Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 297 Pink Star Federal Envoy

Two streams of light streaked through the dark space, leaving brilliant traces of light.

This time, the Lion King took Wood, Angela, Su Mo and several natural disaster-level cadres and logistics personnel to attend the meeting of the Four Emperors.

The Lion King was sitting in his exclusive battleship, and the others were in another battleship.

After a long journey of more than half a month, everyone passed through multiple star gates from Anya Star, which is nominally affiliated with the Star Stone Civilization, and finally arrived at another star cluster, the Tucker Star Cluster.

The Pink Star, the main star of Succubus Queen Lilith, is located in the Tucker Star Cluster.

Under normal circumstances, when a god-king is in charge of the territory, the leader of the civilization will definitely try to establish a good relationship with the god-king.

However, like the plague, the Tucker Cluster withdrew all the troops that were close to the Succubus Queen, wishing they would never see her again.

This is the intimidating power of the Succubus Queen, a moody and powerful woman.

Among the four emperors, the Lion King is a martial artist, the Sword King is a psychic, the Skeleton King is a magician, and the Succubus Queen is a telekinesis master.

She once used her telekinesis to turn billions of living creatures on an entire planet into her ardent and die-hard fans, and could easily roll a mothership into a ball.

Both the soul flow and the control flow have reached the pinnacle.

Pink is the favorite color of the Succubus Queen. Her hair is pink and her pupils are pink. All buildings in her domain must be pink, so her domain is also called Pink Paradise by the outside world.

Pink represents color and heaven represents extreme enjoyment.

Within the domain, you can see thousands of charming succubi and beauties of all races everywhere. When male creatures come here, it is like entering heaven and they can release their desires to their heart's content.

Of course, the premise is that your wallet must be bulging and your body must be strong enough.

In Pink Star, you can see a large number of male creatures sucked dry by succubi in the garbage dump every day. These people just die, no one will compensate them, and no one will look at them twice.

Therefore, before arriving at the Pink Star, Wood specifically ordered that no one was allowed to experience the "special services" at the Pink Star. Those who disobeyed the order would go home directly and be deprived of half a year's salary.

Although the cadres had some regrets, they still accepted the order.

Many people have definitely heard of the succubus' "eye-catching" ability, even if they haven't tried it.

Even a natural disaster level expert will be seriously injured and his limbs will be weak after mating with a commander level succubus. It will take at least a few days to recover.

If you don't want to mess up the business, you'd better spend these days honestly.

If they want women, when they return to Zatanvi, there will be thousands of beauties from various races for them to choose from.


"Did you hear that? You have to be more honest during this period and don't get caught by Brother Wood."

The fluffy white fox tail gently swept the side of Su Mo's face, making him feel itchy.

Su Mo grabbed the fox's tail, rubbed his nose, and said:

"I'm a serious person and I never do anything like that."

Her sensitive tail was grabbed by someone else, and Angela's white neck was stained with a blush. She used her elbow to poke Su Mo's soft flesh hard, and said coquettishly:

"Let go~"


Su Mo noticed the blush on Angela's neck, quickly let go of his hand, and muttered in his heart:

"So this is the little fox's weakness~"

Next to them, many natural disaster cadres were not surprised to see Su Mo and Angela behaving intimately, but a deeply hidden gloom flashed in Wood's eyes.

Soon after, the battleship officially entered the Pink Star control area.

Pink Star is worthy of its pink name. Looking down, pink dominates the scene, giving it a girly feel.

The battleship command center received the pass verification from Pink Star.

In normal times, any battleship can descend on the Pink Star at will without identity verification.

This shows Pink Star's tolerance and openness to outsiders, and of course its absolute trust in the power of planet guardianship.

With the Succubus Queen sitting in charge, even the most vicious criminal would not dare to cause trouble here unless he wanted to be thrown into the Devil's Cave and experience the "intimate care" of hundreds of devils.

However, it is now the eve of the meeting of the four emperors. In order to ensure that the meeting of the four emperors proceeds smoothly and orderly, and not to lose face in front of the other three emperors, the succubus queen ordered her subordinates to conduct identity verification on visiting warships to avoid certain Forces are maliciously causing trouble.

Naturally, the Lion Palace received the invitation letter early. After sending the message, the Pink Star Port Center immediately sent the docking coordinates for the two warships to dock at the VIP cabin of the Star Port.

During the landing process, you can see that the star port of Pink Star is already densely packed with spaceships, and there are very few free spaces. This shows the importance of this meeting. Basically, the famous civilizations and forces in the star field have dispatched their troops early. Come down to Pink Star, do your research, and be sure to feed the information back to the headquarters in a timely and accurate manner.


The hatch opened, and the Lion King and Su Mo and others from another battleship walked out together.

I saw a group of guards wearing armor who had been waiting here for a long time. Looking at it, they were all of the demon race.

There are blade demons, six-eyed demons, horned demons, etc. The leader is a black flame demon. He is tall and wearing heavy armor. When he walks, there are black flames under his feet. He looks a bit handsome.

"Your Majesty the Lion King, welcome to Pink Star"

The black flame demon bowed respectfully.

Demons have always been synonymous with chaos and unruliness, but it also depends on who is in front of them.

After receiving the task of welcoming the Lion King, the Black Flame Demon urgently practiced the universal etiquette of the universe, and his movements were as meticulous as a textbook.

The Lion King glanced around and asked:

"Are Olevi and Kazan here?"

The Black Flame Demon respectfully replied: "Your Excellency the Skeleton Emperor and Your Excellency the Sword Emperor both arrived at the Pink Star two days ago and are currently staying at the Demon Abyss Palace."

The Lion King nodded slightly and said, "Lead the way."

"Yes, please come over here."

The black flame demon made a move, and a three-headed demon dragon flew not far away with its wings spread nearly 50 meters. Its back was wide, and a layer of metal plating was attached to its back. Dozens of comfortable chairs were installed on the plating.

Within Pink Star, only a few people use technological airships, and most people rely on flying beasts to travel.


The two magic dragons flapped their wings and soared to a height of a hundred meters. The strong wind was blocked by the magic shield, and the airship was stable and had a unique feeling.

Soon after, the dragon stopped in a palace.

The palace is also based on pink, but at the same time, ferocious demonic elements can be seen everywhere. At first glance, there is a strange harmony.

"This Lilith~"

The Lion King looked at the pink buildings around him and couldn't help but twitching at the corners of his eyes.

As the Overlord of the Star Territory, Lilith actually arranged for him to be placed in such a girly bedroom. It was really...

However, when he thought about the big skeleton Olivi having to live in a pink room, he felt that it was not unacceptable.

"Lion King, your room is here."

"Everyone, please come with me."

The black flame demon led everyone to their respective rooms.

The Lion King's residence has an independent courtyard and a quiet space, while the rest of the people are in a guest room. The room is quite spacious, and there is a succubus maid at the door.

But after moving in, Angela drove away the succubus maids, leaving only two obedient little devils on standby.

After staying, the Lion King went straight to the palace next door to meet the Sword King Kazan without rest, while the others were free to move around.

"Come on, come on, I want to go out for a walk."

Angela pulled Su Mo's arm, looking excited.

Since waking up, she has not left Anya Star, so she has been looking forward to going to other planets to experience exotic customs.

"You, be my tour guide."

Angela pointed at a short demon.

The little devil's spirit was shaken, and he laughed and said: "This is my honor, Princess Angela."

"Everyone, Angela and I will go out for a visit. You can make your own arrangements~"

Su Mo waved to the cadres.

Everyone laughed and said: "Little princess, Master Six, have fun~"

Seeing Su Mo and Angela disappear from sight, the cadres all showed meaningful smiles, but Wood's face was calm and his brows furrowed slightly.


The streets of Pink Star are very lively

Here, you can see all kinds of demons and all kinds of races, like a hodgepodge of all races.

Some of these people came to Pink Star to experience the "customs", and some were participants or accompanying persons attending the Four Emperors Conference.

Among the thousands of people, Angela is still the most eye-catching one. Her beauty has transcended the aesthetic restrictions of race. The beauty that perfectly combines purity and charm is irresistible to any race.

However, most people recognized her identity, the daughter of the Lion King Rhine Gut, the little princess Fox Angela of the Chaos Star Territory, and the man next to her was the Lion who was in the limelight recently. Su Mo, the emperor's sixth adopted son.

For a time, many people cast their eyes on the two of them and took the initiative to keep a distance from them.

Su Mo and Angela have been very accustomed to this feeling of being in the spotlight. The two of them walked around the streets by themselves, occasionally commenting on the products at the stalls.

"Su Mo, I want this!"

Angela excitedly picked up a demon mask.

The mask with green faces and fangs covered her entire face, and wisps of chaotic aura emanated from the mask. If an ordinary person put on this mask, it would definitely arouse all the desires in the heart and turn into a beast controlled by desire. , However, with the strength of Su Mo and Angela, this chaotic fluctuation is almost like a breeze blowing in the face.

"A bit ugly~"

Su Mo said with some disgust.

"Why is it ugly? Don't you think it's very unique?" Angela put the front of the mask in front of her eyes and felt that the mask looked ugly and handsome.

"You two, this mask was made from the fire of destruction in the Demon Fire Cave on the 18th floor of the abyss. After three years of tempering, and blessed with more than a dozen abyss magics, it is definitely a rare sight on the market. A treasure.”

The demon stall owner introduced enthusiastically and his eyes lit up.

I have met a big customer (fat sheep)!

Of course, Su Mo and Angela couldn't believe the stall owner's hype. If the masks were so powerful, would they even set up a stall to sell them?

It is said that people are cunning in business, but the devil is even more cruel in tricking people to death.

"I want this!" Angela said, pointing to the mask.

"Okay, buy, buy, buy~"

Su Mo shrugged. No matter what race a woman is, it seems that shopping and shopping are hidden in her genes. She is especially interested in such small items.

"How much?"

"Ten thousand innars." The stall owner said hehey.

"500~" Su Mo cut the bone directly.


The stall owner's eyes widened: "Sir, this mask of mine is the magic fire from the 18th floor of the abyss..."


Su Mo said lightly.

"Sir, this is caused by the fire of destruction..."


"Okay, okay, 300 is 300."

The stall owner was afraid that Su Mo would lower the price again, so he decisively agreed to this amount.

"Tell me your account number~"

Su Mo downplayed it.

The stall owner smiled bitterly and said: "My lord, I have never seen anyone bargain like you. Your bargaining techniques are simply more ruthless than the most cunning devil."

Su Mo chuckled. You have never seen a Chinese aunt bargaining. I just inherited the power of three successes.

Angela looked at all this with a smile, her eyes shining brightly, as if she was getting to know Su Mo again.

She didn't expect that Su Mo, who had so many assets, would have such a "businessman" side. It was really unexpected and interesting.

"Sir, this is my account."

The stall owner controlled the smart watch and poked out an interface in the air. Su Mo only needed to swipe it with his watch to pay directly.

Just when Su Mo raised his arm to pay, someone beat him to it.

"Dip, the payment was successful."

The stall owner received the notification of the arrival of his account, but at this moment he did not pay attention to the message, but looked at the new person who appeared.

It was a cosmic human race with a tall and straight body, elegant appearance, and a faint smile on his face, which was quite approachable.

"Who are you?" The stall owner looked at the man inexplicably.

The man turned his back to the stall owner, bowed slightly to Su Mo and Angela politely, and said with a smile:

"Princess Angela, Commander of the Sumer Army, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alan Kane, and I am the special envoy of the Federation of Radiance to the Chaos Star Territory."

Special Envoy of the Federation of Radiance~

Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, stretched out his hand politely, and said, "Nice to meet you, Special Envoy Kane."

Kane held Su Mo's hand and smiled:

"Commander Su Mo is really younger and more handsome than Xingwang. Of course, Princess Angela is also much more beautiful than Xingwang."


Su Mo smiled slightly.

Kane glanced at the crowd of spectators and said:

"It's rare for Kane to meet you two today. Would you be honored to treat them to a drink?"

Su Mo was actually quite interested in the Federation of Radiance, the three major civilizations in the universe, but he noticed that Angela seemed to be lacking in interest, so he said: "Special Envoy Kane, Angela and I are new here and want to visit. How about we make an appointment another day."

"Sorry, I was presumptuous."

Kane apologized: "Can you please leave the Star Network number of Commander Su Mo's army? We can make an appointment another day."


Su Mo showed his StarNet account to Kane. After the two added friends, they nodded to each other and left. As for the 300 yuan they just paid, no one mentioned it.

For them, 300 innars is cheaper than a penny paid by ordinary people, and it definitely seems petty to propose it.

Seeing Su Mo and Angela disappearing at the end of the street, the corner of Kane's mouth slowly rose.

The Alliance has been wooing the Lion King for hundreds of years, but no matter what conditions they offered, the Lion King never showed any signs of being moved. Even in his most difficult period, he did not get closer to the Federation.

Originally, the alliance had given up on wooing them, but now it seems that there is a new breakthrough.

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