Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 99 Stand Attack

In the dark night.

Under the moonlight, the huge lanterns in the City Lord's Mansion emit a faint light.

At this moment, the City Lord's Mansion is like a giant beast that chooses people to devour, with a huge sense of oppression.

Everyone followed the fat monk into the City Lord's Mansion.

The lights next to the City Lord's Mansion were lit one by one.

In an instant, it became as bright as day.

All the way into the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

A burly monk was sitting right above him.

Below the monk.

It was Leng Anxia with a veil.

She was wearing a white dress, looking pure and innocent, with no expression between her eyebrows. It was hard to imagine that this fairy-like figure was actually the saint of the Hehuan Sect.

And she was different from Zhou Wudao.

Leng Anxia had already completed her foundation, and it was said that she had built her foundation with five spells.

This was the reason why she could become the saint of the sect.

At this moment, she sat quietly in her seat, facing the arrival of Zhang Yan and others, ignoring them.

As if she didn't care at all.

Behind her, in addition to the two Jindan cultivators.

There was also a bed.

Lying on the bed was Zhou Wudao.

When Zhou Wudao saw Zhang Yan, his face suddenly became ferocious.

"Zhang Yan, do you know your crime!"

As everyone just entered the main hall.

The big monk sitting in the first seat suddenly put down the teacup in his hand.

A strong momentum pressed down fiercely on everyone.

This momentum is invisible and intangible, but it can easily break people's hearts and make people feel overwhelmed.

If it is a person with a weak mind.

Encountering such a sudden interrogation, coupled with the momentum crushing, it is very likely that everything will be confessed.


Although Zhang Yan was shocked by the opponent's momentum.

But he looked at Master Wenhai with a blank face: "I don't know what crime the boy has committed?"

"Zhou Wudao is not threatening you, you took the initiative to beat him seriously, right?"

Master Wenhai saw Zhang Yan like this, his voice became more fierce, and even faintly carried a murderous meaning.


"Brother Zhou was beaten so badly? Who did it? Why didn't they beat him to death?"

Zhang Yan was shocked at first, then turned to look at Master Wenhai.

"Master, please judge. I am only at the tenth level of Qi Refining, while Brother Zhou is at the Great Perfection of Qi Refining. How could he sneak attack him?

Not to mention that he was seriously injured?

Master, you really flatter me too much." Zhang Yan said like a good disciple.

"Have you hired anyone else?" When Wenhai said this, he already had the answer in his mind.

He had just scanned Zhang Yan with his spiritual sense.

The other party's cultivation was not high, and he didn't have any treasures on him. Although his magic power was a bit weird, he was definitely not Zhou Wudao's opponent.

In addition, according to the intelligence, Zhang Yan and others had been in Honghua Tower before and had never contacted anyone.

So it was basically impossible for him.

The most important thing was...

Those who had explored the traces before had reported to him.

The magic tools used nearby and the magic power left were not from the Qingheng Sect at all.

In other words,

No matter whether it is Zhang Yan or Qingheng Sect, they are not suspicious.

Therefore, calling them over and questioning them is the limit of what Wenhai can do.

Although he is a Yuanying cultivator.

But it is impossible for him to oppress other cultivators without limit.

First of all, he has to save face.

Secondly, Qingheng Sect is also quite powerful.

Although there is no Yuanying, they belong to the Zhao State.

And Zhao State belongs to the sphere of influence of Wanhua Palace.

If there is a legitimate reason, it is natural to question, but if you use force on others without reason.

Then Wanhua Palace must stand up to support the younger brother.

In general, although the world of immortal cultivation is the law of the jungle and the winner is the king, it is also a world of martial arts and requires human relationships.

"The disciple has been drinking in Honghua Tower. This Honghua Tower is the property of Hehuan Sect. You can find out by asking. There is no time to hire people.

I hope the master will investigate thoroughly!" Zhang Yan said with a serious face.

"Okay, in that case, then you go back.

But this matter must be kept secret, I don't want any rumors to leak out." Wen Hai said and glanced at everyone.

"Yes!" Hearing this, everyone became serious.

They all promised that there would be no problems.

Just as they were about to leave, Zhou Wudao struggled to get up from the bed and looked at Zhang Yan fiercely.

He made a humming sound in his mouth.


Before Zhang Yan and others could say anything.

Leng Anxia narrowed his eyes, and the Jindan cultivator next to him immediately took Zhou Wudao away.


Came back from the City Lord's Mansion in Taigu City.

Whether it was Lei Kunhai, Lei Wanbao or other Jindan cultivators.

Everyone was sweating.

This is a great cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage!

Don't look at them as Jindan cultivators. On weekdays, they call themselves ancestors outside.

But in fact, in front of the Nascent Soul Stage, they are just ants.

Cultivating immortals is like this.

The further you practice, the harder it becomes, and the greater the difference in strength between the two.

Yuanying fighting Jindan, that's like Tyson fighting a baby.

Coming out of Taigu City.

Returning to their base.

Whether it's Zhang Yan, Lei Kunhai or others, they all retreated.

No more rumors.

Instead, they quietly waited for the auction to begin.

At the same time.

Taigu City was under complete martial law.

After Zhou Wudao was attacked, the formation of Taigu City had already been raised.

Now the patrol team was searching everywhere.

They wanted to find the accomplices of the person who attacked Zhou Wudao.

But unfortunately...

There was no gain at all.

And the patrol team couldn't really come up with nothing.

So they simply cleaned up Taigu City.

Those who were causing trouble.

Those who were cheating.

And those who were involved in various disputes.

They were all arrested first.

For a while.

Taigu City was actually much clearer.


"What a pity." Zhang Yan took out the clay doll from the equipment column.

[Equipment Name]: Substitute Clay Doll

[Equipment Level]: Second Order (Non-spiritual weapon)

[Equipment Quality]: Purple

[Equipment Effect]: Substitute Attack (After equipping, a substitute can be created. The substitute will generate the same attack as the main body.), Self-destruction (When encountering an unbeatable person, the substitute clay doll will self-destruct.) Clay Doll (When the clay doll is damaged, the cause and effect between you will disappear.)

This clay doll has been broken.

It cannot be used.

This clay doll is a special equipment he collected before.

After equipping, a substitute that is exactly the same as him can be created.

And this substitute uses his ability.

Whatever ability is generated in his body, the opponent will use the same attack.

For example, the yellowish-brown seal.

Normally, it is impossible to fight against the opponent's semi-spiritual weapon.

But although Zhang Yan was drinking at the time.

But he kept calling on the mana of his body to attack.

And he used the blessing of the equipment bar.

To deal with the opponent's semi-spiritual weapon.

But unfortunately, he still didn't kill him!


Just because you escaped this time doesn’t mean you can escape next time.

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