Tianmei naturally didn't know what Lu Huan was thinking.

At that time, the old guard seemed to be an eighth-order Cultivation Base.

It looks exactly like the guard.

Also make the wall strong enough.

They all forgot about the attraction of Top Talent to them, and looked at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

Unfortunately, their heads have disappeared.

Like everyone else, they were all excited after getting the Talent fusion method.

"My God, Uncle An actually eats human corpses!!"

The picture in the dark room can be said to be quite irritating.

He calmly came to the entrance of Soul Sea Academy.

The deity in the dark room, like Demonic Beasts, is frantically devouring the corpses of the girls hanging up.

"Damn!! They're all girls' corpses, no... it's our academy, the corpses of the missing girls! They were eaten by Uncle An!!"

In the case of these people.


Whether I read it wrongly or not, after discovering this guy's behavior, Lu Huan was even more furious.

"Then... what is that?"

Studying this Cultivation Technique.

The terrifying power instantly tore the hard ground into a bottomless ravine and crack.

But not a single student, because of his appearance, showed such a fearful expression.

Apart from these corpses, what shocked Lu Huan the most was a man sitting in the center of these corpses.

This made Lu Huan even more inexplicable.

Lu Huan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But judging from the very smooth skin that has been deliberately protected, these girls are definitely not young.

He was full of excitement while eating, and his eyes flashed a bloody light that didn't look like a human at all.

But actually.

But less than an hour has passed.

A father who may have been missing his daughter in Soul Sea Academy before, his eyes instantly turned red, and he roared in anger.

The one in the dark room is the deity.

Made a terrified scream.

It's not really possible to let other people get the full version of Talent Fusion.

A dense piece.

Been meditating all the time.

Lu Huan was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help releasing Spiritual Sense, and went to probe into the guard room where the uncle was.

Moreover, it is the corpse of a human girl.

"Those corpses are all human corpses?"

Since the effect is the same as strong, why not just build a wall?

Whether it is outside the academy or inside the academy, there are a large number of cultivators.

Although the speed seems very slow, in fact, as time goes by, the improvement is still very scary.

Quite a bit, even though Daddy is very old, Daddy is still studious.

Many people looked in horror at the direction where the law enforcement officers lived.

Even the guards at the gate actually regarded the students as materials to improve the Cultivation Base.

"That seems to be Uncle An!!"

The crack rushed forward quickly, like a knife, cutting the dark room hidden in the basement of the guard room in half and arching out of the ground.

It was Martial Soul who devoured students.

At least there are thousands of them.

On the contrary, some little girls who were originally afraid, after seeing him, suddenly flashed a shy blush on their faces, and instantly forgot their fear.

He drooped his little head and peeked at him from time to time, and his performance was quite cute.

But a human corpse.

Before, when Lu Huan entered the Soul Sea Academy, he had already met him.

After Lu Huan said this, he flew towards the entrance of Soul Sea Academy.


This is also for the reason that Lu Huan saw this defender before, who clearly only had an eighth-order Cultivation Base, but now he has been upgraded to ninth-order.

Seeing everyone, Lu Huan looked like no one else was there.

Judging from the age of these girls, if they are not students of Soul Sea Academy, Lu Huan said that it is no problem to let himself stand upside down.

People who don't know, thought they entered the slaughterhouse and saw fans of pork hanging on hooks, waiting to be transferred away!

No wonder so many people asked him to open the formation, and he was unwilling to open it.

A piece of white flowers.

Even the little girls who had been secretly staring at Lu Huan didn't expect it.


He knew that his own approach was correct.

Isn't there a normal person in Soul Sea Academy?

Because he has never hidden his face since he entered Soul Sea City.

Even if it is the charm of heaven.

After a while, it was one.


Only the body remains.

Because he found that under the guard room, there was a dark room the size of half a football field.

But more people were stunned by the scenes that appeared in the dark room that was arched out of the ground.

They really can't control themselves.


The cost of building a wall is much smaller than building a formation.

This probe, Lu Huan couldn't help exclaiming.

Not as it is now, just like a wall.

"An senior, I beg you, let's leave!" The students who gathered near the security booth were sobbing.

"This formation is too rubbish!!" Seeing this, Lu Huan mocked with contempt.

And this clone, more like a robot, only has a few simple movements, rather than no other reactions.

Say something bad.

Because he doesn't have the ability at all! !

The effect is definitely much stronger than the formation!

Even everyone didn't react to Lu Huan's departure.

The two groups of people were isolated by formation.

No one expected that Lu Huan would suddenly shoot.

As if there were some terrifying beasts over there.

Lu Huan reckons they had no idea what was going on.

The Cultivation Base of this uncle guard has actually been raised to the ninth level.

"You guys are studying here slowly, I'll go to the door to see!"

At this moment, he also flew in the direction of the gate of the academy generously.

"This kind of beast, you still call him Uncle An?"

The bursting ground caused many people to not pay attention and fell toward the ground crack.

Lu Huan, who was burning with anger, stomped directly to the ground.

"Fog grass!"

After he eats these corpses, the Cultivation Base will also increase.

In other words, Lu Huan is not wrong.

What exists here, of course, is not pork.

After a long time, the same angry voice sounded:

Very fast.

"Bang bang bang~"

It stands to reason that a good mountain protection formation can resist foreign invaders and at the same time allow the people inside to leave at any time.

Outside the formation, the residents of Soul Sea City were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

After Lu Huan confirmed it again, he found that the guard sitting in the guard room outside was an existence similar to a clone.

"Grass mud horse, surnamed An, did my daughter also get eaten by you bastard, you opened the formation for me, daddy is going to kill you!"

"Did I read it wrong before?"

Near the guard room, there was a sudden howl of ghosts and wolves.

Those who want to go out can't go out, those who want to come in can't come in.

I couldn't help shaking my head.

He could only shake his head, his eyes swept away from these people, and he looked at the An senior in the security booth.

A roar full of rage rang out from the mouths of the surrounding students.

Acted quite inspiring.

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