Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 295 Star Territory Shock

Legion of Holy Light~

"Why hasn't the leader come back? Nothing will happen."

Geforth paced back and forth in the conference hall, anxiety written on his face.

"Fuck, Big Beard, can you please stop leaving? I'm blinded by you."

Anderson slammed the table and yelled.

"Zangmaoniao, do you want to fight!"

Geforth paused and glared at Anderson, a few flashes of lightning flashing in his eyes.

"It's been a long time since I've spanked you. I think your skin is itchy."

Anderson slapped the case and stood up, a whirlwind lingering around him.

Just when the situation was tense, an old and majestic voice sounded.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

After hearing Master Andolf speak, Geforth and Anderson immediately behaved like rabbits and kept silent.

The conference room suddenly became silent, but everyone's hearts could not be calm for a long time.

Although the regiment leader sent a message to all the cadres to report that they were safe, who knows if he was forced to send it.

Now the group leader has been unable to be contacted, and everyone is really uneasy.


Suddenly, the door of the conference room was pushed open forcefully, and a senior cadre rushed in and shouted excitedly:

"Everyone, please watch the local news on Star Network. Our Holy Light Legion has become famous!"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then quickly opened the Chaotic Star Domain section of the Star Network, and what came into view was the red headline:

"Holy Light Su Mo, the sixth adopted son of the Lion King!"

What! ! !

Seeing this title, everyone was stunned, rubbed their eyes, and looked confused.

The sixth adopted son of the Lion King is the leader of his own clan?

I...I'm not dazzled, right?

Everyone quickly clicked on the news content, and after browsing the entire article, they finally confirmed that this was not false news, and that their captain had really become the sixth adopted son of the Lion King.

"Oh my god! Our leader has soared from the same spot!"

Anderson muttered in shock.

Looking at the vast chaotic star field, how many people are more noble than the adopted son of the Lion King?

The boss of a galaxy-level civilization cannot do it, and even the boss of a star cluster level may not be able to do it.

After all, there is always time for civilization leaders to change, but as long as the Lion King does not die, his adopted sons will always be the princes of the Chaos Star Territory.

"Very good!"

"Our army is about to take off completely!!!"

The cadres cheered with excitement written on their faces.

The legion commander has become the sixth adopted son of the Lion King, and the Holy Light Legion will surely be able to use the power of the Lion King Palace to ascend to heaven and stride forward.

"Great, a blessing in disguise."

Qian Liuyu showed a comfortable smile.

Just now he felt guilty for not protecting Su Mo, but he didn't expect to receive such good news not long after.

The sixth adopted son of the Lion King, this identity is really scary!

"Brothers, watch the news. Our leader is really awesome."

"Damn it, the sixth adopted son of the Lion King!"

"The legion commander is awesome!"

Cheers and shouts rang out from every corner of the Holy Light Base. At the same time, the mercenary community was also extremely shocked by the news.


"Holy Light, the sixth adopted son of the Lion King, who can slap me? I want to see if I am dreaming."

"You read that right, Holy Light has really become the sixth adopted son of the Lion King."

"Oh my God, this is amazing."

"Who would have thought that the leader of the Holy Light would climb up the Lion King's tree without saying a word."

"I remember that the relationship between Captain Holy Light and Master Bobo was very good. Was it because of Master Bobo's introduction that this happened?"

"How is it possible? If you have a good relationship with Mr. Bobo, you can become the adopted son of the Lion King. Then everyone in the universe will have to curry favor with Mr. Bobo."

"I don't understand how the Holy Light leader did it."

"I only know one thing. From today on, the name of the First Mercenary Regiment of Zatanvi Star will change hands."

"Yes, the Holy Light Legion is really going to be unstoppable."

Burning Legion

"The sixth adopted son of the Lion King~"

Archimonde's expression was complicated, and his inner emotions were difficult to express.

The change in Su Mo's identity shocked him too much.

That is the Lion King, the absolute king of the Chaotic Star Territory. If he can become the adopted son of the Lion King, he can go sideways in the Chaotic Star Territory and even the entire universe.

Now, Su Mo's identity is not only the leader of the mercenary army, but also a person standing at the top of the chaotic star field.

This feeling is like, obviously everyone is a group leader in a small county town, but one day, his colleague suddenly turns into the son of the richest man, putting a huge distance between himself and himself.

From now on, he can only watch as his peers take over the competition and completely leave him behind.

Shengguang's destiny was so powerful that it was almost despairing.

Endless Knife Domain

At the beach, a red-haired man was lying on a chair enjoying the sunbathe leisurely. Next to the chair, an ancient long knife was stuck straight into the ground.

The man looks mature, with an unkempt beard, and his clothes are open to reveal his strong chest. He looks like a bohemian swordsman.

He is one of the Four Emperors of the Chaos Star Territory, the Sword Emperor - Kazan.


At this moment, the Sword Emperor's smart watch vibrated. When he opened the message, he was suddenly surprised.

"Hey, the Lion King actually accepted a new adopted son."

He has a good relationship with the Lion King. When Angela woke up some time ago, he even gave her a big gift. Unexpectedly, more than a month later, the Lion King had new "good news".

"Holy Light, Su Mo~"

The Sword Emperor glanced at the background information about Su Mo on the news, touched the stubble on his chin out of habit, and smiled slightly:

"You must be an interesting young man who can make the Lion King break the rules. I should be able to see you at the next meeting of the Four Emperors."

"Reggie, go and give the Lion King another gift for me."


A mechanical ball behind the Sword Emperor made a sound.


kingdom of death

On the Throne of Bones, Skeleton King Olivi listened to his subordinates' report, his soul fire pulsing slightly in his empty eyes.

"Holy Light Su Mo is the person who sent those mercenaries to our territory to hunt down the undead army." The Lich knelt on the ground, lowered his head, and reported in a hoarse voice.

There was sudden silence in the hall, and after a long time, a faint voice sounded:

"Let Herbert prepare himself and teach him a lesson at the meeting of the Four Emperors."



pink star

In the Succubus Cave, all kinds of strange male races are intertwined with many Succubi, staging an unobstructed conference, and the sound of overwhelming sounds resounds in every corner of the cave.

Deep in the cave, the Succubus Queen Lilith is leaning on a soft bed. Her face is delicate and charming, with argali-shaped purple-black horns on her head, long pink hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, and her pupils are also pink. , with a slender tail behind its buttocks.

Waves of lustful spiritual energy floated down from above and automatically poured into Lilith's body.

"Well, it's another boring day~"

Lilith yawned and stretched her proud body. Unfortunately, only a little bat devil could appreciate this tempting scene.

"Cain, who is the most beautiful woman in the Chaos Star Territory?"

Lilith stretched out one hand, and the little bat quickly flew to her hand and complimented:

"Of course it's you, the Queen. Not to mention the Chaos Star Territory, there is no one in the entire universe who can match your beauty."

"But I heard that Angela, the daughter of the Lion King, is now the most beautiful woman in the Chaos Star Territory." Lilith's green jade fingers stroked the bat's little head, her movements were gentle, but the words she said made the bat's whole body tremble. My hair is about to explode.

"No, no, these are all rumors!"

The bat's little head shook vigorously like a rattle, and he quickly explained: "There is something wrong with the judge of that list. He must have taken money from the Lion King. I will go and take off his head now to warn others. This is what happens when you accept illegal money without conscience."

"Well~ Little Cain is getting better and better, go ahead, I want to see his head within three days, or I will use your head instead."

"Yes, yes, I'll do it now."

The bat trembled, flapped its wings and flew out of the cave. When it came to the corner of a deserted cave, black mist suddenly filled the bat's body, and then a tall, thin and handsome man walked out of the black mist.

"Huh, thanks to the ancestor's blessing, I managed to survive again today."

Cain wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and secretly rejoiced.

He is the king of vampires at the peak of natural disasters, but he has to worry about survival every day. If this was spread, no one would believe it.

However, he is really so miserable.

There was no way he could do anything wrong, so he was transferred to her side by Queen Lilith. Since then, he has changed from a cold and evil vampire king to a little bat blowing rainbow farts all day long, and every sentence Before speaking, I have to go over the words in my mind thirty times for fear of offending the moody Queen.

This day is really unbearable.


The micro-optical brain on Cain's finger vibrated, and he opened it and took a glance.

"The Lion King's new adopted son, Shengguang Sumo, um, do you want to report this to the Queen~"

Cain turned his head, and the dark hole seemed like a big mouth eager to devour others, waiting for him to fall into the trap.

Suddenly he shuddered and trembled:

"Forget it, Her Majesty the Queen will definitely not care about such trivial matters. Let's resolve the important matters first."


Cain transformed into a black bat again, his wings vibrating as he moved quickly through the rugged cave.


"The leader is back!"

"Legion Commander!"

"Legion Commander!"

When Su Mo jumped off the airship, shouts like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rang out around him, and he could see at least hundreds of thousands of people crowding around.



"Brother Su Mo~"

Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu, Andolf, Ming and many core cadres quickly gathered around, their faces full of curiosity, excitement and joy.

"I'm back~"

Su Mo smiled at everyone.

Logically speaking, as the central figure in this storm, he should stay on Anya Star now. On the one hand, he should communicate with the important cadres of the Lion Palace and actively integrate into it. At the same time, he should also be prepared to deal with the following events. Zhu congratulates Fang forces for their visit.

But in order not to worry those around him, he took the lead in returning to the Holy Light Base through the teleportation star gate to show that he was safe and sound, and to make arrangements for the rest.

"Captain, is it true what is said in the news? Are you really the sixth adopted son of the Lion King?"

Anderson tried to put his head closer and asked loudly.

Suddenly, all the surrounding sounds disappeared, and pairs of eyes stared at Su Mo closely, full of expectation.

"That's right." Su Mo smiled and nodded.


As soon as the words fell, the scene boiled like a volcano erupting.

"Wow, it's true, it's true!"

"Our army is about to take off."

"The legion commander is mighty!"

"The legion commander is awesome!"

Cheers came and went, one wave after another.

Originally, they were proud of their status as members of the Legion of Light and were full of confidence in the future.

They firmly believe that under the leadership of the legion commander, the Holy Light Legion will definitely become the strongest mercenary legion on Zatanvi and occupy a place in the entire star field.

But now that the Legion Commander has become the adopted son of the Lion King, the Holy Light Legion has immediately found an extremely powerful backer, even the strongest in the Star Territory.

With this background, does the Holy Light Legion still need to consider development issues?

Various forces and financial groups are not allowed to send money, tasks, and orders to your door!

Comfortable, cool and take off!


At this moment, airships with various symbols printed on them flew in from afar, including the Burning Legion, the Purple and Gold Legion and other six major legions, as well as large financial groups, chambers of commerce, etc.

The airship stopped in the air, figures leapt down one after another, and the crowd below automatically made room.

Archimonde of the Burning Legion, Bryant of the Purple and Gold Legion, the commanders of the six legions, and the leaders of the consortium were all present in person.

"Holy Light!"

"Captain of the Holy Light!"

The crowd separated into passages, allowing these top people from Zatanvi Star to come to Su Mo.

Su Mo looked at the faces that were hesitant to speak and said with a smile:

"Everyone, I know what everyone wants to say, and now I will make a solemn statement."

"Joining the Lion Palace first does not mean that I am separated from the mercenary group. I am still me, I am still the leader of the Holy Light Legion, and I will still stay at the Holy Light Base most of the time, with the development of the Legion as my primary goal. .”

"Secondly, I will never rely on my status as the adopted son of the Lion King to force everyone to work for the Lion King Palace. Please rest assured on this point. On the contrary, I will use the convenience brought by this status to expand the scope of mercenaries as much as possible. Channels and connections allow everyone to work together to create a brighter future.”

After hearing these words, many leaders felt relieved, followed by a burst of excitement.

What they were most worried about before was that after Su Mo's identity changed, he would use the Holy Light Legion's deep ties with his own forces to force everyone to be tied to the chariot in the Lion Palace.

Although they will do things for the Lion Palace from time to time, after all, those are employment tasks, and both parties are equal, not a superior-subordinate relationship.

Looking at it now, Holy Light had already guessed what everyone was thinking, so he expressed his position in public to eliminate everyone's concerns.

Not only that, he is also willing to use the status and resources of the adopted son of the Lion King to help the mercenary industry expand channels and make the cake bigger, which is even more rare.

Bang bang bang~~

The scene immediately burst into warm applause, and everyone's eyes shone with excitement, expectation and yearning.

At this moment, Su Mo had become a well-deserved leader in the mercenary world in the eyes of the mercenaries, and had completely secured his throne as the "Leader of the Martial Arts Alliance".

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