Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 98 Prisoner Zhang Yan?

"You are right. From now on, you will stay with me and don't go anywhere." Lei Kunhai thought for a moment and nodded. This ancient city is really becoming more and more lawless.

Now, someone actually dared to use the knife under Yuanying's eyes.

It’s really too presumptuous!

The other side.

A terrifying aura came to Zhou Wudao.

The breath stopped, revealing the figure of a monk wearing cassocks.

However, unlike the kind-hearted monk, this monk turned out to be full of muscles, with dragons and phoenixes carved on his body, and he also had a fierce look on his face.

He doesn't look like a good person anyway.

"A boy from the Hehuan Sect."

The great monk reached out and picked up Zhou Wudao.

"What's the matter with you kid? Don't die here, otherwise the old devil will definitely come to me and cause trouble." Looking at the dying Zhou Wudao, the great monk stretched out his hand and a drop of golden light pumped out and fell on the other person's forehead. superior.

Golden light flashed, turning Zhou Wudao into gold in an instant.

But after just a few breaths, the golden color disappeared, and Zhou Wudao opened his eyes weakly.

"Master Wenhai."

Seeing the great monk, Zhou Wudao spoke quickly.

"Don't talk. Tell the poor monk who hurt you!" The great monk said with a serious face.

Now is his duty.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to do something under his nose.

This is really not taking him seriously!


I don’t know. "A trace of confusion flashed in Zhou Wudao's eyes.

He thought it was Zhang Yan before.

But after the other party saw that he had a way to save his life, he blew himself up.

Such a scene.

It definitely can’t be Zhang Yan himself.

However, Zhou Wudao felt that no matter what, it would be impossible to break away from Zhang Yan.

But in front of Nascent Soul, he did not dare to speak nonsense.

His arrogance is only towards those who are inferior to him in status and strength.

On the contrary, Zhou Wudao was still very humble and obedient.

Otherwise, he would not be so popular with his ancestors.

"I don't know, tell me the cause and effect." Monk Wenhai's eyes flashed, and then he continued.

"Yes!" Zhou Wudao quickly entered the Honghua Building to find Zhang Yan.

Then he told me about being attacked not long after he came out.

"You mean that person is good at earth magic?

In the end, I saw that you had life-saving skills, and instead of running away, you just self-destructed?

Did he blow himself up right in front of you? "

Monk Wenhai asked again, with a confused look on his face.

Judging from Zhou Wudao's words, the strength of the person who attacked him was most likely at the foundation-building stage.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat his half-step spiritual weapon with a high-grade magical weapon.

But, if it was a monk in the foundation-building stage, why would the other party self-destruct?

"Who is the Zhang Yan you are talking about? What is his cultivation level?" Wen Hai stood in the air and asked Zhou Wudao.

"He is a true disciple of the Qingheng Sect, and he only has the tenth level of Qi Refining."

Zhou Wudao answered quickly.

"Tenth level of Qi refining?" He murmured to himself, and at this time, the sound of breaking through the air kept ringing, and soon, several monks had arrived.

"See you, Master." These people all bowed respectfully when they saw Wen Hai.

“You go and bring Zhang Yan from Qingheng Sect.

Then check the scene carefully to see if the other party has left any traces. "Wen Hai waved his hand, and several monks immediately started to take action.

However, Monk Wenhai had no expectations for cleaning the battlefield.

He had just scanned it with his spiritual consciousness.

Nothing was left at all.

So the only clue left is Zhang Yan.

The other side.

Zhang Yan, Lei Kunhai and others had just walked out of Honghua Tower.

He was stopped by a group of people falling from the sky.

"Qingheng faction?

Zhang Yan? "

This group of people wore Taikoo City Taoist robes.

The leader was a fat golden elixir monk, and the rest were all foundation-building monks.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing these people, Lei Kunhai took a step forward slightly, and then blocked the other person's sight.

"It's like this. We suspect that you are related to the attack on Taikoo City. Senior Wenhai wants you to go over and help investigate." After the leader Jin Dan said this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

That movement just now.

He knows it.

Now look at Zhang Yan's cultivation, even if he says Zhang Yan is the murderer, he himself doesn't believe it!

However, due to the authority of Master Wenhai.

He must take Zhang Yan away for investigation.

“An attack at Taikoo Shing?

just now?

He has always been in Honghua Building!

Everyone is watching, you say there is suspicion, there is suspicion? "

Lei Kunhai looked coldly at the Jindan monk in front of him, wanting him to give an explanation.

"This is not what I said, it was Master Wenhai who said it. There is nothing I can do about it." The golden elixir monk looked at Lei Kunhai, a late-stage golden elixir, and then looked at his own early-stage golden elixir, and his words suddenly became softer.

Although everyone is a golden elixir.

However, there is also a gap between golden elixir and golden elixir.

Besides, it would be a shame for Master Wenhai not to find the murderer.

It’s not like he’s embarrassed!

He's just a little guy.

If Lei Kunhai really wanted to resist, he would never stop him.

An immortal cultivator can successfully cultivate the golden elixir.

This shows that he knows what can be done.

What not to do.

Obviously, it is not possible to stop Lei Kunhai.

Otherwise, Lei Kunhai will certainly be punished, but he may die!

Therefore, he just conveyed the notice.

There is no intention of forcing.

"Since Senior Wenhai has spoken, the boy should naturally cooperate." Seeing that Lei Kunhai and the other party were about to have a huge conflict.

Zhang Yan hurriedly stood up and said to the fat Jindan cultivator.


Lei Kunhai looked at Zhang Yan, although he didn't know what happened specifically.

But if Zhang Yan really followed, it would definitely have an adverse effect at that time.

"Don't worry, I think Senior Wenhai will never embarrass a junior like me." Zhang Yan spoke very confidently, and then continued to the fat Jindan: "However, the boy is still afraid, can you let your elders follow?"

"Of course!"

In the face of Zhang Yan's cooperation, the fat Jindan also breathed a sigh of relief, and of course he would not refuse these small problems.

"Okay, in that case, let's go!"

Lei Kunhai thought about it, then nodded gently, and took Lei Wanbao and the monks who had just drunk wine together, and went together.

Those monks also complained secretly.

They just wanted to take advantage, but they didn't expect that they would have to support the other party!

But, they had taken all the benefits, and they couldn't not go.

So, they could only go with everyone very reluctantly.

Because they were the law enforcers of Taigu City.

So Fat Jindan and others had the right to fly.

With everyone, they soon arrived at the center of Taigu City - Taigu City Lord's Mansion.

And Master Wenhai, the big monk, was waiting for them here.

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