You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 215 Completely Breaking The Defense!

A young man suddenly stood in front of Ye Lingxi.

The young man was wearing a purple robe, and his appearance could not be said to be good-looking, nor ugly. In a word, he looked average. At this moment, the young man was looking at Ye Lingxi with a smile, and there was undisguised lust in his eyes.

Behind the young man, stood an old man in plain robes. The old man's face was full of wrinkles and he was slightly hunched over. He also held a cane in his hand. He looked like an ordinary person.

Ye Lingxi frowned slightly, with disgust in his eyes, "Get out!"

The sound was so loud that everyone in the venue heard it. They all looked this way. When they saw Ye Lingxi, there was a touch of surprise in their eyes.

"This woman is so beautiful."

"If...if I could hold her, why not die?"

"Haha, I'm quite good at dreaming."


The smile on the young man's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a gloomy look, "Don't give a damn..."


Before the young man finished speaking, a sword energy came to him!

The expression of the old man on the side changed drastically. He was about to take action, but it was already too late. The sword energy penetrated directly between the young man's eyebrows.

The young man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief and unwillingness. The next moment, his body fell down, and his whole body was completely breathless.

Looking at this scene, everyone in the venue turned pale, and their legs couldn't help but take a few steps back, with fear and panic on their faces.

They didn't expect that such a beautiful woman could kill someone so decisively!

Simply terrible!

Ye Lingxi's face was expressionless, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Having been with Su Chen for so long, she also developed a character that never talks nonsense and is decisive in killing.

At this moment, the old man felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He froze in place, staring at the young man's body.

He said tremblingly: " could this's over...I'm done!"

As he spoke, the old man couldn't help but show fear on his face.

But soon, the old man reacted. He looked at Ye Lingxi suddenly, his eyes filled with murderous intent, "You deserve to die!"


In an instant, an extremely terrifying force burst out from the old man, and the entire city and everyone who had not yet reacted was instantly reduced to ashes!

In the eyes of the strong, ordinary people are just ants, no different from livestock, so they don't care about the life and death of ordinary people.

This is the cruel world of cultivating immortals!

Everyone wants to travel to the world of immortality, but how can the world of immortality be so beautiful?

If ordinary people really traveled to the world of immortality, without a system, an old man, or a golden finger, they would probably have to be brothers in the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

Ye Lingxi frowned slightly, her figure disappeared from the spot and appeared in the air. She said solemnly: "True fairyland?"

Before Ye Lingxi could think about why there was a true fairyland here, the old man suddenly came to kill him.

Ye Lingxi reacted quickly, raised his hand and struck out with a sword.


With a loud noise, Ye Lingxi and the old man flew out at the same time. Ye Lingxi flew hundreds of thousands of feet, while the old man only retreated tens of thousands of feet.

The old man stabilized his body and looked at Ye Lingxi in shock. He never expected that Ye Lingxi was actually a ninth-level pseudo-immortal!

Such a young person in the ninth level of pseudo-immortal realm is considered a genius even in the upper immortal realm.

But how could such a monster appear in the fairy world now?

Could it be that she comes from the immortal world?

The old man's heart was extremely solemn at this moment. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Who are you? What is your identity? Do you know that you killed the young master of the Wu family!"

To be on the safe side, he still wanted to know Ye Lingxi's identity first before considering whether to continue taking action.

Ye Lingxi ignored the old man, but looked at Hu Xiaotian, and then she actually threw him out.

Hu Xiaotian: "..."

When the old man saw that Ye Lingxi was silent, his face became extremely gloomy, "Damn it, why do I know her identity? If I go back, Patriarch Wu will definitely kill me if he knows that I didn't kill the person who killed the young master!"

As he spoke, he didn't hesitate. He stamped his right foot violently, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and charged towards Ye Lingxi.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared above Ye Lingxi's head. Then, he used the crutch in his hand to point it at Ye Lingxi. In an instant, a terrifying force poured out from the crutch.

Ye Lingxi narrowed his eyes, raised his hand, and stabbed out with a sword!


Two terrifying forces suddenly swept towards the surroundings, and the space in this area was shattered in an instant!

And at this moment, the old man suddenly struck out with a palm!

A sense of crisis suddenly surged into Ye Lingxi's heart.

Ye Lingxi gritted his teeth, and the Meteor Phoenix Sword in his hand shook violently. In an instant, countless terrifying invincible sword intent swept towards the surroundings!


Ye Lingxi and the old man flew out again!

On the way, Ye Lingxi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, the old man stared at Ye Lingxi, with nothing but shock in his eyes, "She is just a fake fairy, why is her fighting power so terrible?"


Before the old man could continue to be shocked, a harsh sword sound suddenly sounded in the field.

The old man's expression changed and he quickly placed the crutch in his hand in front of him.


The Meteor Phoenix Sword slashed hard on the crutch. At this moment, Ye Lingxi thought, and immediately, countless sword intentions came from all directions and went straight towards the old man!

The old man was shocked. He shouted angrily and exerted force with both hands. Ye Lingxi and the Phoenix Sword were immediately thrown away.

After the old man pushed back Ye Lingxi, he did not hesitate and swept the crutch tightly in his right hand with a sweeping movement.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the old man successfully blocked countless sword intentions, but before he could take a breath, Ye Lingxi appeared in front of him again, and then stabbed out with a sword.


The old man's pupils suddenly shrank. He wanted to resist, but it was too late. The sword penetrated directly through his abdomen!

The old man endured the pain and muttered a few words silently. Then, the figure suddenly disappeared. When he appeared, he was already millions of feet away.

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Lingxi's eyes, but soon, the surprise disappeared, just as she was about to continue taking action.

The old man in the distance turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the direction in which the old man was fleeing, Ye Lingxi did not pursue him.

She is just a fake fairy, and being able to overpower a real fairy is already incredible. If the real fairy wants to run away, she won't be able to catch up.

Hu Xiaotian appeared next to Ye Lingxi at this time. He said solemnly: "This young man and this old man are not simple. I'm afraid you will be in trouble later."

Ye Lingxi said calmly: "So what if it's not easy? So what if there's trouble? I have brothers, so why are I afraid of them?"

This sentence "I have a brother" immediately made Hu Xiaotian speechless.

Is it really amazing to have a brother?

However, having a brother like Master seems... really amazing...

After thinking about it, Hu Xiaotian completely broke his guard.

Holy shit!

Why don’t I have such an awesome brother?

Heaven is unfair!

Tiandao: "..."



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