Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 806 Seeing The Best Martial Soul Again

After Lu Huan arched the darkroom out of the ground, he also destroyed the formation.

It's just that other people didn't notice it.

When the father rushed towards Old Man An furiously, he was not hindered by anything.

When they rushed directly to Old Man An, the other talents reacted with hindsight.

"The formation is gone?"

"Haha, the formation has been opened!! Hurry up, go in!!"

"Could it be the formation that the little brother opened? It's amazing!!"

"Brother, thank you!! Let's go and see how that superb Martial Soul is going!!"

Like a tide, a group of people passed by Lu Huan and rushed towards the place where the colorful light appeared.

Lu Huan has a black line.

A wicked smile flashed on his face, and he muttered in his heart:

"Martial Soul has already been merged with me! You have only passed by now, what can you see? I just don't know if they are enchanted. If you see so many of you rushing over, would you want to try the Talent you just got? Fusion method!!"

Lu Huan didn't worry about these people, they would pose any threat to Tianmei.

Not to mention, the Cultivation Base of Tianmei and his party is already very powerful.

Even those tenth-order puppets under their control are not for dry meals.

Among this group of people, Lu Huan is not even a tenth-order powerhouse.

As for the lives of these people.

Lu Huan didn't even care.

What happened in front of him, everyone should be quite angry.

Just like the father who suspected that his daughter was eaten by Old Man An, he was furious.

Even the students in Soul Sea Academy, most of them reacted like this, each and everyone was furious.

But these people are good.

I was really shocked to see the miserable results of these girls at first.

It's just that they may feel that whether these people are dead or alive has little to do with themselves.

So there is only shock, most people are in a state of mind of watching the fun.

It didn't really matter at all.

Now I ignore these directly, and I am directly attracted by the temptation of the best Martial Soul.

This is their own greed, even if they really die, they deserve it.

Lu Huan stood there with no expression on his face.

In my heart, I became more and more disappointed with these cultivation practitioners in the Martial Soul continent.

If it is said, the Blood Flame Immortal Sect is to dominate the world from the bright side.

Just like the ancient colonized countries in the previous life, they were brainwashed by various systems every day, and it became like this.

Lu Huan can understand.

But in fact, on the Martial Soul continent, the Blood Flame Immortal Sect has always been hidden in the dark, doing all kinds of things.

In the entire Martial Soul continent, there are not many people who know the existence of the Blood Flame Immortal Sect.

Even the enforcers of Soul Sea Academy who were killed by Lu Huan.

Lu Huan had checked their memories, and they only knew that some time ago, there was a sect that claimed to be the Immortal World and sent people to recruit disciples on their Martial Soul continent.

But in fact, they didn't know the specific name of this sect, nor did they know where they recruited their disciples.

Or wait until things are over.

They only found out about it later.

At that time, their regrets were all green, and they felt that they had missed the biggest opportunity in their lives.

But actually.

When Blood Flame Immortal Sect recruited disciples, they didn't even consider the people in their academies.

All selected from Sect.


It does not matter.

The important thing is that the Blood Flame Immortal Sect is very deliberately hiding its own existence on the Martial Soul continent.

They seem to know that what they do is a bit shameful.

But in any case, there is no oppression on the surface, just some hands and feet secretly.

The cultivators of Martial Soul continent are still so maddened.

What does this mean?

This shows that this group of cultivation practitioners in the Martial Soul continent, even without the existence of the Blood Flame Immortal Sect, is still not a good thing.

If we talk about the cultivation practitioners in Tianhuang Continent, relatively speaking, there are still many good people.

Only a small amount of rat poo exists.

It is a normal and healthy development of the world of ordinary cultivation.

But what about the Martial Soul continent?

That really sucks.

If they can't change completely, they may always have a bright future.

It will only get worse from generation to generation.

Until the end, the whole world was completely rotten by them and turned into a world like the world of Lingyou Blood Devil.

In such a situation, when Lu Huan faced the Martial Soul mainland practitioners, his heart became cold again.

Perhaps, until a certain moment.

Lu Huan will no longer suppress the killing intent in his heart, and will really kill the practitioners in the Martial Soul continent.

Only by completely solving those problems and starting all over again, there may be hope for this world! !

Seeing his furious father, he was no match for Old Man An at all. He was humiliated with disdain on his face and flew out again and again.

Lu Huan's mentality also changed the end.

In addition, he knew that this father would definitely not be able to solve Old Man An.


Lu Huan shot out, turning into a black line, like a terrifying beast, shooting towards Old Man An.

"Another one!!"

Old man An had just eaten the bodies of a large number of college girls because of this, and the Cultivation Base was raised to the ninth level.

Exactly when it was inflated, Lu Huan To put in one's eyes was not at all.

Instead, he sneered with disdain, and a violent black Jiao phantom suddenly condensed above his head, opened his bloody mouth, and charged towards Lu Huan.

"Black Jiao?"

A strange expression suddenly flashed across Lu Huan's eyes.


Martial Soul's cultivators, although they are all rotten, they are all kind?

After Lu Huan and the others came to the Martial Soul continent, so many cultivators they encountered actually hit their guns.


Lu Huan patted his arm lightly, and the inscription of the Ascension Dragon Gate, a violent dragon roar, suddenly resounded in the void.

at the same time.

In the void around Lu Huan's body, a large amount of fire-attribute energy quickly condensed, condensing the phantom of a flaming dragon.

Without saying a word, he slammed into the black flooded phantom.


They are all phantoms, and the black flood dragon cannot fight against the dragon itself, not to mention, the dragon owned by Lu Huan is the dragon that once truly lived in the Immortal World.

Hei Jiao Xingying was so frightened that he hugged his head and ran into the body of Old Man An.

"Dragon? The real dragon? Are you from Long Island?" Old Man An was terrified, with a trembling expectation.

"Dragon Island?"

Lu Huan was stunned for a moment, his right hand pressed into the void, and the condensed flame dragon suddenly patted Old Man An.

But Old Man An had no intention of avoiding, and his eyes became frantic again.

Just like the reaction of a mad believer who was told that as long as he died, he would be able to see the true God who has been in his heart for the rest of his life. It was an expression of willingness to sacrifice.

Lu Huan's expression became more puzzled, and the old man An who gave up his resistance was easier to solve.

The condensed flame dragon directly burned his body into ashes.

The remaining spirits and Martial Soul were immediately collected by Lu Huan.

The former was swallowed by him with Soul Eater, and the latter was sent to the system space to keep.

It's just that Lu Huan didn't notice.

Old Man An's Martial Soul, although pitch-dark, faintly exudes some colorful lights.

This is the light of the best Martial Soul! !

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