Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 278 Nosas is ready to take action

bright room interior

A burly male creature with purple skin sat on a chair, tapping his fingers on his knees, listening to the report from his subordinates.

"Boss, I have found out that this group of people are from the Yuling Civilization. The specific information is unknown, but they are probably doing business because they are so rich."

"Do you want……"

The man made a cutting gesture.

Nosas pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"What's going on with other forces?"

The subordinates quickly said: "We are all discussing it, boss. I'm afraid we won't have a chance if we start too late."

"Don't worry!"

Nosas glanced at his men and said: "Anyone who can carry so much money with him must have a background or strength. In short, he should not be underestimated."

Subordinate: "What can a group of outsiders do even if they have backgrounds? This is Locke's Arc, Enfield Star, not their Yuling Civilization. As for strength... We have thousands of brothers and more than 20 commander-level masters in our chamber of commerce. How can we be afraid?" We can’t take down just four people. There must be no natural disaster experts among them!”

When he said the last sentence, his subordinates all laughed.

How rare it is to be strong in natural disasters.

As a well-known business star in Locke's Arc, there is only one natural disaster expert in the Enfield planet, and this natural disaster expert was hired by the big consortium behind the planet with a lot of money.

Ordinary people may never see a natural disaster expert in their lifetime.

Nosas thought about it and felt that what his subordinates said made sense.

Although there are many fat sheep, it is really rare for a big fat sheep to be able to spend 500,000 innars for a sky-high meal without feeling sorry. If it is too late, I am afraid that I will not even be able to drink the soup.

"In this case, you go and keep an eye on them. I dare say that someone will definitely be able to help but attack them. Let these people sit still and explore the way first, and then we will take action after we find out the details."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

The men nodded and quickly walked out of the room.

At the same time, more than a dozen underground forces took action upon hearing the news. Some were preparing to attack the big fat sheep directly as Nosas expected, while others made the same plan as Nosas.


“It’s so lively here~”

Su Mo, Hu Tao, Bobo, and Qian Liuyu walked on the street, feeling the prosperity and vitality of the city.

Bermuda City is the third most important city in Enfield. It has a strong business atmosphere, including hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, auctions, slave markets, etc. It is as prosperous as the mercenary city of Zatanvi.

However, Bermuda City was built by the large consortium behind the planet. The overall architectural style is relatively simple and conforms to the aesthetics of the Krat civilization. Compared with the mercenary city where a hundred flowers bloom, it is still a little less interesting.

"Bobo, let's go to the auction?" Su Mo suggested.

Each star field has its own unique resources or science and technology, which are difficult to access in the chaotic star field.

Now that he's here, let's do some shopping to enrich the variety of treasures in the Holy Light Legion's internal mall. In addition, Bobo can also buy some local mechanical products or rare materials to strengthen his technology and resource reserves.


Bobo readily accepted.

"Then let's find one of the most famous auction houses and have a look."

Su Mo asked Pooh to rank the local auction houses and selected the first auction house, Lanyao Auction House.

The background of Lanyao Auction House is not small. It is said that it is inextricably linked to the large consortium behind the planet. In terms of reputation and strength, it is the best in Bermuda.

"Let's go~"

Instead of taking transportation, everyone walked slowly to the auction to experience the culture and scenery along the way.

When they walked to a shop, everyone's expressions changed.

"Brother Xiaoyu~"

Su Mo picked up a beautiful crystal bottle, turned it over and looked at it carefully, and said calmly: "Those flies will trouble you, let's see if they have anything to do with the Lovac civilization."

As soon as he arrived in Bermuda City, he was targeted.

This made Su Mo couldn't help but wonder if it was related to Isaac and the Lovac civilization.

If this is the case, we cannot stay here for long.

Of course, this is just the worst-case scenario. It is also possible that he was too generous just now and attracted the attention of some people.

This situation is much easier to solve.

Just enough to add a little spice to his recent boring life.


Qian Liuyu nodded slightly, his mental power spread to lock on several people, and then he strode into the crowd.


"One person got separated from them."

A younger brother who was following him suddenly woke up and whispered to the people around him.

"I'll follow him, and you continue to monitor."

The other person lowered his voice and prepared to catch up.

At this moment, a faint voice sounded from behind:

"Are you looking for me?"

Upon hearing this voice, the two of them froze at the same time, turned their heads mechanically, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

When did he... run behind me?

The two realized that they had encountered a difficult situation, but they both had strong "business abilities" and responded immediately.

"Brother, are you making a mistake?"

The younger brother blinked and pretended to be confused: "I don't know you~"

"Yeah, you got the wrong person." Another person agreed.

Qian Liuyu smiled faintly, "It seems that I need to use some means to pry your mouths open."

Hearing this, the two of them were shocked and said quickly:



Two cyan ribbons fluttered around their necks like necklaces.

The scorching temperature could be clearly felt on the skin, but strangely, their necks did not have any contact with the flames.

This weightless fire ring clearly demonstrated Qian Liuyu's control.

"Don't say anything, come with me, or we will be separated." Qian Liuyu put his hands on their shoulders, his voice was very soft, but to their ears, it sounded like the sound of the Nine Netherworld, and their whole bodies were cold.

"Let's go, let's go!"

The two of them followed Qian Liuyu tremblingly into a remote and deserted alley. After a while, Qian Liuyu walked out alone.

"A group of local gangsters had evil thoughts after seeing how generous we were spending just now. They have already been dealt with~"

Qian Liuyu quickly walked to Su Mo and explained briefly.

Although the two people just boasted about the power behind them. It seemed that they were called the Thousand Hands Society and were among the top ten underground forces in Bermuda City. However, upon closer inspection, there were only about ten leaders in the organization. This kind of In his opinion, the level is similar to that of a gangster.


Su Mo nodded. Since it has nothing to do with Lovac civilization, then this matter is not worth taking seriously.

The few of them continued shopping leisurely, chatting and laughing as they walked towards Lan Yao Auction.

"It's a tough one~"

Seeing how easily the members of the Thousand Hands Society were eliminated, the other gang members who were monitoring Su Mo and his party couldn't help but feel a chill in their bodies and reported the situation as quickly as possible.

"You easily subdued the elite members? He seems to be a powerful commander-level expert."

"It's just one or two commanders who can't stir up trouble, so let me keep an eye on them."

"Interesting, I would like to see how much energy these outsiders have."

For a time, there was an undercurrent of underground forces. Some forces that were originally unaware of the situation learned about the existence of Su Mo and his group due to the mutual infiltration between gangs.


Locke's Arc is located at the junction of two star cluster-level civilizations. The situation is chaotic and mixed. Many treasures and resources of unknown or shady origins will choose to sell their stolen goods here. Bermuda City on the Enfield Star is the first choice for many people to sell their stolen goods. place.

As the largest auction house in Bermuda, Lanyao Auction House has a particularly complete range of materials. It not only has dazzling cultivation resources, but also sells battleship blueprints, genetic medicine formulas, high-end mechanical technology, etc.

Su Mo's focus was on cultivation resources. On the list provided by the auction house, there were many treasures that he had never heard of and were specialties of the local star field.

Since you are here, of course you have to bring some specialties back. With a wave of his hand, Su Mo swept away 80% of the treasures on the list.

His conversation with the auction house staff is as follows.

"This, this, this..."

"Do you want them all?"

"I don't want these, take the rest with me!"

"Wow (star eyes)"

Several million inals were thrown down, and the auction house staff almost burst out laughing. This transaction even alarmed a certain senior executive of the auction house, who ran down from the top floor to entertain Su Mo in person.

Su Mo is a rich man, but there is an even bigger plutocratic young master beside him, Bobo.

Bobo is very interested in the battleship blueprints, energy weapons, and finished mechas sold in the auction house. The main reason why he has not broken through the peak of natural disasters is because of technical limitations. From the machinery flowing out of these cluster-level civilizations, he may be able to find some high-end machines. The shadow of technology.

As a result, Bobo was more straightforward than Su Mo and bought all the mechanical technologies or finished products in one go. The total price exceeded 20 million, of which the top two items were the core energy technology of the Krat civilization and A complete set of blueprints for a certain high-end warship.

Lan Yao Auction House did not expect that the little boy next to the big customer was actually a richer VVIP customer. He spent 20 million innars without blinking an eyelid. Whose young master is this? ?

Two large orders of nearly 30 million were made in a short period of time. Lanyao Auction House was completely detonated. All employees were discussing the matter enthusiastically, and the news inevitably spread.

Now, many well-informed people know that a group of super rich people came to Bermuda and spent 30 million at Lanyao Auction House.


"Boss, it's this group of people, it's them."

In front of Nosas, his confidants were dancing excitedly, and his eyes seemed to take the shape of gold coins.

Thirty million, this is thirty million!

How many years will Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce have to work hard to save 30 million?

"Boss, don't hesitate. If it's too late, these fat sheep will be eaten by others."

At this moment, Nosas couldn't hold back the fire of greed in his heart.

If you don’t become a householder, you don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are.

Now Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce is facing the most important stage of transformation. Due to the nature of its predecessor, Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce has never been able to get rid of the imprint of underground forces. Although it can enjoy convenience in some aspects, in the eyes of those big consortiums and big chambers of commerce, they He is just a dog hiding in the darkness, never able to get on the stage.

Therefore, even though Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce has a stable way to make money, its profitability is still limited, and it is extremely difficult to break through the current level.

But if he can swallow up these 30 million, no, even one-third of it, he will have sufficient start-up capital to realize his transformation plan. While laundering his identity, he can still maintain his exposure to the underground market. control and become a rising star on both the black and white paths.

"Boss, since this group of people spent 30 million yuan at the auction house, it means that their wealth must be much higher than 30 million yuan. We can't wait any longer!" His subordinates urged, eager to summon the brothers now. , kidnap the person back.

Nosas thought for a while and said:

"No, it cannot be done by our family."

With the huge wealth in front of them, some people would have lost their minds long ago, but Nosas had worked hard through ups and downs after all, and he thought about the problem in a longer term than his subordinates.

"Our family cannot afford this wealth, so we must find others to help us." Nosas said solemnly.

If tens of millions of dollars of wealth were to be monopolized by his family, he dared to say that within three days, Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce would be besieged by all the major forces.

Therefore, he must find other forces to do this together. Although the money will be less, the pressure will be shared equally.

The subordinate was a smart man and immediately understood what Nosas meant, and nodded quickly:

"Boss, you still have far-reaching ideas, then who should we find to do it together?"

Nosas thought for a while and said, "Help me contact these two guys, Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon."

Zi Yao Chamber of Commerce ranks second among underground forces, and the leaders ranked first and third are Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon.

The three of them combined were enough to scare other forces away.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

The confidants quickly brought Nosas's words to Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon through their own network. Soon, Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon accepted Nosas's invitation, and the three started a video conference.

The blood wolf looks ferocious, and its left eye is an electronic eye that flashes red. It is a scary uncle that can scare children into nightmares when they see it.

Poison Dragon is a half-dragon with dragon blood, with dark green scales covering his neck, and his hazy eyes flashing with cunning and greed.

"Nosas, you've stopped fussing about your chamber of commerce recently and started to resume your old business?"

As soon as he came up, the blood wolf mocked without giving any face.

He couldn't stand Nosas. Everyone was obviously from the underworld, but you insisted on breaking away from the masses and developing into a white man, making you look like a serious person.


Nosas snorted coldly and said: "Blood Wolf, now is not the time to argue with you. Do you want to eat these fat sheep?"


The blood wolf's electronic eyes flashed, "Tens of millions, who wouldn't be tempted~"

"If you want it, then listen to me!" Nosas said solemnly.

"Okay, tell me your plan."

The blood wolf waved his hand. In terms of force, he was better than Nosas, but in terms of cunning and cunning, he had to admit that Nosas, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes and looked like a reckless man, still had something to offer.

"Okay, then I'll tell you directly..."

In a calm tone, Nosas spoke of the "sheep slaughter" plan he had just come up with, which would allow him to eat the fat sheep without disturbing the Bermuda guards.

Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

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