"Ye, this way!"

Tang Hao waved to someone not far away. Although Ye was not a player, Yui had already marked her, so it was not difficult to find her.

"How are you?" Seeing Ye running over in a hurry, Tang Hao asked immediately.

"We have fallen into a trap." Ye shook his head, "All the enemy guards have been dispatched. It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. For safety reasons, we must leave immediately."

"Really..." Although he had already guessed the result, Tang Hao was still a little disappointed after actually learning the fact. He originally came to investigate Gu Aotian's movements, but he was exposed without doing anything. Terrible.

No, think about it from another angle. Since Gu Aotian already knows that someone has invaded the ninth floor of the Great Tomb, with his suspicious and cowardly character, he should think that there is a problem with the defense of the Great Tomb, and thus further strengthen the security. In other words, For a short time, there was no need to worry that he would send guardians to invade Aincrad.

So, their purpose seems to have been achieved in another form? At least it gives Aincrad more room for development. In this case, there is really no need to stay here. The best thing to do is to leave as soon as possible.

"Yui, can you teleport us out?" Thinking of this, Tang Hao immediately asked.

Yui shook her head, "No, the conflict in the system is too strong. I can't use that much authority now, but I feel that the system protection of the Great Tomb is centered on the ninth floor and spreads upward. If we can reach the previous floors , I should be able to use teleportation."

"That means we have to break through on foot?"

Tang Hao frowned. According to Ye, the guardian who was chasing her suddenly disappeared. If you think about it normally, you should have guessed that they wanted to escape from the big tomb, so they took the first step to guard each level, preparing to come. Just sitting there... After all, the enemy has Demiurge, so it's not surprising that he can think of such a strategy.

And if they want to escape, they must first break through each level... Well, there is always a feeling that Guan Erye passed five levels and killed six generals, but comparing the strength of both sides, they do not have the military advantage of Guan Erye. The guardians It is not as good as the six generals in the fifth level, and it is possible to be discovered by the enemy on the way. It is really a difficult challenge.

Of course, if you rely on Yui's shielding ability to hide and wait for the shuttle value to cool down, it is also a way to take Ye and Yui directly to Gensokyo, but Gu Aotian has too many world-class props in his hands, and among them Even he couldn't determine what functions it had. If Yui's shield suddenly failed and they were caught in a trap, they would not be able to escape anyway.

Sure enough, it is safer to break through.

However, facing so many guardians, the possibility of breaking through with Ye's power alone is too low.

Da Ben Dan: Zimei, we are in trouble.

So, Tang Hao immediately contacted Yakumo Purple.

If you have nothing to do, go to Zima, and if you have something to do, go to Zimei. This is the eternal truth.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Oh, it seems that this mission is not going well. Well, don’t worry too much about it. After all, victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. With your current strength, invading the Great Tomb is indeed a bit too reluctant... I Here are three tips. When you feel you have no way out, open them in order. They may be of some help to you.

Soon, Tang Hao received three tips sent by Yakumo Purple. These three kits looked very delicate and had a faint fragrance, but Tang Hao's eyes suddenly became weird.

Three tips, do you think you are Zhuge Zi?


Da Ben Dan: Why do I feel like you guessed that our operation would fail from the beginning?

Seventeen-year-old girl: It's nothing. I don't have the ability to predict the future. It's just that you happened to fail, and I happened to have a good idea. It's just a coincidence.

Only ghosts believe you!

This sounds like nonsense, and Tang Hao wouldn't believe it even to death. But now, he was too lazy to think about it so much. Since Yakumo Zi had made preparations in advance, he felt more confident about his subsequent escape, and immediately put away his kit and nodded towards the night.

At the same time, Yui also opened her hands, shrouding her authority over Ye.

Tang Hao alone, as long as he stays by Yui's side, Yui can completely shield him, and no matter what kind of reconnaissance means, he will not be able to find him. But Ye is not a player. Yui must use part of her strength to do it, and judging from her sometimes frowning expression, this matter is quite difficult and may not be a long-term solution.

So Tang Hao no longer delayed, raced against time, and immediately started action with Ye.

With Yui's screen and reconnaissance, you don't have to worry about being discovered by the enemy on the road. You can also confirm the enemy's location and avoid it smoothly. Moreover, there are no guardians on the ninth floor, so the three of them quickly completed the breakthrough and entered On the eighth floor.

The eighth floor is particularly large and quiet. Walking on this floor, Tang Hao felt a little nervous, because as far as he knew, there were very terrifying existences on the eighth floor, and even the guardians used [those] Title, compared to the guardians on the surface, [those] are the real trump card of the Great Tomb. Even Gu Aotian, if he does not have world-class items in hand, is nothing compared with [those].

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to use such disaster-level beings, but Tang Hao is still not sure whether Gu Aotian will use these nuclear weapons-level combat power for them, and he is afraid that he will suddenly sing Flower of Hope while walking. .

Fortunately, although I was frightened along the way, I never encountered an enemy and reached the seventh floor without any danger.

Then at the exit of the seventh floor, the two of them were about to rush over at one go.

"Is it finally here? I've been waiting for a long time."

A figure appeared out of thin air, blocking the exit.

He is tall and wearing a red Western-style dress. Although he has a human appearance, he has sharp ears and a metal-like tail. He is the guardian of the seventh floor, Demiurge.

Although his attitude seems polite and very elegant, in the story of Overlord, the two-legged sheep ranch, skinning human skins to make scrolls, etc. are all his masterpieces. The reason why Gu Aotian became so bad in the later period is very big Part of it was his push.

At the same time, Yui immediately threw out the identification technique and reminded: "Brothers and sisters, be careful. He is the highest level demon. He has the special ability to rule the spell and the three stages of demon transformation. He must be in his third stage of transformation." Break through before you reach the limit."

"It seems that our previous judgment was wrong. There is not only one intruder, but two... No, do we need to add one more?" Demiurge adjusted his glasses and looked at Tang Hao. Go and smile slightly, "However, I have prepared enough stage to entertain you. Others call me the Creator of Flame Hell."

In an instant, endless flames gush out from the ground, and the entire environment seems to have turned into purgatory. Terrifying balrogs breed from the flames. The terrifying heat makes even Tang Hao's breathing uncomfortable.

Compared with this level 100 monster, his power is really insignificant.

Tang Hao was shocked. He had underestimated the guardians of the big tomb before. In terms of individual strength, these guys might be stronger than the top servants without Noble Phantasms!

"Demon, that's a pity. The one I'm most familiar with is the devil." Ye smiled faintly and stretched out his hand to push Tang Hao back. "Besides, I am in strong mode now, so I may need to trouble you to get out of my way."

After the words fell, Ye was the first to launch an attack, appearing directly beside Demiurge, and countless silver knives, completely blocking the opponent's range of action, and piercing into his body.

Dingding, dong, dong!

There was a sound like gold and iron, Tang Hao just blinked his eyes, and the battle between the two sides had already entered a fever pitch. The combat power unleashed by Ye Burst in the strong mode was astonishing, and he used all kinds of stops and stops smoothly, even if After the second stage of transformation, Demiurge was also suppressed and had no chance to fight back.

But Tang Hao couldn't tell who was the winner in the battle, because Ye's ability was too unfriendly to the spectators. It was like watching a broken movie, intermittently, even "Dragon Ball" was smoother than this.

In front of a person with time abilities, the passage of time is of little significance. He doesn't know how long it took, but Tang Hao suddenly felt a lightness in his body, but it was Ye who picked him up.

"Wait, this posture..."

Tang Hao was shocked to find that he was actually being hugged by a princess!

"No nonsense!"

Ye lowered her voice and rushed towards the exit blocked by the flames without hesitation.

Tang Hao closed his mouth and burst into tears. Although he was indeed useless in this level of battle, what was a princess hug? Is he the kind of princess who needs a hero to rescue her?

However, she didn't think much about it. She just adopted the fastest action mode. Just when the two of them rushed to the entrance, Tang Hao glanced back, and Demiurge started running from the flames.

Then rush out.

Breakthrough to the seventh level!

"Oh, what a difficult kitten." At this moment, Demiurge had already released the transformation mode, wiped the blood stains on it with his thumb on the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile, "Although I know that this layer is absolutely I couldn’t defend it, but I didn’t expect it to be broken through so quickly, but... it’s not a good thing to be too strong.”


Not long after breaking through the seventh floor, Ye suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood while running. Tang Hao looked quickly and saw that her face was as pale as paper.

"You are hurt?"

"It's not a big deal, I'm just a little weak." Ye shook her head. In order to break through as quickly as possible, she chose a more powerful fighting mode than usual. Although she successfully repelled the enemy, she also suffered some trauma.

Tang Hao immediately supported her and stuffed a few pills into her mouth.

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