

At this time, Lin Fan suddenly screamed, his expression became extremely painful and distorted, and there were some tears in his eyes. He covered his head with both hands.

Su Chen retracted his fist and looked at Lin Fan, "If you talk nonsense again, I won't be polite as a teacher."

Lin Fan looked at Su Chen with aggrieved expression and whispered: "I...I..."


Su Chen's eyes narrowed, with a chill in his eyes.

Lin Fan's body trembled and he quickly covered his mouth, fearing that he might accidentally say the wrong thing.

Kenshin on the side couldn't help but feel his throat rolling when he saw this scene, with a look of fear on his face.

Su Chen looked at Jian Xin and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, your senior brother really needs to be dealt with. I am usually very gentle as a teacher."

Lin Fan: "..."

Kenshin: "..."

Su Chen's expression froze, then he looked at Jian Xin seriously and said slowly: "Really!"

Kenshin hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "I believe Master!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Su Chen's face, "Well, Kenshin is really obedient."

As he said this, he glanced at Lin Fan who was standing aside, "Unlike your senior brother, he knows how to make his master angry."

Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and looked speechless, "How could I..."


Su Chen narrowed his eyes again.

When Lin Fan saw this, he quickly shut up and looked helpless.

You can’t even refute it!

Who is that?

Su Chen smiled at this time, and then said: "Okay, let's get down."

Lin Fan and Jian Xin nodded, then followed Su Chen and disappeared into the air, appearing on the ground.

At this moment, the three women looked at Kenshin with curiosity.

Kenshin smiled slightly, "My name is Kenshin, and I am now Master's disciple!"

The three women turned to look at Su Chen.

Gu Xun'er suddenly said: "You are so powerful, you actually recruited two evil geniuses in a row."

Xiaolan echoed: "Yes, there are almost no such evil geniuses like Mr. Lin Fan and Mr. Jianxin in the entire Lower Immortal Realm, but you have accepted two such evil geniuses. It is really unbelievable."

The corners of Su Chen's lips raised, "How normal is this? I am qualified to be their master."

Hearing this, the three women did not refute anything, because Su Chen was right. In the entire fairy world, perhaps only Su Chen was worthy of accepting evil geniuses like Lin Fan and Jian Xin as his disciples. After all, they had seen Su Chen's strength before. .

That’s outrageous!

Su Chen said: "Okay, it's time to go."

After saying that, he walked directly towards the depths of the city.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed him.

As Su Chen and others continued to walk deeper into the city, they felt that the city was becoming more and more strange. Sometimes they could hear cries, which was really scary.

Except for Su Chen, everyone else was alert and watching their surroundings with vigilance.

At this moment, not far from them, there were three figures limping towards them.

Everyone looked at the three figures with solemn eyes.

Xiaolan narrowed her eyes and vaguely saw the faces of the three people, but it was not very clear and a little blurry.

After confirming the identities of the three people, Xiaolan's face became gloomy and ugly, and she said coldly: "It's them!"

Jiang Xin's expression at this moment was the same as Xiaolan's, extremely ugly.

Lin Fan looked at the three figures coldly, with coldness in his eyes.

Only Kenshin looked confused.

Xiaolan stared at the three people and gritted her teeth: "How dare you show up!"

Yes, those three people were the three people who betrayed Jiang Xin and Xiaolan and escaped.

After Xiaolan finished speaking, the three of them didn't react at all and still limped towards them.

Seeing this, everyone frowned and looked a little solemn.

As the three of them got closer and closer, their figures were no longer blurry and became clearer. At this moment, their faces were rotten and their bodies were covered with dense insects, which was extremely disgusting.

Looking at the three of them, Xiaolan and Jiang Xin turned pale and subconsciously took a step back.

Xiaolan trembled: "He... how could they become like this?"

At this moment, the three people in the distance suddenly roared, and then rushed towards Su Chen and others at lightning speed.

Jian Xin and Lin Fan took a step at the same time, and two terrifying sword intentions surged out of their bodies in an instant!


The three of them were directly thrown away by these two terrifying sword intentions. Seeing that the three of them were about to be torn into countless pieces, Lin Fan and Jian Xin quickly stopped their attacks.

The three of them fell heavily to the ground and lay motionless on the ground. Their bodies were already in disrepair, but now they were attacked by Lin Fan and the others, causing their bodies to be completely destroyed.

Lin Fan and others stared at the three people lying on the ground with their brows furrowed, their expressions solemn.

At this time, the three people lying on the ground suddenly stood up, and then attacked Lin Fan and the others again, seemingly feeling no pain at all.

Su Chen said at this time: "Kill."

Lin Fan and Jian Xin were stunned for a moment, but they quickly came to their senses.


Just two sword sounds were heard, and two sword lights flashed across the field.

The three people in the distance also stopped in place at this moment. The next moment, their heads shot up into the sky, and then they fell to the ground.

Lin Fan frowned and said, "What's going on with these three people?"

Puff puff puff...

As his voice fell, creepy sounds suddenly sounded in the field.

Lin Fan and Jian Xin stared at the corpses of the three people in the distance with their brows furrowed.

Suddenly, the corpses of the three people began to squirm, and then countless densely packed insects surged out of their bodies, and then all swarmed towards Lin Fan and Jian Xin.

Looking at this scene, the three women felt their scalps numb and their hairs standing on end.


Jianxin snorted coldly, and then swung out his sword. This sword, like a sea of ​​swords, instantly destroyed the insects coming towards them.

Lin Fan turned to look at Su Chen and asked, "Master, what on earth is going on?"

Everyone else in the field also looked at Su Chen with doubts in their eyes.

Su Chen looked at everyone and said slowly: "These bugs are called Gu bugs."

"Gu insect?"

Everyone was stunned. It was obviously the first time they heard this term.

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, Gu worms are a special kind of bugs. They live in the human body and feed on their blood and flesh."

Gu Xun'er frowned, "Why is this the first time I've heard of this kind of bug?"

Su Chen glanced at her and then said: "Of course this is the first time you have heard of it, because only Gu masters can refine and feed this kind of bug."

"What is a Gu Master?"

Everyone had doubts in their eyes.

Su Chen explained: "Gu Master is a profession that specializes in raising insects to fight. A powerful Gu Master can cultivate insects at the Immortal Emperor level or even stronger to fight for him."

Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes widened, "So awesome?"

Jian Xin asked at this time: "Senior Brother, what is the Immortal Emperor Realm?"

Lin Fan tried his best to calm down the emotions in his heart, and then talked about the realm above immortality.

After listening to Lin Fan's introduction to the realm, everyone fell silent. At this moment, the knowledge in their minds was breaking. They originally thought that immortals were already invincible, but after hearing that there were so many realms after immortals, they realized that they were What a frog in the well.

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