Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 279 Kicked to the Iron Plate God Killing Suit

In the evening, with the auction house manager seeing them off with a smile on his face, Su Mo and his entourage left with their loads.

"Bobo, let's rest for two days and then go back?"

Su Mo turned to look at Bobo. After nearly two months of boring interstellar navigation, he really didn't want to go back to that closed spaceship immediately.


Bobo nodded, "I also want to continue shopping and see if I can discover some new technologies."

"Then it's settled~"

Su Mo clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Take a rest for two days and return on the third day."

There are still many things in the legion that need to be handled by him personally, so he cannot stay here for too long.

Two days is more suitable, you can relax, do some shopping, and eat some delicious food.

"Brother Su Mo, I'm hungry, let's go to that restaurant to eat." Hutao grabbed Su Mo's arm and said expectantly.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched. It had only been a few hours since he finished eating, and he was actually complaining that he was hungry again.

Alas, it's a good thing he can make money, otherwise he wouldn't be able to support this gold-swallowing foodie.

"How about trying another one?"

Su Mo suggested: "Feel the characteristics of different stores~"


Walnut Chicken nodded as if pecking at rice. As long as it involved food, she would not refuse anything.

"Then let's go to this one."

Su Mo opened the local food rankings and found a restaurant with a high reputation.


Just as a few people were walking towards the restaurant, two men in uniforms quickly walked up to Su Mo and said respectfully:

"Gentlemen, we are members of the Bermuda Guard, Portugal and Martin."


Su Mo looked at the two of them with some confusion, "Is something wrong?"

Potugal said politely: "Sir, we are under the orders of Lord Monroe to invite you to attend tonight's banquet."

City lord?

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, then looked at his companions around him and said, "What do you think?"

Bobo: "I can do it."

Hutao: "Is the rice delicious?"

Potugal was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Of course, our city lord's palace hired the best chef."

Upon hearing this, Hu Tao's eyes lit up and he said loudly: "I can do it."

As long as you have something to eat.

Su Mo touched Hu Tao's head in a funny way and said, "Okay, let me ask you two to lead the way."

"Okay, everyone, please come over here!"

The two guards took Su Mo and others onto a luxury airship. After slowly taking off, they flew smoothly in a certain direction.


Su Mo asked Pooh to check the information about the Lord of Monroe City.

Monroe, who was once a senior manager of the consortium behind the Enfield Star, was later sent here to take charge of the planet's construction work. After the completion of Bermuda City, he was appointed as the city leader.

Lanyao Auction House has inextricable ties with large financial groups, so it is not surprising that the news reached Monroe.

Just when Su Mo was relaxing and admiring the scenery outside the window, his expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Qian Liuyu next to him, and the corners of his mouth curled up.


When the airship advanced to a certain position, suddenly, a silvery white light lit up around it. The silver lines were complicated and mysterious, forming a small space teleportation array.

The airship swayed slightly and suddenly disappeared from the spot.


The airship landed heavily on the ground, kicking up dust.

The two guards opened the side door immediately, rolled over, and ran away.

"It turns out there is a trap waiting for us here~"

Su Mo looked out the window with a faint smile. This should be the outskirts of Bermuda City, with overgrown grass and hundreds of people surrounding the airship, grinning ferociously.

"Humph, it turns out you didn't invite me to dinner. I'm angry."

Hu Tao wrinkled her little nose, and a dark light appeared in the palm of her hand.

"Haha, Nosas, you still have a lot of ideas!"

The blood wolf laughed loudly, its left electronic eye flashing rapidly.

It has to be said that Nosas is indeed an expert in conspiracy, and he could actually come up with this trick to lure people here.

In this way, the battlefield can be placed in the suburbs without alerting the escorts, and the fat sheep can be separated from their bodyguards, killing two birds with one stone.

Next to him, Poison Dragon showed a cruel and teasing smile, but at the same time, he also became more vigilant towards Nosas.

Be more careful with this bad-tempered guy in the future.


The transparent cover of the airship opened, and the four Su Mo people jumped off one after another and walked slowly to the center of the encirclement.

Su Mo glanced around and saw that the group of people stood in three distinct piles, and they should come from three different gangs.

There are three people standing at the front of the line.

One is a one-eyed dragon with an ugly and fierce face. At first glance, he is not a good bird.

There was also a half-dragon whose skin was covered in scales and looked disgusting.

As for the third one...

Su Mo raised his eyebrows. Damn it, isn't he a purple sweet potato spirit?

He is tall and burly, with purple skin and some wrinkles. He is 90% similar to the "Director of the Universal Family Planning Office". Not to mention, he is a bit friendly.


Xue Lang stood up first, looked at Su Mo and others jokingly, and said:

"Young cubs of Yuling Civilization, welcome to Bermuda City."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows; "Are you their leader?"

"That's right, I'm the biggest here."

Blood Wolf is not modest. His Blood Wolf Gang is the leader of the underground forces in Bermuda City. Even if Nosas and Poison Dragon, the second and third oldest, are present, he dares to say such things.

Next to them, Nosas and Poison Dragon were already immune to Blood Wolf's arrogant and domineering behavior. It didn't matter what he said, as long as they could get the benefits.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Su Mo said with a smile that it was quite interesting to encounter a robbery for the first time, and it felt like watching a fool act.

I just happen to be bored recently, so I want to play with you for a while.

Yeah, that's quite a bluff.

Xue Lang sneered and said, "I heard that you guys spent 30 million at Lanyao Auction House. Is this true?"

"That's right."

Su Mo simply nodded: "To be precise, it should be 28 million and 5 thousand."

Something's wrong~

Next to him, Nosas frowned. He found that this group of people was too calm. Both the speaker and the three people next to him, including two children, acted extremely calm and relaxed, with no trace of trace on their faces. frightened.

Could it be that I have made some omissions?

Nosas thought about it carefully.

In this operation, a total of 150 people from three gangs were gathered, including 3 top leaders, 15 high-level leaders, 20 mid-level leaders, 37 junior leaders, and the remaining juniors at elite level and below.

With such strength, as long as you don't encounter a natural disaster expert, you are absolutely foolproof.

Although it is said that natural disaster experts are too rare and belong to the existence of divine dragons that never see their tail, and are almost impossible to encounter under normal circumstances, but considering that this group of fat sheep is too rich, in order to avoid the one in ten thousand possibility , he still made some preparations.

First of all, he knew that this group of people came from the Yuling Civilization, so he checked all the natural disaster experts from the Yuling Civilization and made sure that they were not among these four people.

Secondly, he asked someone to retrieve the star port video and found that when the four people landed at the star port, there was another companion, but this companion had already left Enfield in the spaceship. Apart from that, there was no other companion. people.

Finally, he determined the origins of these four people through the personnel information registered in Star Port.

These four people come from a large family in the Yuling Civilization, called the Gryffindor family. The four are brothers and sisters. Photos and related information of several people can be found on StarNet.

After understanding this, he made the plan to lure you into an urn.


Seeing the calm and relaxed expressions of Su Mo and others, Nosas suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart.

Twenty-eight million!

Upon hearing this number, a deep look of greed flashed in Xue Lang's eyes.

If he could keep this money for himself, he could buy enough good resources to overcome the natural disaster in one fell swoop.

"Boy, I'm too lazy to continue talking nonsense with you."

The blood wolf stopped talking and showed his fangs directly: "Hand over all the money and treasures you have, and give me another 100 million, no, 200 million."

"If the money is available, maybe I can consider letting you live."

These four people can spend 30 million in the auction house, which means that their wealth must be much greater than this amount, so since they have done it, they should just do it big.

Two hundred million, plus the money and treasures on the fat sheep, even if the three of them share it equally, one family can still get about 100 million.

Of course, this money is only temporarily kept in the hands of Nosas and Dulong. After he breaks through the natural disaster, he will definitely get all the money back.

With a few hundred million and natural disaster level strength, he can realize his lofty ambitions.

Become a planet lord, control the fate of all life on the planet, buy tens of thousands of beauties of all races, and have fun every day and every night, never the same.

In Xue Lang's mind, a scene of majesty and beauty in the future has emerged.

Two hundred million, the blood wolf still has a big appetite!

Poison Dragon glanced at the Blood Wolf. This guy was still as greedy as ever, but it just so happened that the higher the Blood Wolf asked for, the more he would get, and he would enjoy the rewards.

"Two hundred million!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, shook his head and said:

"How long will it take me to earn 200 million?"

"It seems like, two months or three months?"

What the hell?

Xue Lang's eyes widened, making two hundred million in two to three months?

How long have you been bragging?

No, no!

The sense of crisis in Nosas's heart became even stronger, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

This group of people is just too calm.

Either they have the means to get out of here.

Either that, there really are natural disaster experts among them.

"Brother Su Mo, I'm hungry."

Hutao wrinkled her little nose and said, "Why don't we eat them directly."

"No, no, no, don't, be careful if you eat this kind of garbage."

Su Mo stopped him quickly.

With Hu Tao's ability, he can completely devour the group of people in front of him.

But anyway, he still didn't want to see Hutao "eating people".


Hutao frowned, then looked at Xuelang and said, "Then kill this ugly guy first. His face is too ugly and it affects my mood. I won't be able to eat later."

Blood Wolf:? ? ?

Who are you calling ugly?

Why is there still discrimination based on appearance?

"Okay, the acting is over, I won't play with them anymore."

Su Mo smiled, waved his hand and said, "Let's do it."


Hutao nodded, raised his hand, and a black ball shot towards the blood wolf.

In an instant, great panic arose in the blood wolf's heart. In his eyes, the black ball that was shooting towards him seemed like a deep and bottomless black hole, trying to swallow him whole.


The blood wolf roared loudly, his whole body burst with arrogance, and he used his strongest move to blast forward.


The majestic martial arts arrogance turned into a handsome wolf head, roaring and rushing towards the black ball.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities, and you actually provoke the blood wolf."

"This must be the boss's Bloody Wolf Fist, it's so powerful!"

"I didn't expect the boss to use all his special skills. No, what if we kill them directly? We won't get the money."

Just when the thoughts of many gang members were changing, what happened in the next scene made everyone pale in horror.

I saw that the black ball the size of a fist collided with the blood wolf's head. In an instant, the blood wolf's head quickly deformed. Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, it was sucked into the black ball like running water.

After absorbing the wolf's head, the black ball grew in a circle, and then shot towards the blood wolf at an even faster speed.

not good!

The blood wolf's expression changed drastically, and he instinctively drew out the long knife from his waist and blocked it in front of him.


The black hole hit the long knife like a stone hitting tofu, easily penetrating the blade and hitting him in the chest under the horrified gaze of the blood wolf.


A large dark hole appeared in the blood wolf's chest. The hole rapidly expanded and expanded, like a black hole, swallowing up all the flesh, bones and body organs of the blood wolf.

In less than a second, the huge living person disappeared.


The breeze blew by, and everyone at the scene seemed to be petrified, their hands and feet were stiff, and their whole bodies were cold.

Natural disaster, really a natural disaster! ! !

Nosas' eyes were horrified and he looked at Hu Tao in disbelief. Who would have thought that this cute and adorable little girl could actually be a natural disaster expert.

No wonder she eats so much!

I should have thought of it earlier.

At this moment, Nosas wanted to slap himself wildly.

Although he was cautious enough and did enough research, he still ended up on the iron plate.

What Nosas didn't know was that all the information he could find was made up by Bobo on the Internet in advance, mainly to deal with the background investigation of entering some star gates or star ports.

But I didn't expect that it happened to trap them.

"Brother Su Mo, where are the rest?"

Hu Tao turned to look at Su Mo.

Su Mo waved his hand casually, "Kill them all!"

A group of underworld gangsters, since they are actively seeking death, then don't go back alive.


Hu Tao glanced around. When she glanced around, everyone seemed to be stared at by a wild beast. The strength drained from the body rapidly, and there was a look of despair in her eyes.

Just when Hutao was about to take action, Nosas suddenly knelt on the ground and shouted:

"My lord, I am willing to use the treasure in exchange for my life."

"Wutao wait a moment."

Su Mo stretched out his hand to hold down Hutao, looked at Nosas who was kneeling on the ground, and said:

"Purple sweet potato... no, what's your name?"

Nosas lowered his head, and a tremor could be heard in his tone:

"My name is Nosas."


Not to mention, the sound is quite similar.

It was quite a strange feeling to see the man who looked like a purple sweet potato kneeling down in front of him.

Su Mo hooked his hand and said:

"Bring up the treasure you mentioned. If you can impress me, I may consider sparing your life."


Nosas stood up. He could see that Su Mo was the core figure of this group, so he walked to him respectfully, took off a golden ring from his hand, and held it up with both hands.

Su Mo picked up the ring from Ziya Jing's rough palm.

The ring is entirely golden in color, with a sharp edge-shaped ring surface and a red gemstone inlaid in the middle. Complex and mysterious patterns are engraved around it, making it even more exquisite than a work of art.

What kind of treasure is this?

Su Mo turned over and over, but couldn't see anything special about the ring.

At this moment, Pooh suddenly exclaimed in his mind:

"Master, this seems to be part of the God-killing suit."

I delayed posting novels while watching the BLG game. BLG is really awesome.

The prince, the biggest nemesis of Samsung.

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