Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible

Chapter 804 Decomposition And Fusion Method

Zhao Qinlou was so excited that he could no longer imagine it.

"If you want to talk more, I said you are talking shit, is there a problem?"

"No! That's the way to improve Talent. You should know better than me who it can be used for!"

"You keep talking!"

"There seems to be a lot of people outside!"

He thought that if Lu Huan could give him a little hope and let him know how hard he must try to know this way, he would be satisfied.

Lu Huan said without a smile.

Even if they speak, can they get it casually?

Is that right, their Talent can also be improved! !

"Well done!!"


"That's right, that's what it means! It doesn't need to be too troublesome. If you cultivate a stage, you will have a stage of immortal rank. If there is a higher rank, then there will be another stage with a higher rank!"

but not necessary.

Zhao Qin Lou laughed.

He was just looking forward to it a little, but he didn't expect that Lu Huan could really tell himself how to improve Talent.

Such an important thing, Lu Huan really handed it over like this?

Lu Huan knew very well that there were too few people who could not be affected by this temptation.

The improvement of strength and the improvement of talent are really too attractive for cultivation practitioners.

Zhao Qinlou licked his face and laughed.

Although the title of this chapter is more complicated, it can still make people cultivate, thereby improving Talent.

Hearing Zhao Qinlou's words, Lu Huan asked the system directly in his heart.

[Master, you can rest assured. The system produced must be a high-quality product. If you want to cultivate this Talent fusion method, you must have a certain relationship with you. Outsiders force cultivation, or they will die, or they will automatically sign a master-servant contract with you. , to be your person. 】

Lu Huan said with an incomparable headache.

Talent fusion is powerful.

The content is still Talent fusion, but Lu Huan, who knows the content of the full version, can clearly know the missing content.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, tell me directly, can you do it or not?!"

Even Talent and Lu Huan prepared one.

The system responded immediately.

"System, is there a way to split the Talent fusion technique?"

"Okay, good stuff!!" Lu Huan grinned and rubbed a copy of what was in his mind, and handed it to Zhao Qin Lou.

[Master, immortal rank and higher rank, this system really does not have the ability to help the master now, because the master Cultivation Base has not been promoted to the immortal rank, the ability of this system is also limited, as long as the master is promoted to the immortal rank, I can... 】

Wu Ke turned his head instantly, with a "don't look at me, I don't know anything" expression on his face.

"Yeah! As long as I am satisfied, the benefits will definitely not be less." Lu Huan nodded expressionlessly, but thought with some disdain in his heart:

Lu Huan explained.

"Speak straight if you have something, don't learn to flatter someone first!"

"I don't know what method the master used to forcibly fuse Martial Soul, whether it can help the old slave to also integrate and fuse, as long as the old slave's Talent is improved, the old slave's strength can also be improved, and then he can help the master more! "

A bit similar to a book, the specific content is removed, leaving only the chapter names.

This is not true, is it?

In Lu Huan's mind, a large group of information immediately appeared.

"No problem, no problem at all!"

Could it be that this method is actually not as good as I imagined.

Must not be true!

If I had known, Lu Huan didn't care so much about this way of improving Talent.

"Hey, the master is really amazing, the old slave doesn't need to speak, the master knows what the old slave thinks."

Since the talent fusion method was given to Zhao Qinlou, how could Wu Ke and the others be missing.

Wu Ke hurriedly shook his head, angry Lu Huan, he couldn't afford to provoke him.

The talent fusion technique that was deleted by the system did not delete the latter part.

Lu Huan didn't know their minds.

It's not that Lu Huan doesn't want to give Tianmei a more advanced Talent fusion method.


Even if Zhao Qinlou is now his servant.

Lu Huan threatened with a cold face.


Although Lu Huan said so, Zhao Qinlou would not take it seriously.

Don't be so excited, in fact, I really don't have much expectations for you! !

This kind of bad guy's behavior, Lu Huan thinks, just do it by himself.

There is no need for him to hand over such an important thing! !

But if he can only use it alone, it would be too tiring! !

[Thank you for your praise, this is what people should do. 】

They should have spoken to Lu Huan earlier.

a time.

Lu Huan glanced at Wu Ke calmly.

"Hurry up, talk shit, let it go!" Lu Huan continued to roll his eyes.

"Master, you have something to say, you have fart!" Wu Ke was stunned when he heard Lu Huan's words, hesitated for a while, and corrected.

No matter who wants to improve Talent, they need his help, how can he have so much energy.


Although, Tianmei's current Talent, using the talent fusion method of the ordinary cultivation stage, has no meaning.

"Master, that old slave said it!" Zhao Qinlou licked his face and asked expectantly:

Zhao Qinlou didn't answer Lu Huan's words immediately, because he was stunned by Lu Huan's actions.

Because Lu Huan actually considered this issue.

Lu Huan was his master, and it certainly wouldn't hurt for him to fawn over.

A group of people thought about it.

His face instantly turned red.

"Go away~"

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit the smiling person.

[Ok, no problem, no problem at all! Master, accept it, this is the talent fusion technique at the mortal cultivation stage! 】

It can almost be said that it does not exist.

Moreover, this has another advantage, that is, those who have cultivated this talent fusion method will never realize that what they have learned is a shortened version.

That's right.

Instead, delete some of them.

Not only Zhao Qinlou, but also Wu Ke, Tianmei and the others felt stunned.

"Master, please rest assured, I will be faithful, Lao Zhao, to complete every task you have asked me, and I will definitely live up to your expectations of me!"

The talent fusion method that Lu Huan gave to Tianmei is still in the ordinary cultivation stage.

The hearts of Wu Ke and his party were also full of regrets.

Tianmei's Talent, if you want to improve it, the difficulty is already quite high.

Hastily kowtowed and said:

But who knows, Lu Huan gave it to him directly.

The system deliberately whistled.

his subordinates.

This reminder from the system caused a smile to flash across Lu Huan's face and praised:

"Master, this is the best Martial Soul! Of course it will attract a lot of people's attention!"

Lu Huan looked at Zhao Qin Lou again.

Before Zhao Qinlou spoke, the system reminded:

But there is bound to be an upper limit.

Even if she is given a complete Talent fusion method, she still needs to find a sufficient number of Talent fusions before she can continue to improve.

We can't let Tianmei go down a road of killing innocent people in order to improve Talent.

[The master is saying, make Talent fusion into something similar to Cultivation Technique. Is the upper limit of each level different? 】

At this time, Lu Huan also noticed the image of the formation surrounding Soul Sea Academy being attacked.

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