in mid-air. Then she lifted up her skirt with both hands and smiled elegantly and politely, "My name is Shalltia Bradford Lun, welcome to my class, then let me enjoy it unilaterally, hehehe."

Shalltia, the true ancestor of vampires, is the guardian with the strongest comprehensive ability. She is covered in legendary equipment and has three stages of transformation ability. After transforming into the Valkyrie stage, she can perform a heroic spirit summons to summon a heroic spirit substitute that is exactly the same as herself. In addition, although he is a dark-type vampire, he also possesses holy-type attacks, including magic and melee combat.

In terms of personal combat ability alone, she can almost be said to be the strongest among the Guardians.

Of course, the strongest individual in the Great Tomb is neither Shalltear nor Gu Aotian, but Albedo's sister Lubedou, but the other party is a disaster-level existence, unless it comes to the critical moment of life and death in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. , otherwise they will never take action easily, because once this kind of existence takes action, it means that both parties have no way out.

Therefore, the strongest combat power that the Great Tomb can use is Shalltiya.

Ye was still injured and could never defeat Xia Tina. Tang Hao knew that this battle was very crucial and immediately wanted to take out the bag of tips, but at this moment, Ye held down his hand and said, "Let me do it."

"You... can you do it?" Tang Hao was stunned.

"I don't know." Ye shook his head, "But my opponent is a vampire, and the true ancestor of a vampire. I don't want to miss this opportunity, so let me be willful for a little while... If I really can't win, it's not too late to open my bag of tips. "

"...Okay." Although Ye has a cool and calm personality, and is very free and easy, occasionally there will be times when she goes her own way. This change in personality will make her become competitive and extremely aggressive, and she will do some normal things. It was something she wouldn't do. Since Ye made such a request, Tang Hao couldn't refuse.

Opposite me, Shalltiya smiled slightly, "So, have you decided who will start?"

"Of course it's me." Ye stepped out, "I heard that you are the true ancestor of vampires?"


"That's right."

"Hmm...? Do you have any connection with vampires?"

"You will know this soon." Ye smiled. The next moment, her figure had disappeared from the place, approaching Xia Tiya with countless silver flying knives. This was no longer something she could do with just speed. It can’t be described, but it’s an instantaneous movement through the ability of time.

Of course, if she didn't know Ye's ability, Shalltiya might still be caught due to carelessness, but now, facing an enemy who has passed through several levels in a row and defeated many guardians, even a human would not be able to Let her underestimate the enemy too much.

When Tang Hao looked over, Xia Tiya had already taken out his magical weapon [dropper spear]. The battle between the two sides became intense from the beginning, and it was incredibly fast. Even if Tang Hao opened his eyes wide, he could not grasp the meaning of it. detail.

Naturally, he couldn't tell who had the advantage.


"Oh, the little brothers over there seem to be boring, so let them play with you."

Shatiya noticed that Tang Hao, who was watching on the sidelines, suddenly broke away from the battle circle, and four pale-skinned female figures sprouted from the blood.

The vampire bride, Shalltear's dependent.

As soon as the four vampire brides appeared, they immediately roared and rushed towards Tang Hao.

From this point of view, Shalltiya should have the advantage and can deal with it fairly easily.

Tang Hao didn't expect that watching the battle would be dangerous. This Xia Tiya went too far and immediately cursed, "Fake breasts!"

"Wha...what?" Xia Tiya's expression suddenly changed, and her smile stopped abruptly.


At this moment, a silver light flashed and instantly cut a blood mark on her face.

"You guy, you actually hit my cute face..." Xia Tiya's eyes showed anger, huge magic power surged towards the dropper spear, and the magic power exploded when it was pierced, and the explosive fireworks directly swallowed Ye's figure.

But the next moment, Ye rushed out of the smoke, and there were more than one. The original black-gray eyes released a blood-red light like a vampire. The infinite silver light completely blocked Shalltiya's movements, constantly attacking the enemy. There are scars on the body.

In terms of attack power alone, Ye is actually not very strong, especially when facing those blood cows with high defense and thick blood. For example, Kazami Yuxiang may not even be able to break through the defense, but her ability to utilize time can effectively deal with them. Her attacks are superimposed, thereby increasing the intensity of the attacks again and again, and her weapons also have certain restraint against vampires.

Tactical considerations allowed Ye to suppress Shalltiya at this moment.

But it is still too difficult to defeat. After all, Shalltear has not even entered the second stage of lamprey mode, and the subsequent Valkyrie mode is probably not something that can be fought at night.

"Oh oh oh, the fight has already begun."

"Has Shalltiya been suppressed? Haha, what an idiot."

"This guy is a bit underestimating the enemy."

"Do we need to take action?"

"No need for now. As promised before, give her some time to enjoy herself."

Almost at the same time, several figures appeared on the edge of the square. Except for Sethus and the big guy on the fourth floor, all the guardians were there, including the guardian chief Albedo and the butler Sebas. A hundred level monster!

But they had no intention of taking action immediately. They just stood aside and watched and laughed at Shalltiya.

Monsters who thought they were invincible became careless because they had an absolute advantage. In this case... Tang Hao faced the siege of four new blood brides. After a certain gap, after seeing these guardians appear, he swung his sword and opened the final bag without hesitation.

The kit was opened, and a golden light overflowed. The four vampire brides who had just been forced back by Tang Hao's sword and rushed forward again instantly turned into dust under the golden light.


The strange movement here attracted the attention of the guardians. Except for Shalltiya who was in the battle, they all turned their attention.

I saw a black gap opening in the air, and a blond girl holding a parasol sat elegantly on it. She opened her folding fan lightly and looked at the guardians not far away, smiling behind her fan.

"My name is Yakumo Murasaki. Good evening, fellow monsters. This is a rare occasion, so please let me enjoy it unilaterally."

Looking at the blond girl in the air, not to mention the guardian, even Tang Hao was speechless for a while.

Damn it!

Zi Ma, why are you here too? Since you can come here, wouldn't it be great if you showed up earlier and started knitting?

Tang Hao was excited and depressed at the same time. Once Zi Ma arrived, the overall situation could be decided.

But...why does this purple mother look younger than usual?

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket, I didn’t even make it into the top ten, it’s so pitiful.

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