"He's just a gangster!"

Silver Wolf took back his phone, looked down at the fishnet stockings on his white and tender feet, and sent a message angrily:"Go to hell!"

Then he immediately changed Ji Chen's note to"Soul Number One"’

"Please come and kill me."

After clicking send, Ji Chen entered Kafka's chat interface:"I think what you want to know more is Xing's situation, right?"

"That's right, after the Doommon appeared, all communications with the space station were interrupted, and we have no way of knowing what happened during that time."

Kafka leaned on the railing, looking at the beautiful night view of the city in front of her, and continued in voice:"You promised me to take good care of the stars."

"She is fine, and because of the star core, she has received the attention of the Star God of Destruction"

"But, Kafka, I am an official member of the Star Core Hunter after all. Can you tell me the ultimate goal of the hunter?"

"It is said that......Is it related to hunting a star god?"

Looking at the question sent by Ji Chen,

Kafka thought for a moment and finally opened her red lips:"Our goal is to stop him. If we can't stop him, then kill him."

"I see. It seems quite interesting. Remember to call me when you come."

"Also, tell Silver Wolf that if she dares to block me, I will spank her hard the next time we meet!"

Silver Wolf Blowing Bubbles.jpg.

After saying that, Ji Chen hung up the call.

Looking at the dimmed avatar on the phone.

Kafka showed a weird smile on her face and handed the phone to Silver Wolf casually:"That guy left a message for you"

"Give it to me?"

Silver Wolf had no intention of taking it.

But somehow, his hand took the phone from Kafka. He looked closely and saw a few blue veins popping up on his white forehead.

"Haha, who does he think he is? He wants to hit me——!"

Silver Wolf took out his phone, called up Ji Chen, and blocked him without hesitation.......

"Ji Chen is so embarrassed."

In a room on the Starry Sky Train, looking at the blacked-out exclamation mark, Ji Chen sighed.

Then he slowly closed his eyes.

A grand cosmic scene immediately emerged in his mind.

The Starry Sky Train he was in turned into a very tiny point of light.

In a star field near the train, there was an almost identical point of light.

That was where Kafka and Silver Wolf were.

The last time they met.

When Ji Chen lifted Silver Wolf up, he had already planted a positioning aura on her without anyone noticing.

"This distance is not too far......"

Ji Chen opened his eyes with a strange laugh.

The universe is filled with mysterious imaginary energy, isolating galaxies one after another. Even light cannot move in this energy.

But as long as you can master this power, you can travel freely in the universe.

For example, the Star Gods and their messengers.

Ji Chen can do it without a doubt.

Especially after locking the coordinates, you can travel back and forth in a very short time.

"However, let Silver Wolf be proud for a while, then her humiliated struggle will be more interesting."

Temporarily put away the idea of punishing Silver Wolf.

Ji Chen put Kafka's phone back and lay on the bed thinking for a while.

Looking at the empty bedside, he always felt that something was missing.......

Knock, knock, knock. There was a knock on the door.

""Who is it?" Sanyueqi's voice came from inside the room.

After a moment, the door was pushed open.

Perhaps because she had just finished taking a shower,

Sanyueqi was only wearing soft pink pajamas. She exuded a burst of heat and a sweet body fragrance, which completely enveloped Ji Chen outside the door.

"I knew it was you."

San Yue Qi put her hands on her waist and puffed out her chest:"Why are you looking for me so late? Is there something wrong?"


Ji Chen nodded heavily, his face pale and with a hint of fear

"Just now in my room, after turning off the light, there was a rustling sound in the closet, like someone scratching something inside......."

"real......Is this true?"

Sanyueqi felt a chill on his back and swallowed his saliva:"I'm very brave, don't scare me! And this kind of thing has never happened on the train before!"

"Of course it's true!"

Ji Chen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his voice became erratic and weird:"After I turned on the light, the sound in the closet disappeared, and there was nothing inside, but when the light was turned off, the rustling sound rang again, until I gritted my teeth, turned off the light, and prepared to open the closet......."

"Stop! Stop talking!"

March Seven's face turned pale.

"Why, are you scared?"

"No! I have to go find Sister Ji Zi or Uncle Yang for this matter!"

"It’s so late, everyone must be asleep. Do you want to wake them up?"

"It seems to make sense......"

March 7 nodded his head bitterly

"That's right."

Ji Chen said, and was about to squeeze into the girl's pink room.

"Hey? What are you doing? Stop now!"

Sanyueqi tried his best to stand in front of Ji Chen.

"Xiao Sanyue, something like that happened in my room, so of course I can't sleep there anymore, I have to stay at your place for a night"

"No, men and women shouldn’t touch each other, you can’t come in!"

"Then come with me to the room and clear out the things in the closet, so I don’t have to bother you anymore!"

"As a senior in the train crew, you won't just watch me in danger and do nothing, right?"

San Yue Qi hesitated for a long time.

Finally, she clenched her fist and glared at Ji Chen as if warning:"Just for one night, let Uncle Yang and the others clean it up tomorrow morning, and you are not allowed to enter my room again!"

"No problem!"

Ji Chen agreed immediately.

Then he stuck to the body of San Yueqi who was still unwilling to give up, and entered the sweet and soft girl's room again.

"Hey, have you taken a shower?"

Sanyueqi asked with a stern face.

"Got it, go wash now!"

Ji Chen was a good talker, he did what Sanyue asked him to do. He immediately turned around and walked towards the bathroom, and took off his clothes casually, revealing his well-proportioned muscles.

Sanyueqi was about to say something, but Ji Chen's sudden action blocked his mouth, and he quickly avoided his sight with a red face, hesitating and saying nothing.

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