Looking at the star in front of him that was covered by a bright ball of light, Ji Chen nodded with satisfaction.


The star god's gaze came and went quickly.

Almost in 0.01 seconds,

Xing yelled in pain.

A ball of light burst out from his chest that was more dazzling than Doomsday.

The terrifying light wave swept out and spread wildly in all directions.

Ji Zi, San Yueqi, and Ester were almost swept away by the golden wave and resisted with great difficulty.

And the terrifying Doomsday Beast in the air had almost no ability to resist. It was annihilated into the smallest particles by the energy wave released from Xing's chest and disappeared completely.

""Okay, stop flying."

Ji Chen grabbed Xing, who had flown half a body away.

A pure force flowed into her body along her arm.

Xing, who was almost about to explode, released a dazzling golden light all over her body.

After being nourished by this force, she calmed down at an extremely fast speed.

The golden light also returned to her chest, as if nothing had happened.

Everything around her returned to calm.

"this......What on earth is going on?"

March Seven stared at this scene blankly.

His not very smart little brain didn't know what was going on.

"Mr. Ji Chen, put the star in front of the Doomsday Beast's Doomsday Sky, and then she......"

Esta looked at Xing's chest with a hesitant look.

If I guessed correctly, that was the star core collected by Ms. Black Tower, right?

How could it suddenly appear in Xing's body?


With the strength of human flesh, how could it possibly contain the Cancer of the Worlds?

The people in the train crew were indeed extraordinary.......

""Xing, what did you see just now?"

Ji Zi came to Xing's side, her voice was very soft.

Xing first glanced at Ji Chen.

It seemed that because he was held in front of him, there was a trace of resentment and grievance.

Then he recalled:"I saw a giant with golden blood flowing from his chest."

"Then, there were several pictures, including Ji Zi, San Yue, a woman with purple-red hair, and many unfamiliar people......."

Ji Chen heard this and thought in his eyes.

The woman with purple-red hair was obviously Kafka, and those unknown people were

Cocolia, Bronya, and Seele from the next station on the train, Yalilo.

This was the ability of the star to predict the future. It probably came from the hands of Elio, the"slave of fate".

The ghost who believed in the"Last King" and murmured that the prophecy would come true was the leader of the Star Core Hunter.

Kafka and Silver Wolf dropped the star into the space station, which was also from his script.

"It seems that there is a chance to meet this mysterious guy. If you dare to stab Kafka, I will kill you first."

While thinking this, a somewhat vicissitudes of life voice came from not far away:"

The giant with golden blood flowing in his chest is probably the God of Destruction Nanook"

"Uncle Yang, you are here!"

Seeing the newcomer, San Yue Qi was a little surprised.

"Mr. Walter."

Esther also greeted politely. She knew some of Walter's background and suspected that he had the strength of an emissary.

"Walter is here?"

Ji Chen waved his hand, then said to Xing:"Hurry up and do sit-ups."


Xing didn't understand anything, she just listened to Ji Chen's words. She just lay on the ground and did sit-ups panting.

Then she found that her strength seemed to have increased a lot, and she didn't even breathe!

Walter said that he couldn't keep up with the young people's brain circuits, and silently adjusted his glasses.

"Destroy the Star God Nanook, doesn't that mean that the star is being watched by him?"

Ji Zi's tone was full of surprise.

It is known that being watched by the Star God will most likely lead to becoming the Star God's messenger.

So what about the Star God?......

"What is the Destroyer Star God?"

Xing, who was doing sit-ups, asked in confusion.

"Destroy Star God......"

Walter was about to explain when he remembered that Xing seemed to have lost her memory, so he started from the beginning:

"Star Gods are mysterious supreme beings, each of whom is in charge of a different"destiny" and controls the infinite power to erase reality and create the world."

"It is currently known that the way to create a Star God is to open up a path and take it to the extreme."

"On the virtual tree, the destiny corresponding to the star god appeared."

"Nanook, the God of Destruction, is a powerful being that carries destruction to the extreme."

"So cool?"

Xing's eyes sparkled, and he looked at Ji Chen without blinking,"I want to be a Star God, too!"

"Be good, it's not that easy to be a star god, let's just be a human being."

Ji Chen chased and stroked the gray head of Xing Sit-up.

Walter's eyes fell on Ji Chen when he heard this, and the light of a kindred spirit appeared in his eyes.

"Mr. Ji Chen is right. Star Gods are indeed powerful, but according to an indisputable law, Star Gods can and can only act according to the core of their [Prime Power]."

"For example, the Star God of Destruction can only destroy, but the Star God of Hunting will never stop hunting for the rich evil creatures."

"The star god Taizyuros who violated the law of reproduction eventually died from the backlash of fate."

"That's not right!"

March Seven raised his hand and said:"I have read a book, which said that the target of the hunting star god is the abundant star god. Why did Uncle Yang say it was the abundant evil creature?"

"The Star God represents the law of destiny, which is formed after birth, and is the embodiment of a certain concept. There is no distinction between good and evil between them, and conflicts rarely break out."

Walter seemed to be interested and continued:"The keywords of the Abundant Star God are selflessness, altruism, and healing. He never refuses prayers and cannot bear to see decay and illness."

"He treats all creatures equally. He once responded to the wishes of the immortals and gave them Jianmu. By eating the Jianmu fruit, one can lock in the state of the body at that moment and achieve immortality in a certain sense.】"

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

Sanyueqi nodded excitedly, and under Xing's curious gaze, he said:

"The book said that the people on the Immortal Boat hate immortality very much and call the God of Plenty the Originator of Plague and Disaster, because every person on the Immortal Boat will become a demonic body that has lost their mind at some point!"

"You are wrong. The reason why the immortal boat people exploded with the devil body is not because of the sequelae of immortality, but because they could not bear the wear and tear of the body and spirit, so they collapsed and went crazy."

"For example, they cannot bear the pain of physical rebirth, or they forget who they are after living for too long, which leads to collapse."

"In other words, a life with emotions is not suitable for the path to eternal life."

"Moreover, most of the Xianzhou people hated not the Fertility Star God, but the undead evil creatures that received his blessing."

"Undead evil creatures are not demons, they are originally an evil race, such as the Buli people who once enslaved and plundered many intelligent races including the fox people."

"The God of Fertility cannot refuse a prayer, including this evil race of undead creatures."

"So the hunting star god is hunting the undead evil creatures, in a sense, to clean up the mess for the abundant star god."

"A mysterious faction in the universe once released a conclusion: the hunter was promoted to a star god, and there seemed to be the shadow of the rich star god behind it."

"......So that's how it is."

March 7, Esta, and Xing were doing sit-ups.

The three nodded in unison like students listening attentively in class.

An excited voice sounded beside them:"So, the God of Fertility will not refuse any prayer, right?"

"You've been listening for so long, and this is all you remember?"

Ji Zi held her snow-white forehead, her elegant voice carrying a hint of helplessness.

"Of course!"

Ji Chen nodded seriously:"This matter is related to the improvement of my strength."

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