You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 214 I Haven’T Seen Lingxi For A Long Time!

Su Chen's appearance startled Li Boshan and all the elders. After they reacted, they quickly clasped their fists in salute and said in a respectful tone: "Senior!"

Su Chen glanced at them and then looked away.

At this moment, Tang Yan suddenly appeared on the scene.

Seeing this, Li Boshan and others quickly saluted, "Elder Tang."

Tang Yan nodded slightly and looked at Su Chen, constantly thinking in his mind whether what Su Chen said was true.

Not more than a hundred years old?

In the Upper Immortal Realm, she was considered a monster, and it only took her about a thousand years to reach the Golden Immortal Realm. Therefore, she became the youngest elder of the Sword Sect.

There are really very few people at her age who have achieved this level of success.

If Su Chen could kill her, his realm would be several realms higher than hers. However, Su Chen actually told her that he was not even a hundred years old.

This made it hard for her to believe that even in the heavenly world, there was no such monster.


He shouldn't call him a monster, because the word monster doesn't suit him.


Yes, if Su Chen is really no more than a hundred years old and has such strength, he is really a monster.

It’s simply impossible for humans to do it!

Su Chen looked at Jian Xin, and then pointed at Tang Yan beside him, "Next, you follow her to practice in Jian Zong."

Kenshin hesitated for a moment, then said: "Master, won't you take me with you?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I like free-range breeding."

Kenshin was stunned for a moment, with doubt in his eyes, "What is free-range breeding?"

Su Chen shook his head and smiled: "You don't need to know this."

Jian Xin looked confused, but seeing that Su Chen didn't want to say anything, he didn't ask anymore.

Su Chen patted Jian Xin's shoulder and said with a smile: "Whenever you become invincible in Jian Zong, I will come to see you. Come on."

Kenshin nodded heavily, his eyes burning with fighting spirit, "Yes! I understand!"

Su Chen smiled and said, "I'm leaving."

Without waiting for Kenshin to speak, he turned around and left.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Jian Xin recalled every moment of being with Su Chen in his mind. At this moment, his eyes suddenly turned red with reluctance in his eyes.

Tang Yan looked complicated at the moment.

She never expected that she would meet a monster like Su Chen when she came to the Immortal Realm to take on a disciple. To be honest, what happened today really shocked her countless times.

Jian Xin took a deep breath, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then looked at Tang Xin, "Elder Tang, when will we set off?"

Tang Yan looked at Jian Xin and said calmly: "Just now."

Kenshin frowned slightly, "So fast?"

Tang Yan said: "You can rest for a few days before setting off."

Kenshin thought for a while and then said: "No, let's leave now. I want to become stronger quickly."

Tang Yan nodded, "Let's go then."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Jian Xin did not rush to follow, but looked at Li Boshan and the elders, and then he knelt down directly, "Disciple Jian Xin, thank you Sect Master and the elders for your training!"

Seeing this, Li Boshan quickly helped Jian Xin up and said with a smile: "Good boy, as long as you don't forget us, that's all."

A female elder nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you always remember us, we will be satisfied."

The other elders also smiled and nodded.

Jian Xin said with certainty: "I will never forget the Wanjian Sect, and I will never forget the sect leader and elders!"

A smile appeared on Li Boshan's face, "That's good. After going to Sword Sect, you must practice hard and strive to achieve some achievements."

Kenshin nodded and said, "I will!"

Li Boshan smiled and said, "Well, we believe you."

Jian Xin wanted to say something else, but an elder suddenly said: "Okay, go quickly, Elder Tang has already gone far."

Hearing this, Jian Xin bowed to everyone, "Then I'm leaving. Sect Master and elders, take care!"

After saying that, he turned around and chased after Tang Yan in the direction he left.

Watching Kenshin's leaving figure, an elder sighed with emotion: "When Kenshin came to Wanjian Sect, no one expected that his swordsmanship talent would be so evil."

Another elder nodded and said: "Yes, with this kid's talent in swordsmanship, he is destined to be famous all over the world in the future!"

A female elder said: "I hope he will still remember us when the time comes."

Li Boshan said: "We have watched Jianxin grow up, don't we still know his character and conduct? He will not forget us."

The female elder smiled and said, "That's right."

Li Boshan looked at the elders and said, "Okay, let's all disperse."

All the elders nodded, and then they all disappeared.

After the elders disappeared, Li Boshan looked at the direction where Jian Xin left again for a long time. Finally, he smiled, then turned and walked into the hall.


On the way, Su Chen put his left hand on his chest and held his chin with his right hand, thinking as he walked, "What should we do next?"

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly smiled and said, "I haven't seen Lingxi for a long time, so let's go meet Lingxi."

With that said, he took a step forward and disappeared.


Luo City has hundreds of thousands of years of history, and every brick reveals the traces of time. Even though Luo City has hundreds of thousands of years of history, the city is still crowded with people and brightly lit.

Today, Ye Lingxi is wearing a pale pink dress with a white gauze top, revealing her graceful neck and clearly visible collarbone.

It has to be said that when Ye Lingxi grows up, her appearance and figure are top-notch, and it is estimated that no man can resist her.

Ye Lingxi hugged Hu Xiaotian and walked on the street, attracting the attention of many people. Everyone who looked at Ye Lingxi couldn't bear to look away.

Ye Lingxi ignored the looks of the people around him and said to Hu Xiaotian, "Xiaotian, I feel like I'm about to break through."

Hearing this, Hu Xiaotian looked shocked, "So fast? How long did it take for you to break through? Even a divine beast like me is not as outrageous as you!"

The corners of Ye Lingxi's lips raised slightly, "Maybe this is talent."

The corner of Hu Xiaotian's mouth twitched, and his face was speechless. However, he did not refute, because Ye Lingxi was telling the truth. It can be said that Ye Lingxi's cultivation talent is the most outrageous he has ever seen, bar none!

Of course, that monster Su Chen doesn't count.

Su Chen: "..."

Hu Xiaotian did not answer Ye Lingxi's words, but asked: "When are you going to break through?"

Ye Lingxi thought for a while and then said: "It will take a few days."

Hu Xiaotian nodded and continued to ask: "Then where do you plan to break through?"

Ye Lingxi shook his head, "I haven't thought about it, but I must find a place where there are no people to break through. I don't want to be too high-profile."

Hu Xiaotian nodded and said: "Well, it's better to keep a low profile."

Ye Lingxi smiled, then said nothing more and started walking on the street.

"Little beauty, would you like a drink?" At this moment, an evil voice suddenly sounded...

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