Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 307 Reunion and Revenge Begins

"Go this way!"

Lu Fan, Ji Qiqi, and Jamie stood at the entrance of the underground river to maintain order, but their hearts had already floated above, worrying about the safety of Han Jia, Amethyst Supreme, and God of War Luo Tang.

If something happens to Han Jia, how should I explain to Brother Mo when he comes back?

Lu Fan clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging deeply into his flesh. At this moment, he hated his own weakness and incompetence.

"Cao Nima, do you dare to squeeze me?"

Suddenly, a violent voice came from his ears, followed by a series of exclamations.

Lu Fan turned around and saw a burly man with a sinewy face pushing down a woman holding a child. Due to the overcrowding, a large number of people were also knocked down.

The big man pointed at the women and children and cursed fiercely:

"Damn it, if you dare to squeeze again, I will throw you and this kid into the river."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The woman hugged the child and apologized tremblingly, while others were too angry to say anything when they saw the man's huge figure.

Seeing this, Lu Fan narrowed his eyes. He had always hated bullying the weak, especially when he was upset now. This man's behavior was simply making him laugh.


A ray of purple thunder fell, and the big man was shaken instantly, as if he was doing a break dance, and his eyes were turned up by the electric shock.

"Yu Yang, take him to the river to sober up." Lu Fan snorted coldly.

"Okay, Brother Fan."

A young man wearing a law enforcement uniform squeezed into the crowd, lifted the big man over his head with one hand, then came to the dark river and pushed his head hard into the water.


The big man struggled violently, like a big crab with teeth and claws. However, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the iron fist of the law enforcement team.

This scene attracted applause from the onlookers, and the mother and son looked at Lu Fan with gratitude.

Lu Fan stood on a big rock and said coldly:

"Everyone moves forward in order. If the situation happens again - kill without mercy!"

Now, he is no longer the stupid young man who just came out of the training camp. He has learned how to establish authority and how to be a qualified law enforcer.

The more chaotic the situation is, the more iron-blooded methods are needed.

After Lu Fan said these words, it was obvious that the people became more cautious. Even if there was crowding or friction, no one dared to make a scene.

The movement speed of personnel suddenly increased.

Seeing this, Lu Fan's expression softened slightly, and he called Jamie next to him and asked:

"Did you hear anything from above?"

Jamie has extremely keen perception, and any subtle vibration cannot be concealed by his "bat ears".

Lu Fan wanted to know what was going on above, whether the battle was over, and whether Han Jia and Supreme really had the trump card to defeat Macron.

Jamie shook his head and said: "There was movement, but I don't know what happened specifically."


Lu Fan punched the stone wall with hatred, and the gravel fell.

"Brother Fan, I understand your feelings, but there is no point in rushing now. We can only trust the Supreme, Luo Tang War God and Sister Jia." Jamie comforted him.

Lu Fan was upset. Of course he knew there was no need to worry now, but when he thought that Han Jia, who was younger than himself, was fighting for everyone up there, how could he stand here with peace of mind.


At this moment, Lu Fan's communication watch suddenly vibrated. He glanced at it and his body tensed instantly.

This call turned out to be from Han Jia.

Without any hesitation, Lu Fan quickly answered:

"Hey Sister Jia, how's it going up there? Are any of you injured?"

Sister Jia?

Hearing the name, Ji Qiqi, who was maintaining order next to him, also quickly gathered around.

The other end of the phone paused for a second, but this second made Lu Fan immediately panic.

what happened?

Could it be that something has happened to Han Jia and Supreme, and now it’s not Han Jia who is fighting, but those beasts from Sabo Star?

Fortunately, after hearing that familiar voice, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"I'm fine, no one was hurt."

"Lu Fan, I'm going to inform everyone that people don't need to move."

No need to transfer?

Could it be said that Macron was really killed by Supreme and the others?

Lu Fan, Jamie, and Ji Qiqi looked at each other, but before they could ask questions, Han Jia's next words made the three of them freeze instantly.

"Su Mo, you're back."


Mo...Brother Mo is back!

The expressions of the three people froze, and then when they heard the gentle voice with a slight smile, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on their faces.

"Xiaofan, Jamie, Qiqi, I'm back."


"Brother Mo!"

"Brother Mo!"

"Su Mo!"

A dark group of people rushed from the entrance of the cave, shouting Su Mo's name.

Su Mo laughed loudly and opened his arms to welcome his friends.

"Brother Mo!"

Lu Fan, Su Mo's childhood friend and best friend, was the first to rush over and gave him a fierce hug.

"Brother Mo, great, you are finally back!!"

Lu Fan hit Su Mo hard on the back, his face full of excitement, his eyes slightly red, and his voice was choked.

When he learned that Su Mo had been taken away by aliens, he thought that the two brothers would never see each other again in this life.

Even though Brother Mo left a message telling everyone that he would be back soon.

But the vast universe is full of dangers. Can Brother Mo really find his way home safely and smoothly?

Lu Fan didn't dare to think about it, and he couldn't think about it.

He placed more hope on the development of the Tianyuan Star civilization. When the Tianyuan Star civilization officially integrates with the cosmic civilization, he will then use the efforts of the whole family to find Su Mo.

However, Brother Mo was still the same Brother Mo who kept his word. Only a year and a half later, he returned to his hometown.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Su Mo patted Lu Fan on the back and then looked around.

Jamie, Ji Qiqi, Caroline, Wu Yao, Victor, Meng Shi, Xiao Jie, Xiao Zhongyuan, his friends were all present, but everyone had a lot of changes, which was a transformation of temperament. , but also spiritual growth.

In addition to these friends, there were also some high-level executives of Wildfire that he knew or did not know. When these high-level officials looked at him, their eyes were full of excitement, fanaticism and admiration.

At this time, Su Mo noticed Wu Yao's robotic arm and frowned slightly:

"Wu Yao, what's wrong with your arm?"

Wu Yao smiled, with a hint of freedom and ease on his slightly weathered face:

"It was chopped off, but I'm lucky to be alive."

Speaking of this, Wu Yao suddenly sighed sadly:

"However, I would rather die right away, otherwise I wouldn't hurt my great-grandfather..."

"What's wrong, old man?"

Su Mo's heart skipped a beat. Wu Yao's great-great-grandfather was the God of War Wu Feng. He seemed to be a bohemian and disrespectful old man, but he was extremely caring for his descendants.

Mr. Wu Feng treated him very well and stood firmly behind him to support him in many incidents.

Looking at Wu Yao's expression, could it be that the old man has...

"Grandpa is not dead yet, but he burned all his blood and essence in order to save me. He is now in a coma, and the oil is exhausted. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for much longer." Wu Yao's voice was low, and his eyes turned red involuntarily.

Hearing this, Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he is not dead, he has 10,000 ways to save people and restore them to their peak condition.

"It's good that he's not dead. Find someone to bring the old man here. I can revive him now."

Su Mo patted Wu Yao's shoulder.

Hearing this, Wu Yao suddenly raised his head, and the others also looked at Su Mo with extremely surprised eyes.

"Really? I can really save my great grandfather." Wu Yao grabbed Su Mo's arm excitedly, his body trembling slightly.

"Of course, let me tell you, I have a well-known name in the universe, called the Immortal Holy Light. As long as I am here, it will be difficult for you to die even if you want to."

Su Mo patted Wu Yao's robotic arm and said:

"For martial arts masters, the original arms are most suitable."


The mechanical arm fell off immediately, and then a golden light fell. The empty arm quickly grew flesh and blood. In less than two seconds, a strong and symmetrical arm appeared in front of everyone. The left arm and the right arm were the same length and thickness, even the hairs on the arm were the same. The branches are all pretty much the same.

Wu Yao stared blankly at the brand new arm. Then he woke up as if from a dream, quickly dialed a number and shouted excitedly:

"Wu Yan, bring Grandpa here quickly, quickly!!!"

He almost yelled the last word.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but smile, and the dark clouds in their hearts dissipated.

Wu Feng is the teacher of Amethyst Supreme and God of War Luo Tang, and he is also the kindest elder. He is humorous and protective of shortcomings. Everyone likes to get along with him.

Wu Feng was seriously injured, which left many people with grief, anger and regret that they couldn't get rid of.

Fortunately, Su Mo came back in time, and the old man was finally saved.

After the excitement of the reunion ended, everyone noticed the group of mercenaries behind Su Mo.

The colorful skin and various appearances were like a hodgepodge of races. In addition, the super battleship above the head that covered the sky and looked like a hanging mountain also made everyone open their mouths and be stunned.

"Mo...Brother Mo, this your spaceship?"

Jamie asked stammeringly.

Su Mo shook his head: "No, I rented this."

It turned out to be rented.

Everyone felt a little relieved. Although they were renting, they could afford such a Big Mac, which showed that Su Mo must be doing well now.

"I'm just renting because I'm pressed for time. If I want to buy one, it wouldn't be a problem to buy hundreds of them." Su Mo added lightly.

Nani! ! !

After hearing this, everyone's expressions instantly stiffened.

Buy...hundreds of ships?

Did I hear that correctly?

"Brother Mo, how powerful are you now?" Lu Fan asked the question on everyone's mind.

Hehe, finally someone asked this!

Su Mo's face straightened, he cleared his throat and said:

"Now, let me solemnly introduce myself. I am already a natural disaster-level superpower and serve as the commander of the Holy Light Legion in the Chaotic Star Territory. There are currently 2 million extraordinary people in the Holy Light Legion, including 5 natural disaster experts. , there are more than 30,000 people at the command level, and more than 100,000 at the elite level. As for the total assets..."

"Let's put it this way, the richest man in ordinary galaxy-level civilizations is not as rich as me."

After listening to Su Mo's words, everyone present was buzzing. Even Amethyst Supreme, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief.

He himself is a commander-level expert and knows how difficult it is to be promoted to commander. However, Su Mo now has more than 30,000 commanders under his command, not to mention the 100,000 elites and 5 natural disasters.

What has Su Mo experienced in the past year and a half?

Han Jia pursed her lips. When she learned that Su Mo had more than 100,000 elite subordinates like her and more than 20,000 commander-level cadres, she was shocked at first, and then felt a strong sense of urgency in her heart. .

She wanted to stand by Su Mo's side and become his solid support, instead of being protected by him like before and now.

If I want to continue to become stronger, I must become strong enough.

Han Jia lowered her head, a look of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Brother Mo, do you think I can lie down directly now?" Jamie murmured.

"It's not impossible to lie down flat."

Su Mo smiled and said: "But at least we can break through the leadership and then lie down."

Jamie pointed to his nose and blinked:

"Do I also have a chance to be promoted to commander?"

His talent can only be considered above average, not at the level of a genius, so he has never expected to reach the top leadership level on the planet. The elite level is already his dream.

"No problem at all."

Su Mo smiled.

Jamie's power is a C++-level phantom bat. As long as he receives the holy baptism, he can easily evolve into a B-level or higher power.

With the foundation of superpowers and the investment of massive resources, Jamie can be promoted to the commander level within three to five years.

"Haha, thank you Brother Mo."

Jamie almost jumped up with excitement. He had never thought that one day he could become a commander-level master like the Supreme, but since this was what Brother Mo had promised, it would be 100% achievable.

"Dear Legion Commander."

At this time, the green-glowing Seresi walked over from the side, holding a round soul ball emitting green light in his hand. He came to Su Mo, half-lowered his body, and his hoarse and low voice could not conceal the flattery. :

"The work you gave me has been successfully completed. Please accept it from the legion commander."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Su Mo smiled and took the soul ball, while the others looked at Seresi with a new and surprised look.

Although the Sabo people are green, at least they still look like humans, with flesh and blood.

The guy in front of him, who was glowing green, was like a ghost in a novel. He had no body and was made entirely of soul energy.

The races in the universe are indeed full of wonders.

Ceresi noticed the looks that everyone was looking at him, and then he smiled a smile that he thought was friendly, but seemed extremely ferocious to others.

"Hello, I am Seresi, the legion commander's confidant. Nice to meet you."

Seresi's words were successfully translated into Tianyuan Star Language through a translator. Although everyone could understand them, looking at Seresi's ghostly appearance and devilishly deep voice, they really felt a little frightened.

When did you become my confidant?

Su Mo curled his lips secretly while digesting the information in the soul ball.

Seresi's guy can really climb up by following the pole, it's like He Shen from the Soul World.

After absorbing Macron's memory, Su Mo finally knew how the Sabo people found Tianyuan Planet.

It turned out that after Babata took him away from Tianyuan Star, he himself kept his promise to Bobo and did not reveal the coordinates of Tianyuan Star to anyone.

However, a certain crew member of Babata, driven by greed, secretly sent a message in a secret group chat, claiming that he was willing to sell the coordinates of the Tianyuan Star for a reward of 10,000 innars.

However, Babata was very strict about the star map. The crew only knew the general range of the coordinates, so there were only a few people who were interested, including a Sabo man.

The Sabo people contacted the crew member, and after some insinuations, they found that Tianyuan Star was very close to Sabo Star. Even if they only knew the approximate coordinates, they could find Tianyuan Star through careful search.

In view of this, the Saab man decisively reported the information. The military attaches great importance to this matter. After careful discussion, they decided to buy the coordinates and took the first step towards foreign colonization.

After more than a year of searching, they finally found Tianyuan Star, and then began a massive invasion.

"Saab Star!!"

Su Mo recalled the various abuses and crimes inflicted on the people of Tianyuan Planet by the Sabo Planet people in Macron's memory, and he couldn't help but feel murderous intent in his heart.

"Friends, I came back this time to take you all away from Tianyuan Planet and move the whole family to a planet with richer resources and safer conditions."

Su Mo paused and his tone became cold:

"But before I leave, there's one thing I have to do."

"That is - revenge, I want to kill all the Sabo people!"

Hearing these murderous words, everyone suddenly felt their hearts surge, a wave of hot blood rose from their chests and went straight to their foreheads, and their eyes instantly turned red.


The angry roar pierced the sky like a sharp sword.

The Sabo people will never know what kind of terrifying existence they have provoked.

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