Looking at this sword, Lin Fan raised the corner of his mouth, without any fear in his eyes. He held the bloodthirsty sword tightly in his right hand, and at this moment, countless immortal energy was poured into the sword from his body.

next moment!

He drew his sword and slashed at the heart of the sword!

The art of killing immortals and drawing swords!


The terrifying shock wave swept millions of miles away in an instant, and countless time and space were wiped out in an instant.

And at this moment, Lin Fan thought, and countless sword energy poured out from all directions, and then rushed towards the sword's heart like a tsunami.

A flash of anger flashed in Jian Xin's eyes, and then he made a violent slash. In an instant, a terrifying sword energy shook around him.



Countless sword energies were wiped out by Jian Xin's sword on the spot. At the same time, Lin Fan appeared above Jian Xin's head at some unknown time. He clenched the bloodthirsty sword with both hands, and then slashed down hard!

The terrifying sword force instantly locked the sword's heart. The hair on the sword's heart stood up at this moment, and a sense of crisis arose in his heart.

But he reacted very quickly, raised his hand and stabbed out with a sword!


Just hearing an explosion, Kenshin was thrown away by the sword on the spot, flying a million miles before he stabilized his body.

Jian Xin looked at the bloodthirsty sword in Lin Fan's hand, and then looked at the long sword in his own hand. At this moment, his sword had begun to shatter, and there was even a slight risk of exploding.

Lin Fan apologized: "Sorry, I..."

Kenshin shook his head, "It's okay."


At this time, Su Chen suddenly threw the light mark sword in his hand to Jian Xin.

Jian Xin looked up and reached out to catch the light mark sword. The moment he held the light mark sword, his temperament suddenly changed drastically. His whole person became sharper, as if he had merged with the sword!

Jian Xin looked at the light mark sword in his hand, and then looked at his own long sword, with extremely complicated eyes.


At this time, the long sword in Jian Xin's hand shattered again.


At the same time, a sword cry sounded from the long sword, and this sword cry could actually hear reluctance and sadness.


As the sound of the sword fell, the long sword shattered and turned into countless fragments.

Kenshin stared blankly at this scene, his eyes a little confused, and at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Kenshin's mind.

"Master, I am no longer suitable for you. Don't give up a better sword because of me. I believe that you will be able to become the strongest swordsman in the world."

Kenshin's whole body trembled violently, his eyes were red and there were tears in his eyes.

Lin Fan felt very guilty when he saw this scene, "I'm sorry..."

Kenshin didn't speak, but silently put away the fragments of the sword.

Seeing this, Lin Fan felt even more guilty.

At this time, Kenshin suddenly shook his head, "It's not your fault. It chose to destroy itself."

As he said that, he suddenly looked at Lin Fan, "Let's fight again!"

Lin Fan took a deep breath and nodded.


As his voice fell, Jian Xin suddenly appeared in front of him, and what he held in his hand was the Light Mark Sword. He thrust out the sword at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, and then he quickly blocked the bloodthirsty sword in front of him.


The light mark sword hit the blade of the bloodthirsty sword hard, and Lin Fan flew out directly. As soon as he stabilized his body, the sword's heart appeared again. This time, he held the light mark sword tightly with both hands, and then fiercely Cut off the ground.

Lin Fan didn't have time to think and stabbed out with his sword!


The sky collapsed and the earth cracked with great force, and the whole earth trembled violently.

Lin Fan and Jian Xin also retreated at the same time, and then the two of them killed each other again without any hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

In the sky, a white light and a red light kept colliding, and every time they collided, a terrifying shock wave would erupt.

Seeing this scene, everyone below took a breath, their eyes filled with shock.

Jiang Xin said: "Is this a battle between geniuses and evildoers? It is indeed terrifying!"

Xiaolan had a bitter look on her face and sighed: "Oh, God is unfair. Why are other people's talents so evil, but we are such rubbish? I don't accept it!"

Gu Xun'er said: "How come the gap between people is so big?"


At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and countless sword intentions swept across the sky.

Lin Fan stabilized his body, panting heavily, his face a little pale, and he looked at Jian Xin solemnly.

After fighting for so long, he found that Kenshin was really outrageous. He fought with him without even taking a breath. He swung his sword at him like crazy and slashed at him randomly. Despite this, he couldn't find Kenshin's secret. Any flaws!

Yes, that's right. Even though Jian Xin was swinging his sword randomly, Lin Fan still couldn't find any flaws in him. What does this mean? It shows that Kenshin is not swinging the sword randomly, but has already planned it!

Kenshin’s swordsmanship talent is truly terrifying!

Jian Xin in the distance was looking at Lin Fan solemnly.

I don't know why, no matter how he attacked, he still couldn't defeat Lin Fan. Several times his sword clearly hit Lin Fan, but Lin Fan was not hurt at all!

This made him wonder if his sword was too weak, but after several consecutive attacks, he discovered that it was not his sword that was too weak, but Lin Fan's physical body that was too strong!

He frowned and asked, "Do you have a special physique?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

Jian Xin said: "Why don't you use your special physique to fight me?"

Lin Fan replied: "Isn't this unfair?"

Kenshin was silent. After a long time, he said: "I lost."

Lin Fan frowned and said, "Isn't this the fight not over yet?"

Jian Xin said: "If you activate your special physique, I am no match for you."

Lin Fan said: "This is unfair to you..."

Kenshin shook his head and said: "What's unfair in this world? If I were to fight you to the death, wouldn't you activate the special physique in your body?"

After listening to Jian Xin's words, Lin Fan fell silent.

Kenshin continued: "So I lost, but..."

As he said that, he changed his tone and said, "However, I will defeat you sooner or later!"

Lin Fan smiled, and then said: "Okay, I'll wait, but you must never regard me as the target of your pursuit. You must set the target of your pursuit on Master."


Kenshin frowned.

Lin Fan nodded, "Yes, I can tell you clearly that no one in the entire immortal world is Master's opponent!"

After hearing this, Kenshin's face was full of shock, "Master is so strong?"

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Of course! You may not understand it now, but you will understand the power of Master in the future."

Kenshin nodded, "Okay!"

At this time, Su Chen suddenly appeared between the two and said with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

Lin Fan smiled and said: "Master Liao is very powerful!"


Su Chen pretended to be surprised, then laughed, "Your master is really powerful, this is the truth, hahaha!"

Lin Fan: "..."

Kenshin: "..."

Kenshin sent a message: "Senior brother, why do I feel that this master is a bit unreliable?"


Lin Fan was a little embarrassed, "Sometimes he is indeed unreliable, but sometimes he is very reliable."

Hearing this, Jian Xin was confused and didn't understand what Lin Fan meant by this.

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