Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 97: Operation under the eyes of Yuanying

Zhou Wudao left.

Zhang Yan looked at the other person's back without saying anything.

He just picked up a pot of wine on the table, drank it all, and praised "good wine!"


The Taigu City at night was still full of lights and bustling.

The streets were full of people digging raw stones.

There were also many people lingering in the brothel.

Occasionally, you could hear people arguing with each other.

In this city full of desires, it is very normal for people to have some friction with each other.

It can even be said that there would be problems if there was no friction.

Therefore, here, as long as it does not involve a large amount of spiritual stones and does not involve human lives, the law enforcers of the Taigu City will hardly take any action.

This is what Zhou Wudao said to Zhang Yan.

At this moment, Zhou Wudao was walking alone on the street.

He was not in a hurry to return to the location of the Hehuan Sect.

Instead, he walked further and further away and came to a path that looked quite desolate.


He suddenly stopped, then turned around and said, "You've been following me for so long, come out!"

"As expected of a disciple of the Hehuan Sect, although you have only reached the Great Perfection of Qi Training, your alertness is indeed amazing." A rough voice sounded in the darkness.

Then a figure wrapped up in a black robe came out.

This person was wearing a black robe and a mask on his face. Even if he scanned it with his spiritual sense, he could not find anything unusual.

"Zhang Yan!

Since you have followed me out, don't hide your head and show your tail." Zhou Wudao sneered, "You dare to follow me out, I admire you very much, but you are not right to be like this!

Moreover, although both of us have reached the Great Perfection of Qi Training, you are only at the tenth level of Qi Training, while I am at the twelfth level of Qi Training. All twelve meridians are connected, forming a large circulation. Do you think you can beat me?"

But the black shadow on the opposite side did not listen to Zhou Wudao's words at all.

He just waved his hand casually.

At this time, Zhou Wudao keenly discovered that a magic array had been set up in their area.

"Array flag!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Wudao's face changed.

The other party actually prepared a battle flag, and it seemed that they were well prepared.

When the battle flag fell, the aura was completely hidden.

The man in black also made a move immediately.

"Shua shua shua~" As the man in black made a move, a big crack appeared on the ground under Zhou Wudao's feet. If he hadn't reacted quickly and jumped onto a flying sword.

He might have fallen into it directly.

"A trifle!" Zhou Wudao sneered, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and a sharp sword light flew out and headed straight for the man in black's face.

This is a top-grade magic weapon comparable to a spiritual weapon.

There are very few such magic weapons.

They are all made of materials that can be used to make spiritual weapons.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

One is that the weapon refiner made a mistake.

Originally wanted to make a spiritual weapon, but only made a magic weapon.

There is another possibility.

There is a big boss who specially customized a magic weapon for his descendants.

After all, cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage do not have magical powers yet.

Therefore, the most direct manifestation of combat power is the magic weapon.

This kind of top-grade magic weapon that has erased its spirituality and can be called a half-spiritual weapon is much stronger than a normal half-spiritual weapon!

Facing Zhou Wudao's half-step spiritual weapon.

The opponent's black-clothed man flicked it lightly without panic, and a small khaki seal flew out.

The yellow seal kept growing in the air, and it actually bounced the opponent's flying sword directly.

Then it kept crushing towards Zhou Wudao.

"How is it possible!" Seeing this scene, Zhou Wudao's eyes were bloodshot.

His is a flying sword of a half-step spiritual weapon.

How could it be easily suppressed?

And the opponent used a top-grade magic weapon!

Top-grade magic weapon suppresses half-step spiritual weapon.

It's the opposite of Tiangang!


You are in the foundation-building stage!

You are not Zhang Yan!"

Seeing the khaki seal getting closer and closer to him, Zhou Wudao suddenly shouted.

He had angered Zhang Yan before.

Then he found someone following him, so he thought the other party was Zhang Yan.

But Zhang Yan was only at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

It is impossible to bring out such a powerful ability of a top-grade magic weapon.

The only explanation is that the other party is in the foundation-building stage!

"But even if you are in the foundation-building stage...

Don't even think about killing me~!"

As the khaki seal was pressed down.

I saw a spiritual light suddenly lit up in front of Zhou Wudao.

A huge barrier rose.

Then the khaki seal was directly lifted and flew out.

"Damn it, you dared to sneak attack me!" Zhou Wudao looked at the man in black with disheveled hair.

"I'll let you see the real means!"

He stretched out his thumb, bit it, and then rubbed it hard on the jade pendant around his waist.

Then a terrifying breath was born.

All the flags arranged by the man in black were destroyed.

The spiritual energy in the air boiled.

Then it turned into a huge palm and suppressed the man in black fiercely.

This attack was extremely powerful, almost surpassing the golden elixir.

I think this should be the means left to him by the ancestor of the Hehuan Sect.

But the man in black was fearless.

He rushed straight towards Zhou Wudao, and then exploded with a "boom" in front of the other party's horrified face.

The other party actually blew himself up!

The aftermath of the explosion directly blew him away.

Fortunately, he did not die because of the means left by the other party in the Nascent Soul stage.

He was just blown to the ground.


At the same time.

Honghua Tower.

Zhang Yan sighed and then opened his eyes.

In the equipment slot, a clay doll suddenly shattered.

And the huge noise over there immediately alerted everyone.

A terrifying aura rose from the ground.

Even the Yuanyingqi who were specially guarding the Taikoo City rushed over.

"Hua la la la~"

A series of sounds sounded.

I saw Lei Wanbao rushing down from upstairs while putting on his Taoist robe.

Behind Lei Wanbao was Lei Kunhai, who was slowly arranging his robes.

Otherwise, why would they say it is a golden elixir?

When something happens, you really don’t panic at all!

"Junior Brother Zhang, what's going on?" Lei Wanbao came to Zhang Yan and asked him.

"I don't know!" Zhang Yan said with a confused look on his face: "You all went to have fun, and I am left here to drink alone. Why do you have the nerve to ask me?"

“It is estimated that someone took action in Taikoo Shing.

I really don’t know whether to live or die! "Lei Kunhai and several other golden elixirs have also come over.

They looked outside with serious expressions.

“There are Nascent Soul cultivators in this Taikoo City, but I didn’t expect that anyone would dare to take action here!

Don't worry, unless the person who does it is Jin Dan, otherwise, he will be caught in a short time, and then he will not be able to survive or die! "

Lei Kunhai looked serious.

In the Nascent Soul stage, there are those with great supernatural powers and great monks.

Now he dares to do something under the eyes of the other party. What an exaggeration!

"Yes, yes, I really don't know who it is, but it's so bold that it dares to take action in this Taikoo City. Next time, don't abandon me, otherwise I'll be killed secretly! "Zhang Yan was also moved by his skill and said.

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