Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 296 Follow-up Storm: Departing for the Four Emperors Conference

"Kreye, are you saying that Rein Gut has already condensed the martial soul's true form?"

On the light screen, a figure filled with black energy spoke faintly. The black energy obscured his face, and only the faint white light in his eyes could be seen.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

The leader of the light, Kraye, nodded.

Martial spirit true body~

The Soul Emperor's heart sank. Before Rein Gut reached that step, he, the peak god king telekinesis master, had already found it extremely difficult. Now Rein Gut has condensed the true form of the martial soul, breaking through that boundary and standing reached the same height as myself.

This was simply the worst news for him.

But, how on earth was Rein Gut’s injury cured?

The Soul Emperor was puzzled. Back then, Rein Gut was hit by a full blow from the Withering Scepter. His vitality was already astonishing if he could save his life.

Logically speaking, no one in the entire universe can remove the divine corrosion of the Withered Scepter. Therefore, Rein Gut should be getting weaker and weaker. How can he still condense the martial soul's true body and go one step further?

"However, I think Rhine Gut may not have recovered." The leader of the Light added.

"Oh why?"

"It was like this back then..."

The leader of the Guangming Cult retold the previous experiences completely, and he did not hide anything about the Son of God.

For masters at the Soul Emperor and God King levels, the Son of Light and the Soul Transformation Instrument are basically open secrets.

After listening to the Guangming Cult Leader's narration, the Soul Emperor pondered:

"You are right, this is indeed not Reingut's style. There is a high probability that his injury has not healed yet."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of coldness and sharpness in the Soul Emperor's tone.

"Kreye, do you want to deal with Rhine Gut with me?"

"That's right!"

The leader of the Light made no secret of his intentions.

"Your target is Rein Gut, and I also need Rein Gut to die in order to regain the Son of Light."

"Where is the secret key to the secret realm of that monument?" the Soul Emperor asked.

"This is yours!"

The Guangming Cult Leader said solemnly: "However, I need you to provide me with 1,000 square meters of pure soul."

"1,000 square meters? Kraye, your appetite is too big~" the Soul Emperor's voice turned cold.

"1,000 square meters of pure soul seems to be nothing compared to the secret key of the Heavenly Monument Secret Realm, right?" the Guangming Cult Leader said calmly.

The Soul Emperor took a deep look at the Guangming Cult Leader, and he naturally knew why Kraye wanted these 1,000 square meters of pure souls.

It seems that Krayer's body can't last many years.

"Okay, I agree."

The Soul Emperor said decisively that Krayer was right. The secret key to the secret realm of the Sky Monument is much more precious than the 1,000 square meters of pure soul. Although 1,000 square meters of pure soul is more difficult to refine, it is nothing more than spending a little effort and killing more creatures. That’s all.

There are so many living creatures in the universe, so what does it matter if some of them die~

"I knew you would definitely agree."

A smile appeared on Krayer's face, but then he straightened up and said: "But we still can't act rashly. After all, it's just a guess that Rhine Gut's injury is not good. If the guess is wrong, you and I will rashly If we start a war, the outcome may be difficult to end.”

"Well, indeed!"

The Soul Emperor nodded.

Before Rein Gut broke through that boundary, he turned the All Souls Sect upside down. Now he has condensed the true form of the martial soul. If his injury is really healed and he officially reaches the peak of the God King, then he will rashly No one can bear the consequences of war.

The Rhine-Gutter family had a small business, so it would not be a pity even if it were destroyed.

But the Soul Clan and the Holy See of Light are races and organizations that have been inherited for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Who is willing to fight with a barefoot~

"You should find someone to test him." The Soul Emperor muttered, his brows knitting together under the black mist.

This is easy to say, but very difficult to do.

If you want to test Rhine Gut, you must at least be a God-King, but the God-Kings are a group of experts. Who would be willing to offend that old lion and do a thankless thing.

Even though he is the pillar of the Wanling Sect, he does not have the ability to command other god kings to do things according to his ideas.

"I have a candidate."

The leader of the Light smiled mysteriously.

"Oh, who is it?" Soul Emperor asked.

"he is the one……"


Star Spirit Chahai, Rag Star

"The sixth adopted son of the Lion King."

Puppet master Silas flipped through the Star Network news and shook his head when he saw the familiar young face:

"It looks like this puppet can no longer be collected."

During the recent period, the sanctions imposed on him by the United Civilization Army have not yet ended, so he has temporarily stopped his plans for Su Mo, preparing to wait for the limelight to pass before taking action.

But now, Su Mo has been adopted as the adopted son by the Lion King. Even if he is interested, he has no choice but to give up.

After all, there is also a gap between divine kings.

Compared with the notorious Lion King Rein Gut, this God-King is still far behind.

However, he gave up this puppet, and there was another puppet that still had a very high collection value.

The puppeteer clicks on a certain information and projects a photo in the air.

It was a little girl holding a war hammer, with bright starlight lingering around her. She held a black hole-like ball in her right hand. She was wearing a battle armor and looked high-spirited, like a little war god in the starry sky.

"Could this girl be of that race?"

The corners of the puppet master's mouth raised, his smile was evil and weird.



This is Su Mo's only feeling in more than a month.

Since the news that he became the sixth adopted son of the Lion King spread throughout the Star Territory, there has been an endless stream of forces coming to Anya and Zatanvi to visit him, including representatives of galaxy-level civilizations, star cluster-level civilizations, various financial groups, The head of the Chamber of Commerce and some well-known armed forces in the star field also came to pay their respects to the dock.

The influence of the Lion King in the Chaotic Star Territory is too great, especially since the Lion King suddenly accepted a new adopted son after a hundred years of silence.

Everyone wanted to see who this new adopted son was and why he was so favored by the Lion King.

Su Mo receives dozens of people every day, and has almost no time for himself. Even sleeping has become a luxury. Fortunately, he has a body comparable to a natural disaster-level martial artist, so a month without sleep is nothing.

It’s tiring, but the rewards are huge.

His name suddenly spread widely in the Star Territory, and even the Legion of Holy Light became popular.

Orders for Holy Light Pharmacy are coming in continuously, and various high-quality tasks are delivered to your door. The land value of Holy Light Base has soared, and investors are about to cross the threshold of the Ministry of Commerce.

However, the surging power of the Holy Light Legion has also made many people jealous, such as the senior cadres of the Lion Palace and some fellow mercenaries.

In view of this, Su Mo took the initiative to give in and pulled more people onto the Holy Light Legion's chariot.

First, he granted the channel management rights of several higher civilizations to the Lion Palace.

The Lion Palace purchases the Holy Light Potion from the Holy Light Legion at cost price, and then resells it to all partners in several civilizations to earn the price difference.

Secondly, Su Mo also promised many cadres in the Lion Palace that whoever helps the Holy Light Legion expand the market and reach transactions with more customers, he will receive 10% of the transaction amount as an intermediary fee, and as long as the orders continue for a long time, then he can Earn 10% profit from every delivery.

As soon as this policy came out, the cadres of the Lion Palace went crazy instantly.

They have stayed in the Lion Palace for such a long time, who wouldn’t get to know a few well-connected forces or high-level civilization officials.

Now, as long as you sell the Holy Light Potion, you can get a large intermediary fee and a steady stream of sustainable income. Is there such a good thing in the world?

The natural disaster-level cadres of the Lion Palace, senior executives of core departments, and some children from big families enthusiastically promoted the Holy Light Potion to the people around them, just like brainwashed pyramid schemes.

Of course, there are essential differences between the two.

MLM is just about attracting people and does not have a core product.

The Holy Light Potion is a real good thing, with a favorable price and excellent effects. You will not suffer any loss or be deceived when you buy it.

Not to mention the senior cadres of the Lion Palace, even Wood, East and even the snake man Yuri, who had always been at odds with Su Mo, could not resist the temptation to join in.

Although the three of them are in charge of the most important core departments of the Lion Palace, military, intelligence and business, and they seem to have no shortage of money, in fact, the three of them maintain a large number of private armies, and the expenses of these people are not a small sum. , and can only rely on their own funds to subsidize.

Now that Su Mo has given such a policy, it is naturally an excellent opportunity to make money for the three of them.

After all, in terms of connections, who in the Lion Palace can compare with the three of them?

Thanks to the efforts of many "salesmen", the order volume of Holy Light Pharmacy has skyrocketed, and the deposits received every day can be called an astronomical figure.

The cadres of the Lion King's Palace also received money and received soft treatment, and were so happy that they couldn't help but smile. Regarding the Lion King's attitude towards accepting Su Mo as his adopted son, they had resisted at the beginning and now have dozens of likes.

The problem on the Lion Palace side has been solved, and it will be easier for the mercenaries to deal with it.

The Holy Light Legion is receiving more and more high-quality missions. However, with the current manpower, number of warships, and resources and contacts of the Holy Light Legion, it is really difficult to complete these missions with high quality.

As a result, the Holy Light Legion took the initiative to subcontract some tasks. Other mercenary groups provided warships, people, and resources. The Holy Light Legion sent people to supervise, and the mission rewards were distributed proportionally.

After this measure was implemented, most of the jealous colleagues disappeared in an instant, and were replaced by a large number of mercenary groups who took the initiative to visit every day.

The Legion of Holy Light has used practical actions to firmly establish itself as the leader of the mercenaries on Zatanvi.

In terms of influence, the Holy Light Legion has surpassed the Burning Legion, but there is still a big gap in overall strength.

At a time when the Holy Light Legion was at its peak and had abundant funds, Su Mo decisively launched another recruitment operation.

This recruitment has completely stirred up the mercenary world.

There are too many mercenary groups that simply disband their teams and join the Holy Light Legion even if they are fighting for the top spot.

At the same time, many members of the legion called on their friends one after another, pushing fellow tribesmen, partners and even relatives to the legion's personnel department.

Su Mo's core direct descendants, the Dark Moon Tribe, the Shadow Tribe, and the Ice Barbarian Tribe, even sent several warships directly to their hometown, preparing to draw all the elite warriors into the Holy Light Legion.

During this period of time, there was no idle person in the Holy Light Legion. Every member wearing a Holy Light uniform on the street was in a hurry, but their faces were filled with pride and infinite longing for the future.

More than a month later, the number of members of the Holy Light Legion officially exceeded the two million mark, and the Legion's recruitment window has been temporarily closed.

Two million members, double the number before.

The influx of a large number of new people will definitely cause short-term internal chaos, poor management and other problems.

Therefore, at this stage, the legion needs to provide new members with training, ideological education, and group rules guidance, just like the previous batches, to complete the integration of the old and the new and ensure the centripetal force of the team.

This process will take at least two to three months.

The development speed of the Legion of Holy Light has been boundless. From the two people at the beginning of its establishment to more than 2 million now, the total duration is only a little over a year. This is an unimaginable miracle in anyone's eyes.

If we continue to speed up development and blindly expand the scale, it is likely to cause unstable foundations, unstable people, and internal divisions, which is actually a bad thing.


"Mage Andolfo, the legion will be left to you in the next period of time."

In the office, Su Mo made Andolf a cup of scented tea and said with relief.

"Okay captain."

Andolf nodded with a smile and asked, "How long will you probably be away this time?"

"I don't know yet, it will take at least two months."

"Understood, don't worry, I will take care of the legion's side."

"Haha, of course I have a lot of confidence in Master Andolfo."

Su Mo laughed heartily, and the pores in his body seemed to be exuding the breath of freedom.

It was not easy. After more than a month, he finally had time to take a good rest.

Didi didi~

The smart watch vibrated. Su Mo opened it and saw that it was an urging message from Angela.

"Master Andolfo, I won't talk to you because I'm pressed for time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me."


Su Mo left the office, and under the awe and enthusiasm of the legion members, he got on the airship and arrived at the mercenary city as quickly as possible.

Immediately afterwards, he descended to Anya Star through the teleportation star gate.

"Hurry, hurry, everyone is waiting for you!"

The white figure grabbed Su Mo's arm and pulled him directly onto the aircraft.

With a bang, flames spurted out from the bottom of the aircraft and rose straight into the sky.

After breaking through the atmosphere, the aircraft was sucked into the bottom cabin of a huge battleship.

"Little princess~"

"Sixth Master~"

"Sixth Master~"

When Su Mo and Angela arrived at the rest area, many natural disaster officials stood up immediately and greeted them warmly.

"Why do I feel like they are more enthusiastic when they see you than when they see me?"

Angela muttered quietly.

"Maybe this is the charm of a handsome guy~" Su Mo joked.


Angela rolled her eyes at Su Mo.

These cadres are so enthusiastic, naturally because of money.

Each of them has earned at least millions of Ennars from the business of promoting Holy Light Potion, and this income is sustainable for a long time.

When they saw the God of Wealth coming, of course they would greet him with smiles. Even their names changed from Su Mo at the beginning to "Sixth Master" now.

Sure enough, no matter how powerful a person is in combat, he cannot resist the temptation of money.

After Su Mo and Angela entered the cabin, the battleship was officially launched, and its destination was the Pink Star.

Their group will attend this meeting of the Four Emperors together with the Lion King.

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