A moment later,

Esta came up and looked at Ji Chen and the others and said,"It's getting late, everyone go back and rest. The space station will be repaired tomorrow morning."

"We will make up for any damage to the train set caused by this disaster. Please give us a detailed list, Miss Jizi."

The space station determines the rest time of the day and night according to the nearest planet.

And the train has indeed been on for a day since breakfast.

Seeing Jizi nod,

Esta looked at Ji Chen again, with undisguised expectation in her beautiful eyes:

"Mr. Ji Chen, I hope to have a chance to talk to you alone."

This time, the antimatter army invaded.

It can be said that Ji Chen alone blocked the space station. Otherwise, the loss of personnel and equipment would be an astronomical figure that cannot be estimated.

"No problem."

Ji Chen showed his white teeth.

He finally hooked up with the little rich woman.

In order to revive Yaliluo, he was ready to endure all the torture!

Don't show any mercy!......

Esta left quickly.

Her smooth legs, dangling under her skirt, were dazzling.

"What are you looking at?"

Sanyueqi came closer, and the fresh fragrance of a young girl emanating from her body went straight into my nostrils.

"It's nothing, let's go back to the train and rest."

Ji Chen pushed March Seven's pink head from behind and followed Ji Zi and the others.

"Hey, let me go, my hair is messed up!"......

Back to the train.

Pam, who received the news in advance, has prepared a sumptuous dinner.

This train conductor looks very cute.

Due to some special reasons, he can never leave the train.

At the same time, both Walter and Dan Heng commented that he should not be provoked, and his angry look is very scary! Yan Qing, the strongest swordsman of Luofu Xianzhou, boarded the train and saw at a glance that Teacher Pam was no ordinary person, and his attainments were likely to be higher than his.

A certain Zang, who came from the same place as Walter, was also thrown off the train by Pam.

It is enough to see the strength of Captain Pam.

After dinner.

Ji Zi cleaned up a room for Xing to rest.

Ji Chen also followed.

Prepare to improve his favorability.

On the train, Aunt Ji Zi, the navigator, is the most difficult one to deal with.

Because I don’t know her purpose and what she wants, I feel like I have nowhere to use my strength.

"Okay, Xing, you can rest here for a while. If you plan to travel with the train next, this room will belong to you forever."

After saying that, Ji Zi nodded to Ji Chen.

Then she left the room.

The sound of Ji Zi's elegant high heels was heard gradually fading away.

Ji Chen turned around and stared at Xing.


Xing opened his mouth and yawned loudly, his eyes filled with sleepy tears:"I'm going to sleep."


Ji Chen nodded, then stretched out his hand:"Give me the room key."

Xing didn't even think about it.

She handed the room key that Ji Zi had just given her to Ji Chen.

A light flashed.

An identical key condensed in Ji Chen's hand.

He put it in his pocket as if nothing had happened.

Then he returned Xing's key to her,"Okay, go to bed quickly, and remember to lock the door. There are bad guys on the train, and no one is allowed in!"


Xing nodded repeatedly.

Then he stared at the key in his hand, and suddenly awakened some strange properties.

Before Ji Chen went out, he shouted:"Wait!"

"What happened?"

Ji Chen looked back in confusion.

"I want yours too!" Xing pointed at the key in his hand.


After a simple cold shower,

Ji Chen lay on the bed and exhaled comfortably. After a busy day, he could finally take a break.

But soon.

Ji Chen thought of something and picked up the exquisite purple-red mobile phone lying quietly on the table.

There is no doubt that this mobile phone has always been kept by Kafka.

It is stained with a mature and mysterious fragrance, which has not dissipated until now. Unfortunately, the bank cards, call records, signal binding, and security diary inside were all erased by Kafka.

There are only the contact information of several star core hunters, such as Yinlang and Blade.

Needless to say, Yinlang is a rebellious internet addict girl.

As for Blade, I thought he was a high-cold madman at first, but later I found out that he was a serious middle school patient.

But his past is still very legendary.

The Five Heroes on the Cloud.

Blade is one of the famous heroes in the history of Xianzhou!

The others are: Luofu Sword Master Jingliu, Shen Ce General Jingyuan, Chiming Dragon Lord Danheng, and Fox Clan Traveler Baiheng.

The achievements of the five people are endless.

Among them, Ren's combat power is the weakest, because his real profession is to be the leading weapon refining master in Zhu Ming Ark.

The weapon in Ren's hand, [Disintegration], was originally Jing Liu's. This weapon forged by Ren himself was used by Jing Liu to kill Ren hundreds of times. The demon Yin body that only remembers pain will never forget these hundreds of times of pain.

That's why Ren hates Jing Liu so much.

Concentrate your thoughts.

Ji Chen found Ren's contact information and was about to send a message.

But he received a prompt to add a friend.

The avatar shows Kafka.

Click to accept.

Remark name: The mysterious bad wife

"Hi, are you okay? How's the space station doing?"

Seeing this message,

Ji Chen couldn't help but curl his lips.

He seemed to have imagined Kafka leaning on the sofa, her graceful figure stretching out a thrilling arc, her voice lazy and casual.

"It's OK. I don't believe that what happened in the space station will escape your eyes."On a magnificent observation deck.

Kafka saw the news and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, then looked at the silver wolf next to her:

"How about it, can you determine his location?"

"It's no big deal."

Silver Wolf chewed his bubble gum and handed the micro terminal to Kafka.

"Your phone is equipped with a positioning device. Even if the train set turns on the shielding shield, you can't stop me."

A stationary train was projected on the micro-terminal holographic image.

There was a small green dot in the train, which was Ji Chen's room.

"That guy has only brute force, he will never find out that we are using the quantum network to monitor his location!"

Silver Wolf's voice was full of disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, a message alert sounded on his body.

Silver Wolf reached for his mini hollow shorts, took out his mobile phone, opened the message and saw it, his mouth suddenly opened wide.

Then he angrily smashed the phone on the sofa:"What a shameless guy!"

Kafka picked up the phone curiously.

When she saw the message on it, she couldn't help but smile.

"In? V fishnet stockings!"

The sender of the message was Kafka.

Or rather, it was Ji Chen who gave her mobile phone to her.

"I told you not to underestimate him, even in the field you are best at."

Kafka looked at the still angry Silver Wolf,"He must know that he is being monitored by you, and he deliberately sent that message."

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