You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 213 What Is The Realm Of Master?

Li Boshan was also filled with disbelief at this moment.

Tang Yan was defeated again!

Got knocked out again!

At this moment, he realized deep in his heart that Su Chen might really be several realms better than Tang Yan!

If not, how could he kill Tang Yan instantly?

Damn it!


Tang Yan felt like he was struck by lightning at this moment.

She never expected that she would be killed again!

If the first time was a sneak attack, what about the second time?

At this moment, she no longer felt unconvinced, only convinced.

She was so convinced that she lost!

Tang Yan looked at Su Chen with a complicated expression, "You are so perverted."

Su Chen's mouth twitched, "Are you praising me? Or scolding me?"

Tang Yan blinked, "Of course I'm complimenting you."

Su Chen shook his head slightly, ignored Tang Yan, and released the hand holding Tang Yan's neck.

Tang Yan touched her neck, and her heart suddenly accelerated for some reason. The sudden acceleration of her heartbeat made her feel a strong tremor, and even a hint of excitement.

At this time, Su Chen cast a strange look.

Tang Yan came to his senses instantly, and his face suddenly turned red.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "You..."

As soon as he said a word, Tang Yan suddenly said: "Can you let me take action once?"

Su Chen held back what he wanted to say, and then asked, "Why?"

Tang Yan thought for a while and then said: "Because I am always beaten by you, I want to see if you can catch my sword."

After saying that, she actually felt a little guilty. The reason why she just said that was to block Su Chen's mouth.

She was afraid that Su Chen would ask questions that he shouldn't ask... By then, she would be embarrassed, so she said that out of desperation.

Su Chen smiled and nodded, "Okay, but you only have one chance."


A sword sound suddenly sounded in the field.

Tang Yan held the long sword in front of her and closed her eyes tightly. The next moment, countless terrifying sword intentions surged out of her body.

Countless sword intentions lingered throughout the sky, and time and space were torn apart in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the disciples below took a deep breath and felt their scalps numb.

"This woman was just killed. I thought she was very weak, but I didn't expect her to be so strong!"

"Is this stronger than the sect leader?"

"Not only is he stronger than the sect master, he is countless times stronger than the sect master! There is no comparison with the sect master!"


Li Boshan looked at Tang Yan with a horrifying expression, "Is this the Golden Fairyland? It's really terrifying!"

An elder was shocked and said: "I feel like I am like an ant now. Any sword energy in the sky can kill me!"

Another elder said: "If it attacks us, I estimate that the entire Wanjian Sect will be destroyed in an instant!"


Jian Xin stared at Tang Yan and whispered: "Golden Immortal..."

As he spoke, he gradually clenched his fists and his eyes were firm, "Sooner or later I will reach the level of the Golden Immortal, even stronger than the Golden Immortal!"

At this moment, Tang Yan suddenly opened her eyes, and in an instant, a terrifying sword power swept out of her body.

Suddenly, she disappeared. On the way, she stabbed Su Chen with a sword. With this sword, she used all her strength!

At this moment, her momentum reached its peak!

Feeling this sword, countless people in the field suddenly stopped breathing, all with fear on their faces.

This sword is too terrifying!

They have never seen such a terrifying sword!

Even Li Boshan and all the elders have never seen such a terrifying sword!

This sword was beyond their knowledge!

Su Chen held his hands behind his hands, with three thousand hairs dancing wildly. Looking at the sword, his face was only calm, without any emotion. Nothing in the world could make waves in his heart.

He slowly stretched out two fingers...


The terrifying sword hit Su Chen hard, and countless sword intent surged around like a tide, tearing everything it passed into countless pieces.

At this moment, countless people in the field were like thunder, and they all froze in place, their eyes full of disbelief and disbelief.

At this moment, Tang Yan was even more confused!

I saw Su Chen blocking Tang Yan's terrifying sword with just two fingers!

Su Chen caught that sword forcefully with only two fingers!

Two fingers!

Two fingers!

Someone said tremblingly: "I...I'm stupid, this too awesome?"

Everyone in the field was dumbfounded!

They could see the terror of that sword.

But what?

Someone was able to block it with just two fingers!

Two fingers!

Is this definitely something humans can do?

If that sword falls on them, they will die!

I can't even run away!

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Chen with curiosity in addition to awe and fear.

A woman's face was full of nymphomaniacs, "She has a good figure, is handsome, is strong, and her background must be good. If...if this person puts pressure on me...that would be great..."

After saying that, she couldn't help but feel proud...she felt lustful, and her whole body was feeling hot.

Not only this woman, but other women are in almost the same state at the moment.

If Su Chen were here, he would probably be knocked down by these women and then forcefully take off his clothes...


I dare not think about it!

Li Boshan's throat rolled up, his face full of shock.

He didn't expect that Su Chen would be so outrageous, so outrageous.

As for the elders in the field, they didn't know what to say at this moment, because they were really frightened.

An elder turned to look at Kenshin, "I take back what I said before, he...this senior is indeed worthy of being your master."

In the world of immortality, there is no age, only strength!

If you are stronger than me, then you are the senior.

Strength is respected!

Jian Xin smiled and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Su Chen and whispered: "Master, what realm is this? Immortal Emperor?"

Tang Yan loosened the hilt of his sword and looked at Su Chen with complicated eyes.

Su Chen turned the long sword in a circle, held the hilt, and started playing with it. Then, he looked at Tang Yan and said with a smile, "Are you convinced?"

Tang Yan shook his head and said: "I'm convinced, you are too outrageous and not a human being at all."

"Ha ha!"

Su Chen laughed loudly, then threw the long sword to Tang Yan, and then said: "Let's fight, I'll give you two moves."

Tang Yan: "..."

She was speechless.

You beat me every time, why do you still beat me?

She shook her head and then asked curiously: "How old are you?"

A smile appeared on Su Chen's face, "Why do you ask?"

Tang Yan said: "I don't believe you are of the younger generation. You must have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, right?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "Then you guessed wrong, I am not more than a hundred years old."

Hearing this, Tang Yan's expression froze instantly.

But less than a hundred?

Is he under a hundred years old?

How can it be!

Tang Yan stared at Su Chen, "Are you under a hundred years old? Are you kidding me? How is this possible!"

She couldn't believe that Su Chen was so powerful yet he was still less than a hundred years old!

Holy shit!

How could there be such an awesome person?

Su Chen smiled and said, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

After saying that, he disappeared directly and when he appeared, he was already in front of Kenshin.

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