Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 309 Bombardment of Sabo

A gentle breeze blew the smell of blood in the air into the distance.

The people of Tianyuan Star stared blankly at the corpses of Sabo Stars all over the ground. They could not imagine that the demonic Sabo Stars were all killed in a short period of time.

And the people who killed them were actually aliens with colorful skins and strange looks. The only thing they had in common was that they all had a golden flame symbol engraved on their chests.

The change came so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard and didn't know what to do for a while.

In this brief moment of silence, suddenly, a white woman picked up a stone at her feet, rushed to the body of a Sabo star, squatted down and hit the Sabo star man on the head with a stone, shouting like crazy. scream.


Bang bang bang~~

The rocks were smashed down again and again, smashing the corpse beyond recognition. However, the woman still did not stop, as if she wanted to smash her head.

Many people nearby recognized this woman. Her name was Jennifer. She once had a pair of lovely twin daughters. However, just a few days ago, the twin sisters were forcefully taken away by a Saab soldier. When they were returned, they were all covered with blood. There were bruises and scars all over his body, and he died soon after.

Since then, Jennifer has gone crazy, sitting in front of the tent all day long, mumbling the names of her two children.

Jennifer's actions were like a flame, instantly igniting the anger and hatred of the people. They either used stones or directly used their hands to rush towards the Sabo corpse like crazy, tearing, smashing, and kicking... Use this to vent the long-standing emotions in your heart.

"Assholes, you bastards!"

In the sky, Macron looked at this scene and was trembling with anger. The Sabo people attach great importance to appearance. No one is willing to enter that ugly bloodline activation state until absolutely necessary. At the same time, when a Sabo star dies, they will also Preserve their appearance to the greatest extent possible.

The Sabo people believe that only in this way can the dead souls enter reincarnation and become Sabo people again, while those whose corpses are seriously damaged and destroyed beyond recognition can only be reincarnated into other lower creatures.

Therefore, when Macron saw what the Tianyuan people below were doing, he was so angry.

Su Mo glanced at Macron and smiled coldly.

He just wants Macarron to see the destruction of the Sabo people with his own eyes, and to make the other party roar with regret, anger, and incompetence. This is the best revenge against the invader.

The chaos lasted for a while. After the people of Tianyuan Star vented their hatred and anger, many people began to cry loudly. The crying was extremely contagious. As long as someone around you cried, other people would be affected. Unable to suppress the grievances in his heart, soon, cries could be heard from every corner of the concentration camp.

For the people of Tianyuan Star, the experience of these three months was like a nightmare. Their homes were destroyed, their relatives and friends died, and they were kept in a filthy environment like pigs and dogs, living without any dignity.

Now, this nightmare is finally over.

The group of invaders got their retribution and all died in front of them.


At this moment, a huge magic water curtain appeared in the sky.

When I saw the familiar young face on the water curtain, the cries stopped abruptly.

"Su...Executive Officer Su Mo!"

"Executive Officer Su Mo!!!"

On the water curtain, it was the legendary hero Su Mo of Tianyuan Star, and at his feet, Macron, the general of Sabo Expeditionary Force, was trampled under his feet like a dead dog, his face full of grief, anger and humiliation.

The people stared at the water curtain in disbelief. Why is Executive Officer Su Mo here?

Wasn't he captured by aliens?

what is happening?

On the water curtain, Su Mo said calmly: "Everyone, I am Su Mo, I am back!"

"This is the voice of Executive Officer Su Mo!"

"It turns out that Executive Officer Su Mo saved us!"

"Hero, hero saved us again!!!"

The scene boiled over instantly, and the people cheered and shouted excitedly, with tears in their eyes. At the darkest moment of Tianyuan Planet, that man stood up. He brought reinforcements, powerfully killed the invaders, and once again protected the planet.

The people looked at the figure in the sky with great enthusiasm, as if they were looking up to a god.

For the Tianyuan people, Su Mo is the patron saint of the planet.

Then, Su Mo spoke again, decisively:

"I promise everyone that I will never let go of any Sabo star. All invaders will die!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was like an explosion. Everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, blushed, raised their arms and shouted:




Tens of millions of people roared in unison, and the momentum was so terrifying that the sound wave almost formed a substance, spreading outward in circles.

After the people's mood eased slightly, Su Mo continued:

"Everyone, the next step is to move everyone to a safe area. The group of alien warriors below are all my subordinates. Please don't be nervous, follow the command, and board the battleship in an orderly manner."

It turns out that these aliens are the subordinates of Executive Director Su Mo! ! !


Is it the Big Mac above your head?

People looked up and saw that the spaceship as big as a mountain was like a shadow across the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun. The spaceships in science fiction movies were not even one-tenth the size of it.

It's so high, how should we go up?

"You guys, come and gather!"

Tens of thousands of members of the Holy Light Legion were distributed in various areas, guiding the people to stand together.

When faced with these strange alien races from the universe, the people still seemed extremely nervous. After all, some races looked exactly like the villain bosses in horror movies, which could scare children so much that they wet their pants. Fortunately, Wildfire's special forces members also joined in later. In the command team, when the people saw the familiar faces of their compatriots, they couldn't help but feel reassured and followed the command honestly.

There are tens of millions of people in the concentration camp, and guiding such a large number of people is a very large project. Groups of people gather in the open space, and are then sucked into the battleship by the light of guidance projected down.

The transfer of tens of millions of people took more than half a day, and during this period, Wildfire's three underground shelters and the people of the former Federation in the East were also transferred to other battleships.

However, Su Mo did not let the large army leave directly. Instead, he sent thousands of small airships to search for signs of life around the world, never missing any Tianyuan star compatriot.

Three days later, everything was ready, and Su Mo took all the Tianyuan stars and set off for their new home.

"Do you really want to give up here?"

Xiao Zhongyuan looked at the distant planet outside the porthole, feeling a deep sense of reluctance and complexity deep in his heart.

As the saying goes, it’s hard to leave your homeland.

After the Cataclysm, his grandfather founded Wildfire. After three generations of unremitting efforts, Wildfire became the largest political power on the planet, providing shelter for countless displaced people.

He grew up in this environment, with the growth of wildfire as his mission and the development of civilization as his dream.

This land carries so many emotions and memories for him, and when one day he has to leave this place forever, the feeling of emptiness is something he has never experienced before.

"Brother Zhongyuan, you should know the situation of Tianyuan Star better than me."

Su Mo stood next to Xiao Zhongyuan, looking at the blue planet, and said slowly:

"After Tianyuan Planet experienced the great catastrophe 200 years ago, the land was severely polluted and the environment was harsh. It was no longer suitable for large-scale human reproduction and living. In addition, the resources here are too barren, energy is scarce, and materials are low-end. To a large extent, It has restricted the progress of science and technology, and you must be deeply aware of this.”


Xiao Zhongyuan nodded.

More than a year ago, he obtained a batch of basic science and technology data on the universe from the undersea ruins. Through this data, he learned a lot about energy, materials, mechanical engineering, etc., which made Wildfire technology make a huge leap.

But in the process, he discovered a problem, that is, even if he knew the principles of many technologies, he could not actually apply them.

The main reason is energy and material limitations.

Even the strongest metal in Tianyuan Star cannot meet the material requirements of some weapons.

An entire power plant cannot supply the consumption of a certain engine.

If these two major problems cannot be solved, the scientific and technological development of Tianyuan Star will not be able to move forward further.

"So, for the civilization development of Tianyuan Planet, we must also move to a planet with richer resources and easier communication with the outside world."

Su Mo patted Xiao Zhongyuan's shoulder and said sincerely: "Brother Zhongyuan, the new planet I prepared for you is located in the center of the chaotic star field. There you can easily obtain the core technologies of various civilizations and buy everything you want. All the materials needed.”

"In addition, I have prepared the most advanced laboratory for you in advance and recruited a large number of scientific assistants. It is a paradise for scientific researchers. It is much happier than staying in Tianyuan Star and immersing yourself in research. From now on, you only need to concentrate on your work. Just research, don’t worry about anything else.”

As soon as these words came out, they immediately touched Xiao Zhongyuan's heart.

He is an avid science enthusiast. His greatest happiness is to overcome scientific research problems, master new knowledge, and transform knowledge into technologies and tools useful to the people. However, he has no interest in rights at all.

If his status as Wildfire leader hadn't required him to attend some important meetings and participate in some key decisions, he would have preferred to spend all day in the laboratory, all year round.

After going to the new planet, he not only has access to science and technology in the universe, but also can buy any materials needed for experiments. For a serious science enthusiast, this is like LSP entering the daughter country, with eyes wide open. Almost gone.

The most important thing is that he can get away from tedious affairs and only need to concentrate on research. Thinking about such a life makes him happy.

"Su Mo, when can we arrive at the new planet?"

Xiao Chongyuan can't wait to visit his new laboratory.

"About two months."

Su Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will sort out some information during this period. If possible, please help me prepare some materials in advance and put them in the laboratory."

"no problem."

Su Mo agreed immediately.

"That's it, I'm going to sort out the information."

Xiao Zhongyuan left in a hurry, with a smile of excitement and anticipation on his face.

Su Mo looked at Xiao Zhongyuan's retreating back and couldn't help but smile.

There are actually only two people at the highest level of decision-making in Wildfire, one is Xiao Chongyuan and the other is Amethyst Supreme.

The family transfer was his personal decision. Although his prestige was currently high and no one dared to refute his proposal, out of respect, he still wanted these two to support him wholeheartedly.

Regarding Xiao Chongyuan and Amethyst Supreme, he adopted completely different rhetoric.

Facing Amethyst Supreme, he only said one sentence, I am very powerful now, but my enemy is even more powerful. In order to avoid harming Chiyu, the Tianyuan Star compatriots must move to a safer place.

As soon as these words came out, Amethyst Supreme immediately became his die-hard supporter.

To some extent, this is a "coercion" method.

When facing Xiao Chongyuan, he chose "inducement".

Using a more superior scientific research environment to attract such a technology madman will naturally have a great effect.

Su Mo always believed that a super scientific genius like Xiao Chongyuan should focus on scientific research instead of being dragged down by Ye Huo's tedious affairs.

He understood that the Wildfire executives dragged Xiao Chongyuan to various important meetings out of respect. But firstly, Xiao Chongyuan himself didn’t like these things. Secondly, time was the most precious thing for geniuses, and they couldn’t help Xiao Chongyuan at all. What a genius.

Xiao Zhongyuan has a talent called - [Mechanical Tianxin].

Mechanical Tianxin: Possessing innate strong understanding and creativity of knowledge in various fields of machinery (including energy, materials, virtual technology, etc.). When the knowledge is advanced, its own mechanical power will be enhanced simultaneously, and all mechanical weapons will damage *1.4.

This is the top mechanical talent, much more terrifying than Bobo's [Perfect Mechanical Sense].

Xiao Zhongyuan can quickly master knowledge related to the mechanical system, and the more knowledge he masters, the stronger his own strength will be.

Many people don't know that Xiao Zhongyuan has grown from an ordinary person to a D-level mechanic within a year and a half. Even Xiao Zhongyuan himself doesn't know how powerful he is now.

In the future, as long as Xiao Zhongyuan is provided with a good scientific research environment and sufficient high-precision knowledge, Xiao Zhongyuan has every hope of becoming a God-King-level mechanic.

However, he may be the God King's mechanic who is least good at fighting.

Judging from Amethyst Supreme's character and skills, it is obvious that he is more suitable to lead the Tianyuan people to gain a foothold and develop in the cruel competition in the universe.

The fleet set off, but before heading to Marso Star, there was one more important thing to do, and that was to bombard Sabo Star and avenge the dead Tianyuan Star compatriots.

A few days later, the fleet descended into the outer space of Sabo.

Su Mo ignored the various messages sent by the Saab space base station. He looked at the green planet below and said lightly:

"Start shooting."


The captains of more than a dozen battleships responded in unison, and then all the battleships began to disperse, forming a circle around the Saab star, and then the battleships fired at the same time.




These warships are all retired large warships from the cluster-level civilization. They were later modified, and their weapon power was not reduced at all. Facing a completely undefended planet, a ship-borne cannon easily penetrated the surface of the earth, triggering a nuclear explosion. .

Boom boom!

Orange-red underground magma erupted from all over the surface of Sabo, the core of the earth shook, and the entire planet fell into a major earthquake.

The bombardment continued, incessantly, and stars fell like rain.

Finally, at a certain moment, Sabo Star burst out with extremely dazzling light.

boom! !

The planet exploded!

There was a vast expanse of white outside the porthole window, and the terrifying explosion energy was blocked by the battleship's protective cover.

Macron, the supreme commander of the Sabo Expeditionary Force, knelt on the floor and covered his eyes with his hands. A line of blood and tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Then he opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were split, and he yelled at Su Mo:

"You devil, you will definitely be punished!!!"

Su Mo looked at him condescendingly and said calmly:

"His enemy is my hero. Sabo invaded my Tianyuan planet, causing the death of millions of living beings and committing heinous crimes. You deserve all this."

"I just want you to see with your own eyes that this is the fate of the invaders!"

"Kill me, kill me quickly!!!"

Macron roared desperately and sadly. At this moment, his heart was filled with an emotion called regret.

If he had known that it would end like today, he would have sacrificed his life to prevent Sabo from going to Tianyuan.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

"As you wish, Jiajia, let's do it."


Han Jia stood behind Macron, pointing her five fingers at the back of his head. Then, five spiral flames burst out, piercing Macron's head.


The corpse fell to the ground with a sound, and the rich sinful force emerged and was sucked into Han Jia's body.

The Force was violently surging, and her mental power was extremely active. Han Jia felt as if she was about to break through.

Now, even if she no longer kills people, she is confident that she can successfully break through to the leadership level within a month through normal training.

The revenge was over, and the news spread throughout the fleet, immediately triggering a tsunami of cheers.

Amidst the sounds of joy, the fleet set off for the new home of mankind on Tianyuan Planet.

Marceau star!

No, it should be called Xintian Yuanxing.

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