Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 280 The God-killing Sword opens a second stronghold

God-killing suit?

Su Mo asked curiously: "Pooh, what is the God-killing suit?"

Pooh explained: "The God-Killing Suit is an epic suit created by the dwarf forging master 'Holy Hammer' Hobbit. It is divided into five parts, hands, feet, chest, helmet and weapons. After collecting the complete suit, you can attack The user's strength will increase tremendously. According to the Hobbit Master's vision, if the user is a top natural disaster expert, when he wears this suit of armor, he may even have a chance to kill the God King. Therefore, the suit is named Killer. God suit.”

Kill the God King! !

Su Mo's pupils shrank.

The powerful God King is so terrifying, he can blow up a planet with one punch.

No matter how powerful the natural disasters are, they are nothing more than ants in front of the God King.

And this God-killing suit can actually allow the natural disaster to fight the God King, and even have a chance to kill him. Although this is only an ideal situation, it is enough to show the terrifying power of the God-killing suit.

Pooh continued: "After the God-killing suit was created, Master Hobbit sold it to a certain god's younger brother. Later, due to various changes, the suit was scattered all over the universe and no one has ever collected it."

"However, even a separate set can definitely be called a treasure. If my guess is correct, the ring in the owner's hand should be the weapon part of the God-killing set. It can change the weapon form at will. It is indestructible, and the gems on the ring It is a power gem that can greatly enhance the user's power."

"Only natural disaster-level power can activate the God-killing suit. Master, you can input the force into the ring to complete the recognition of the master. Of course, the premise is that the ring must be real."

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Following Pooh's prompts, Su Mo injected the force into the ring. In an instant, the ring glowed with a faint golden light. Su Mo took advantage of the situation and engraved his spiritual imprint into the ring.


Golden light flashed, and a straight-edged long knife appeared in Su Mo's hand. The knife was more than one meter long, and the blade was about three centimeters wide. The blade was cold and gleaming. The handle was pure gold, with red gems inlaid in it, and intricate and exquisite patterns carved around it. .

When the long knife was held in his hand, Su Mo felt a powerful force stirring in his body, and the blade vibrated slightly, as if he was excited to finally meet a new owner.


Su Mo laughed heartily, and his momentum spread out involuntarily, sweeping the entire audience.

Nosas's body trembled, his head lowered, and he was horrified in his heart.

A natural disaster, he is also a natural disaster! ! !

I actually provoked two natural disasters at the same time.

At this moment, Nosas's heart seemed to be gnawed by thousands of insects and ants. Regret, panic, and uneasiness were constantly impacting him, and his eyesight turned dark.

Now he can only pray that this gentleman can spare his life for the sake of the God-killing suit, otherwise...

When he thought of the tragic death of the blood wolf, Nosas's body trembled even more.

Although he fought his way out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, the higher a person stands, the more afraid he is of death.

Behind them, Du Long and many gang members softened, their faces turned pale, and some of them collapsed directly on the ground.

Natural disaster level.

There were actually two natural disasters among the four.

Oh my God, what have we done!

"Nosas, right?"

Su Mo gently placed the blade on Nosas's shoulder. Feeling the sharp edge of the cold air, Nosas couldn't help but shudder and lowered his head: "Yes, sir."

"I am very satisfied with this treasure. I will spare your life this time." Su Mo said with a smile.

For a long time, he has always lacked a handy weapon, and most of the time he used the Holy Spirit Hammer to deal with it in battle. However, the Holy Spirit Hammer is made of energy, and is not strong enough or stable enough.

Usually, he also deliberately collects top-notch weapons, but good weapons are often hard to come by. Even if he has money, he can't buy them, and he doesn't like middle and low-level weapons, so most of the time he fights with bare hands.

Who would have thought that an accidental "robbing" would actually allow him to obtain the most treasured weapon in the universe - the God-killing Suit.

Although it was only part of a suit, the power of this sword far exceeded his expectations.

First of all, weapons can be freely changed according to the requirements of the host.

He is good at using knives, so his favorite weapon is the straight-edged Tang Dao.

Secondly, the sword is blessed with a number of top-level runes, [higher sharpness] [higher blood-sucking] [higher attack speed]... and the most important power gem.

The power gem is the core energy of the sword, which can greatly increase the user's power. The specific increase needs to be carefully tested in the future.

But no matter what, after getting this sword, his combat effectiveness can be increased by at least 30% to 50%, or even more.

Even if the God King breaks through in the future, the War Sword will never be eliminated.

Su Mo was in a good mood after getting such a magical weapon, so he was willing to keep his promise and spare the life of Zisha Jing.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir!"

Nosas kowtowed repeatedly to thank him. He knew the value of the ring very well. Originally, he was planning to wait until he broke through the natural disaster before activating the ring, but now in order to save his life, he could only reluctantly part with it.

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to meet a strong man who was willing to keep his promise.

"Hu Tao, keep this one and kill the others." Su Mo waved his hand.

He only said that he was willing to spare Ziya Jing's life, but others should die anyway.

Upon hearing this, all the gang members fell to their knees, crying and begging.

"Sir, please spare my life!"

"Sir, we were wrong!"

"Boss, boss, save us!"

Now it was a mess and there was a lot of crying.

"It's so noisy!"

Hu Tao roared, and a brutal aura burst out, and everyone immediately fell silent and trembled.

"grown ups!"

At this time, Nosas lowered his head and said with a trembling voice:

"Can you spare the lives of my brothers?"

Su Mo looked at him calmly: "Your things can only be exchanged for one person's life."

"grown ups!"

"Are you bargaining with me?"

The cold voice made Nosas tremble all over, his throat felt like it was blocked by cotton, and he couldn't say anything.

Su Mo glanced at Nosas. Not to mention, it was quite a strange feeling to see Thanos kneeling at his feet.

Of course, Nosas is far from the Thanos in the comics. Thanos is the top existence in the universe, and Nosas is just a peak leader-level martial artist. However, this guy's talent is not bad. There is a race The talent is called [Higher Strength]. If you cultivate it well, you will have a certain chance of being promoted to a natural disaster.

In addition, this guy has a good mind and is flexible and flexible. He is a character.

Thinking of this, Su Mo said lightly:

"It's not impossible for me to let your men go."

Hearing this, Nosas instantly became excited and said repeatedly: "Sir, what do you want?"

Su Mo said:

"You and your people will all become my subordinates."

"no problem."

Nosas agreed immediately, and now he is willing to sell his ass, let alone make him his subordinate.

"Don't agree so readily."

Su Mo said lightly: "I have no basis for trust in you. If you want to survive, you must be planted with a slave chip by me. It's the same for you and your little brother."

Hearing this, Nosa fell silent.

As a powerful underworld boss, having him implanted with a slave chip would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Boss, boss, promise him now."

"Boss, I beg you, I don't want to die."

"My lord, I am willing to be implanted with a slave chip."

The gang members in the rear heard the conversation between Su Mo and Nosas and shouted loudly.

One was killed directly

The other is to become a slave or subordinate of a powerful natural disaster person.

Is this option still worth considering?

Whose dog is not a dog? Many people who want to become the dogs of natural disaster experts have no way to do it.

At this time, the two waves of Blood Wolf and Poison Dragon were also anxious. Su Mo only mentioned Nosas and did not mention them at all, so he shouted loudly:

"My lord, we are willing, we are willing."

The noisy sound confused Nosas' thoughts.

If he didn't agree to Su Mo's request, he would live, but all his men would die.

Behind them are the backbone of the gang, a dozen leading masters, and dozens of elites. If they die, they will become the bare commander. Even if they survive, the gang's territory will definitely be divided up by other forces.

In that case, his decades of hard work will be completely in vain.

But if you change your mind...

Maybe the crisis can be turned into an opportunity

Thinking of this, Nosas whispered: "My lord, we are willing to plant slave chips, but can I make a small request?"

Seeing that Nosas had already considered himself a subordinate, Su Mo smiled and said:

"Say it."

Nosas turned and pointed at Poison Dragon and said, "Can you help me get rid of that person? As long as I get rid of him, I can unify the underground forces in Bermuda City and better serve my master."

"Nosas, you despicable man."

When Poisonous Dragon heard this, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly:

"Sir, I am also willing to become your subordinate and be implanted with a slave chip."

"Nosas, you want me to be your sword~"

Su Mo looked at Nosas with a smile, but what he said made Nosas tense up and explained quickly:

"Master, I would never dare to have such an idea. I just want to serve my master better."

"My lord, I am stronger than Nosas, and I am more useful than him!"

Poison Dragon's eyes turned red and he shouted angrily:

"Nosas, you shameless villain, challenge me to a duel if you have the guts to prove to me who is stronger."

Nosas laid his head on the ground and remained silent.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the poisonous dragon, but from Su Mo's few words, he felt that he seemed to have received some kind of attention. In this case, why bother trying to show off his bravery with the poisonous dragon?


Su Mo took a deep look at Nosas and said, "Yes, he is a wise man."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and swung a knife.


The golden sword energy was like a moon wheel, flying in front of the poisonous dragon in an instant, and splitting it into two before anyone could react.


Both sides of the body fell to the sides, the cut in the middle was extremely smooth, and there was a vague look of horror in the eyes.

Seeing their boss being split in half, the members of the Dulong Gang were trembling with fear. Hot heat overflowed from their crotches, and they smelled unusually fishy.

Nosas turned his head and saw this scene, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he was even more in awe of Su Mo.

"You don't have any other requirements?" Su Mo asked calmly.

"It's gone, it's gone!"

Nosas shook his head quickly and said respectfully: "I am willing to be the first to plant the slave chip."


Su Mo turned to look at Bobo and asked, "Bobo, do you have a slave chip in your hand?"

Bobo laughed and said:

"I don't have a slave chip, but I have something better than a slave chip."

After saying that, Bobo took out a bunch of chips the size of fingernails from the space equipment and introduced:

"This is the mechanical puppet 3.0 I developed. After injection, it will be fully integrated with the nervous system of the host body. It can not only function as a slave chip, but also provide an intelligent auxiliary interface for the host body. This is what I created for the machine. The chip designed by the Cyborg is more powerful than the slave chip."

"Haha, great."

Su Mo smiled and took the chip from Bobo's hand and asked, "How to use this?"

Bobo said: "Just cut a small incision in his neck and put the chip in."

"Let me try."

Su Mo walked up to Nosas and lightly slashed Nosas's neck with his sword, easily cutting open the skin of the leading martial artist.

Immediately afterwards, he attached the chip to the wound, and soon the chip turned into nanoparticles and blended into the blood.

Feeling that the nervous system was connected to the chip, Nosas sighed inwardly, but on the surface he bowed respectfully to Su Mo and said respectfully:


Su Mo handed the chip to him and said, "It's enough to control the commanders and elites. The remaining trash fish are not worthy of high-end chips."


Nosas held the chip in both hands, stood up and walked towards the gang members in the rear.

"Elites and commanders, come here and line up. I understand the situation of all of you. If anyone dares to hide his strength, don't blame me for being rude." Nosas shouted sharply.

Upon hearing this, all the leaders and elites of the three gangs swarmed over and lined up in an orderly manner.

Seeing this scene, the remaining miscellaneous fish were still a little disappointed, feeling as if they had lost something.

Just as Nosas was executing Su Mo's order, Qian Liuyu leaned close to Su Mo and said with a smile:

"Captain, are you going to open a second base?"

Su Mo smiled and nodded:

"That's right, there is a saying in our hometown called Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves. Opening up an extra base may sometimes have unexpected effects."

He made this decision for three reasons.

First of all, after seeing the resources and treasures of this star field at Lan Yao Auction House, he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​setting up a stronghold on Enfield Star to expand the Holy Light Legion's external acquisition or trading channels.

Secondly, Enfield is one of the main channels for Isaac's Nationalist Revolutionary Army to obtain resources. Setting up a base here may also help Isaac at some point in the future.

Finally, it was a personal reason. He felt that Nosas looked a lot like Thanos and would be more interesting to conquer. In addition, Nosas had a flexible mind and decent talents. He was a person worth cultivating.

With Nosas here, he doesn't need to worry too much about Enfield Star's business.

Of course, he could see that Nosas was an ambitious person. To deal with such a person, trust was definitely not enough, so he had to be controlled through some coercive means. The simplest way was the slave chip.

Glancing at Nosas who was planting the slave chip seriously, and then looking down at the God-killing sword in his hand, Su Mo couldn't help but smile knowingly.

I’ve been really lucky lately~

Jdg is so fierce, let’s work hard for lng tomorrow, the top four will be all LPL teams

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