You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 182 Becoming The Strongest Swordsman In The World!

The people below were also dumbfounded at this moment.

Xiaolan's eyes widened, "He, he, he so outrageous? Just one word and the sword disappeared? Damn it! What kind of state can you do this?"

Gu Xun'er stared at Su Chen, with complicated emotions in his eyes, and murmured in a low voice: "It seems there is really no hope..."

Jiang Xin's head was buzzing at the moment, with a look of disbelief on her face, "How can he be so strong?"

Lin Fan clenched his fists and his eyes were full of fighting spirit, "I will definitely be able to become a being like Master!"

As he spoke, he held his hand tighter.

Jian Xin was dumbfounded on the spot, still in a dazed state. After being dazed, he became even more dazed. He looked at Su Chen with disbelief in his eyes.

He trembled: " did you do it?"

Su Chen smiled slightly and said softly: "You are too weak, it's that simple."

Hearing this, Kenshin fell silent.

Is he too weak?

This was the first time in his eighteen years that someone had said that to him. However, what they said was also true. After all, just one word made his strongest blow dissipate.

He was even thinking, if Su Chen said the word "death", would he die directly?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but swallow, because Su Chen might really be able to kill him with just one word!

At this moment, he looked at Su Chen with a hint of awe in his eyes.

Su Chen suddenly said: "Do you want to fight again?"

Kenshin smiled bitterly.


What a fart!

Looking for abuse?

He shook his head, "I won't fight, I can't fight."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

Jian Xin took a deep breath, then slowly knelt down to Su Chen, and then respectfully shouted: "Master!"

As he spoke, he bent down and touched his head to the ground. At this moment, an invisible force dragged him up.

Su Chen looked at Jian Xin and smiled: "From now on, you are my second disciple."

Hearing this, Jianxin frowned slightly, "The second disciple?"

Su Chen nodded and looked at Lin Fan below.

Lin Fan disappeared and appeared next to Su Chen. He bent down and shouted: "Master!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Jianxin and said with a smile: "Junior brother!"

Looking at Lin Fan, Jian Xin nodded and said nothing.

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing more.

Su Chen stretched out his right hand, then opened it, and a long sword appeared in his palm. The long sword was completely white, with no carvings on the blade, making it look particularly ordinary.

Jian Xin looked at the sword and his eyes lit up. It was obvious that he was moved.

Su Chen looked at the heart of the sword and said with a smile: "This sword is called Qinghen. As long as you are strong, this sword will be strong."

Hearing this, Jianxin's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "How strong I am, how strong is this sword?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

At this moment, Jian Xin's heart was filled with turmoil.

How strong is the strength, how strong is the sword?

So what grade of sword does it have to be to be able to do this?

Immortal weapon?


But can immortal weapons and artifacts really do this?

Could it be a gradeless sword?

Kenshin couldn't calm down for a long time at this moment.

If it was really what Su Chen said, then it was too outrageous. You know, he had never heard of it since he was a child. There were swords without grades in this world.

At this time, Su Chen handed the Qinghen Sword in front of Jian Xin, "This is a meeting gift from my master."

Looking at the light mark sword in front of him, the heart of the sword moved. He was about to reach out to take it, but stopped in mid-air. Then, he lowered his head and looked at the sword in his hand, with a complex look in his eyes. After a moment, he He shook his head and said to Su Chen, "I can't have this sword."

Hearing this, a flash of surprise flashed in Lin Fan's eyes.

He didn't understand that Kenshin didn't want such a good sword!


Su Chen looked at Jian Xin and said with a smile, "Why?"

Kenshin looked at the long sword in his hand and said, "It's enough for me to have it."


As soon as he finished speaking, the long sword in his hand suddenly made a sword sound, seeming to be excited and responding.

Kenshin smiled and gently stroked the sword with his left hand.

Su Chen said: "My sword is a gradeless sword. It's very good. Are you sure you don't want it?"

After hearing this, Jianxin glanced at Qinghenjian.

His guess was correct, this was indeed a gradeless sword. To be honest, he was quite shocked.

There really are no-grade swords in this world!

However, even though he knew it was a gradeless sword, he remained unmoved, "No need, my sword is quite good."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Why?"

Kenshin glanced at the sword in his hand and said slowly: "It has been with me for the past eighteen years. How can I abandon it just because I can have a better sword?"

Su Chen said: "But when you become stronger, this sword will no longer be suitable for you."

After listening, Kenshin fell silent.

Su Chen was right. If Jian Xin was stronger and he still used this sword, then the sword would not be able to use Jian Xin's true strength, and might even explode due to being unable to withstand the power of Jian Xin. .

After a long time, Jian Xin suddenly looked at Su Chen and said, "No matter how powerful the sword is, what does it matter? As long as the sword in my hand is of low grade, I can still make it the most powerful sword! I want to take it with me This sword will make you the strongest swordsman in the world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying sword intent suddenly erupted from Jian Xin's body. This sword intent shot straight up to the nine heavens, which was extremely terrifying, and Jian Xin's aura also surged crazily at this moment.


The second level of pseudo-fairyland!


The third level of pseudo-fairyland!


The fourth level of pseudo-fairyland!

In the blink of an eye, his realm reached the peak of the fourth level of the pseudo-fairyland!

Looking at this scene, Su Chen smiled and said, "Not bad."

The people below were at a loss.

Xiaolan said: "How did he...break through? He broke through two levels at once!"

Gu Xun'er said: "Is this a genius monster? I feel like a waste now."

Jiang Xin smiled bitterly and said: "Don't talk about you, I feel no different from trash at the moment."

Lin Fan looked at Jian Xin with fighting intent in his eyes.

In the past, his opponents have basically been the older generation, because he is almost invincible among the younger generation. Because of this, he has not met an opponent of the same level who can put pressure on him for a long time, and at this moment Kenshin , but it put pressure on him, so now, he can't wait to fight Kenshin!

I want to decide the outcome with Kenshin!

Jian Xin seemed to sense Lin Fan's fighting spirit and looked at Lin Fan suddenly, his eyes also filled with overwhelming fighting spirit.


Lin Fan and Jian Xin shouted angrily at the same time, and then disappeared at the same time.




Just two sword sounds were heard, and at this moment, the sky suddenly exploded, and countless sword intentions spread across a million miles in radius!

The terrifying sword power shook the nine heavens!

At this time, Lin Fan and Jian Xin retreated violently at the same time, and at this moment, Jian Xin rushed towards Lin Fan like thunder, holding the sword tightly in his right hand, and then thrust out with the sword!

This sword contained an extremely terrifying sword power, and the entire time and space was torn into countless pieces in an instant.

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