Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 308 Merciless Massacre

Wind Whispering Plain, First Concentration Camp

The gray short tents are endless, and there is no end as far as the eye can see. Looking from the sky, the place is divided into dozens of square areas, with barbed wire fences erected between each area, and tall sentry towers standing on the dividing line. In the middle, there are machine guns mounted on the sentry towers. Anyone who dares to approach the dividing line will be met with ruthless machine gun fire. .

Tens of millions of Tianyuan Star people are kept here like pigs and dogs, with numb eyes, torn and dirty clothes, and the air is filled with vomiting turbidity and stench.

The sun was shining brightly, and two Sabo warriors began their daily patrol inside Area 12.

"I heard that more than 400 hybrid pigs died in District 12 yesterday."

Sohan adjusted the mask on his face and said slowly as he walked.

Miscellaneous pigs are what they call the Tianyuan star people. This race actually has several types of people with different skin colors and mixed bloodlines. In addition, the Tianyuan star people are weak in strength and backward in civilization level. In their view, they are almost like pig beasts. They were dirty and stupid, so they called the Tianyuan stars "bastard pigs".

"Well, basically they all died of illness, but our District 12 is fine. It is said that some infectious disease broke out in District 13 next door. More than 2,000 hybrid pigs died yesterday. General Macron is ready to solve this problem. The bastard pigs can die, but not all of them."

"Yeah, these bastard pigs are our trophies and will serve us for generations to come."

Sohan and Lilata chatted and laughed, looking at the dirty, numb, and timid Tianyuan people next to them, pride and contempt naturally rose in their hearts.

An inferior race that only deserves to be enslaved by our Sabo people.

Gulu gulu~

At this time, a light green grass ball rolled over from the side and stopped just in front of Sohan and Lilata. Then, a little girl wearing a pink bear top quickly ran over and picked up the ball on the ground. Grass ball.

The grass ball is woven from a kind of light green grass. The technique is exquisite. At first glance, it can be seen that it was made by a skillful person. The little girl looks about four or five years old, and her little face is a little dirty. But it can't hide its cute and delicate appearance.

After the little girl picked up the grass ball, she noticed Sohan and Lilata behind her. She was instantly frightened. Her confused eyes were full of fear, her face was pale, and she hugged the grass ball tightly, as if she only had the grass. The ball can give her a sense of security.

"Yo, what did I see?"

Suo Han looked down at the little girl from a high position, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

"A young bastard pig dares to block my way. What a commendable courage~"

Sohan knelt down and put his hand on the little girl's head. Looking at the girl's increasingly frightened eyes, he couldn't help but smile evilly:

"To reward you for your courage, I decided..."


The little girl's head was turned one hundred and eighty degrees, neatly.

"Let you die without pain, haha~"

Sohan laughed loudly. On Saab, he was just the lowest-level soldier. Anyone could step on his head, but here, he was the judge who could decide life and death at will. The wildness and killing in his heart to bloom freely.

When Lilata saw Sohan's behavior, she just shook her head in amusement and didn't think it was inappropriate. Guarding these bastard pigs was actually a pretty boring job, and occasionally she needed to have some fun doing it.

"An An, An An!!!"

At this time, a sharp female scream came from the side, and a woman in a light blue skirt rushed over like crazy, with one shoe falling on the road.

Looking at her daughter whose head was turned over, the nerves in the woman's brain instantly snapped. She rushed towards Sohan like crazy, her eyes red, like a desperate female animal:

"Beast, give me back my daughter!"


Suohan kicked the woman ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

Suo Han sneered. Even a mere bastard dared to show his teeth and claws at him. It seemed that he was still not strong enough in normal times. He wanted to kill a few more today to give them a warning.


The woman's head was badly bruised and most of her bones were broken. However, at this moment, she didn't know where the strength came from. She stared at the little man in front of her, rubbed the ground little by little with her elbows, and crawled towards her daughter. He kept mumbling his daughter's name.

"An'an, An'an~"

When the Tianyuan star people watching saw this scene, their eyes instantly turned red. They were filled with grief and anger, and they wanted to swarm Suo Han to pieces.

However, reason told them that the Sabo people were invincible. Even Wildfire was defeated by the Sabo people's attacks. No matter how many people they had, they could not be the opponent of the two Sabo warriors in front of them.

Is our Tianyuan Star really doomed?

Last time, it was the legendary hero Su Mo who saved Tianyuan Star.

This time, who can come to save us!

The people lowered their heads, their hearts filled with pain, helplessness and despair.

"Humph, life is pretty tough."

Seeing that the woman did not die directly under his own foot, Suohan felt that he had been humiliated in front of his companions. His eyes turned cold, and he quickly drew out the magic gun from his waist and pulled the trigger on the woman.


The red beam shot out from the barrel and accurately hit the woman's eyebrow. The violent power of the fire element directly caused the woman's head to explode like a watermelon, spreading red and white all over the floor.

Sohan stuffed the gun back into his waist, then looked around coldly and said sternly:

"See, you bastards, this is what you will get for contradicting me. You are a dirty and inferior race. Next time you see me, please bow your heads obediently. Otherwise, this is what you will get."

Hearing this, the Tianyuan star people on the side lowered their heads in humiliation. Many people sobbed softly and secretly wiped their tears. They were crying for the mother and daughter just now, and at the same time they were feeling despair for the bleak future.

That's it, fear me, Tianyuan star! !

The corner of Sohan's mouth curled up in an exaggerated arc. This pleasure of conquest was much more satisfying than mating with 100 women.

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly came from the distant sky. Sohan and Lilata looked up, their expressions instantly froze in horror.

"Then...what is that?"

They saw a spaceship as huge as a mountain appearing in their field of vision. They had never heard of a spacecraft of this size. The largest warship on Saab was as small as a stone in front of it.

Could it be said that after Sabo Star, a more advanced civilization came to Tianyuan Star?

Sohan and Lilata looked at each other, their eyes full of panic and uneasiness.

When the people of Tianyuan Star saw this scene, they were frightened. Their eyes were dull and their bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

While the spacecraft was still moving, dense numbers of figures jumped down from the cabin door. Like flying birds, their bodies were agile and elegant, and they quickly landed in various areas of the concentration camp.

Really other foreigners!

Sohan looked at the Hulk in front of him in horror. The Hulk was four meters tall, as burly as a mountain, with muscles as bulging as rocks. He was holding a ferocious mace in his hand and had a sacred fire tattooed on his chest.

He felt a suffocating pressure from this green giant, and his throat seemed to be strangled, making him unable to speak a word.

"He he he..."

The people of Tianyuan Star took a few steps back and looked at the Hulk with great fear. They were very familiar with this Hulk. He was the one who defeated the Amethyst Supreme and the God of War Luo Tang in a row. His devil-like figure is still deeply impressed by him. It is engraved in the mind of every Tianyuan star and is unforgettable.

Why did he appear again?

Could it be said that the organization behind the Hulk is eyeing Tianyuan Star again?

Why, what did we Tianyuanxing do wrong to have to go through so much suffering?

The faces of the people were miserable, and fear and despair were constantly pounding into their hearts, causing many people to have an instant mental breakdown.

Mundo glanced at the people of Tianyuan Star next to him, and then rushed to Sohan and Lilata. Under the horrified eyes of the two pairs of people, the mace swept out and beat the two to death on the spot. Blood mist, the dead can no longer die.

After dealing with these two people, Mondo looked at the crowd and said in a deep and deep voice: "You don't have to be afraid, the legion commander is here to save you."

Mundo's words were translated into Tianyuanxing language through a translator, and everyone present could understand them.

The people did not expect that the great demon king who once frightened countless people would communicate with them in such a friendly tone.

However, who is the legion commander he is talking about?

Why did you come to rescue us?

One of the more courageous people plucked up the courage and asked, "Who is the legion commander you are talking about?"

Meng Duo said angrily, "His name is Su Mo."

Su Mo?

Executive Officer Su?

The people were stunned. They never expected that this legion commander turned out to be Su Mo, Executive Officer Su.

Aren't Executive Officer Su and the Hulk rivals? How come he became his legion commander?

Mundo didn't explain much to the people. Next, he still needed to perform the task-kill all the Sabo people in sight.


"who are you?"


The concentration camp was full of fighting, and the sounds of fighting, gunfire, and explosions could be heard everywhere.

More than 20,000 members of the Holy Light Legion were divided into two groups. One group went to the federal area in the east to deal with the people, and the other group came to the Wind Whispering Plains to rescue the people in the Wildfire territory.

Although there are only more than 10,000 people, the number is much smaller than the Sabo people stationed here.

But the members of the Holy Light Legion are all elites, and under the leadership of more than 200 commanders and more than 1,000 elite backbones, they completely kill the Sabo people as little chickens.

The magic attacks that the Sabers are proud of cannot break through the standard armor of the Holy Light Legion, but members of the Holy Light Legion can use laser guns and various means to kill the Sabers at will.

"Die to me!!!"

Han Jia wore a fiery red general-level weapon, blooming like a red murderous lotus, surrounded by more than a dozen Sabo warriors.

Dark red flames burst out, burning the surrounding enemies to ashes in an instant.

The S-level superpower Judgment Flame not only grows quickly, but the destructive power of the flame itself is amazing, and it can also have a burning effect on the soul.

Inhaling wisps of sinful force into his body, Han Jia looked around and soon discovered the next wave of targets.


Lu Fan raised his right hand, and the electric light lingered around him. At first glance, he looked like a thunder god. Then, purple thunder fell from the sky and hit the Sabo star accurately.

Now that Lu Fan has reached the elite level, the A+ level power [Thunder and Lightning Control] has begun to show its true terror. Every thunder and lightning can chop people into charcoal, and the body will be broken into pieces with just the slightest touch.

Jamie, Caroline, Wu Yao, Meng Shi, Victor, Xiao Jie...

Naturally, Su Mo's friends and the Wildfire Special Forces Team would not miss this battle of revenge. They wore holy light armor and hunted the Sabo people with full of anger and hatred.

This time, they are no longer the weak side.

With the protection of the Holy Light Armor, everyone is not afraid of the attacks of the Sabo Stars at all, they only need to attack crazily and extremely.


The screams were endless, and the Sabo people finally experienced the feelings of the Tianyuan people before, which was a kind of crushing in civilization and technology, and a sense of despair that was insurmountable in terms of strength.

In the sky, two figures stood side by side, one old and one young, with their feet on the aircraft. They looked very harmonious.

At the young man's feet, there was a green-skinned man kneeling on his knees with messy hair. He looked at the Sabo people being slaughtered below, his eyes were red and his eyes were about to burst.

"You see, this is what happens to invaders."

Su Mo said calmly: "Not only do I want to kill all the Sabo people here, but I also want to blow the entire Sabo planet into pieces to commemorate the Tianyuan compatriots who were cruelly abused and massacred by you."

Macron turned to look at Su Mo and roared:

"Saab is a satellite state of the Silver Blue Empire, and the empire will not let you go."

"Oh, Silver and Blue Empire?"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth raised, and his plain tone was full of strength and dominance:

"Even if I bombard Sabo in front of the Emperor of the Silver-Blue Empire, he would not dare to complain and would even applaud."

"You fart!!!"

Macron yelled excitedly. He didn't believe Su Mo's nonsense at all. Who was the Silver Blue Empire? It was the overlord of galaxy-level civilization, with a vast territory, advanced civilization, countless battleships, and dozens of natural disaster masters.

As for Su Mo, he was still a native boy from Tianyuan Planet a year and a half ago. Even if he became prosperous during this period, he would never be able to stand on the head of the Emperor of the Silver Blue Empire.


Su Mo kicked Macron in the face. Immediately, Macron's face deformed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, along with five teeth spitting out.

Su Mo looked at Macron condescendingly and said calmly:

"As a prisoner, be careful with your language."

When facing the Tianyuan people, the Sabo people always have a sense of superiority from advanced civilizations and disdain for backward civilizations.

In the same way, Su Mo looks at Macarons just like developed countries look at African indigenous people.

His usual dealings are with representatives of galaxy-level civilizations, star cluster-level civilizations, and even the three major civilizations in the universe, or top consortiums, or armed forces. Sabo is just a second-level surface civilization under the Silver Blue Empire, let alone Mika. Long, even the top leader of Sabo Star, is not even qualified to see him.

As for what he just said, of course it was not arrogance.

Although the Silver Blue Empire is not within the Chaotic Star Territory, it is close to the border of the Chaotic Star Territory and is deeply influenced by the Four Emperors.

In addition, the superior civilization of the Silver Blue Empire, the Garder Civilization, is currently seeking to purchase a quota for the Heavenly Monument Secret Realm from the Lion Palace. If he claims to the outside world that Sabo has invaded his home planet, he will not need to do anything on his own. The Garder Civilization will definitely Will force the Silver and Blue Empire to hand over Sabo Star, and the Silver and Blue Empire will definitely do so.

In the eyes of galaxy-level civilization and star cluster-level civilization, the small surface secondary civilization is like an insignificant chess piece that can be abandoned at any time.

Macron's level is too low. He neither understands his identity nor the cold-bloodedness of higher civilizations. He actually hopes that the Silver and Blue Empire can stand up and uphold justice. It is simply a fool's errand.

Su Mo no longer paid attention to Macron's humiliating and angry gaze. He turned to look at the old man beside him and said with a smile:

"Old man, are you satisfied with the following scene?"

Wu Feng looked at the screaming battle scene below and couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Satisfied, so satisfied. Su Mo, fortunately you are here~"

The two crises of genocide were ultimately resolved successfully by Su Mo who turned the tide.

He couldn't imagine what Tianyuan Star would be like today without Su Mo.

Perhaps a long time ago, Tianyuan Planet became a colony of other civilizations, and everyone lived a life of slaves in dire straits and extreme humiliation, with no hope of ever turning around.

Su Mo smiled and said, "As long as you are satisfied. By the way, how about you go down and vent your bad breath?"


Wu Feng nodded decisively. After being awakened by Su Mo just now, he found that not only had all the burning essence and blood been replenished, but he had even inexplicably broken through to the realm of command. After a period of adaptation, he had basically mastered the new power in his body. Now is the time to collect debts from the Sabo people.


Wu Feng jumped off the aircraft, and the crimson flame burst out, falling straight into the battlefield like a flaming meteor, and then joined the massacre.

Below, the Sabo people were killed and were completely defeated. Not long after, all the Sabo people in the concentration camp were slaughtered, leaving no one alive.

After the fighting, the concentration camp fell into a brief silence.

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