Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 271 Natural disaster! new skill

Boom boom boom~~~

The boiling force flows through the body, like an endless river, surging and majestic.

Due to his physical condition reaching the level of a natural disaster and the fact that millions of "leeks" were actively working, Su Mo's force power was several times stronger than the average peak leader.

But the threshold of natural disaster level stuck tightly to the upper limit of his Force power. No matter how hard the "leeks" tried, they couldn't increase the Force power even a little bit.

Likewise, there is mental power.

With the supply of soul refining pots and massive resources, his mental power has already reached its peak and it is difficult to make any progress.

The conditions for everyone to break through natural disasters are different.

Ming only used one black soul crystal at that time to use his telekinesis to break through the natural disasters and become a natural disaster expert.

But Hu Tao is even simpler. After eating a fruit of power, his energy accumulation is complete, and he successfully breaks through the natural disaster.

In comparison, Su Mo's road to natural disasters was a little bumpy.

It is necessary to achieve the perfect integration of body, force and mental power in order to truly achieve the realm of natural disaster.

After a period of polishing and many battles, he finally found the feeling of a unified combination of the three.

Once you get started with some things, the rest is easy.

The mental power spreads throughout the body, merging with the Force bit by bit, blending in seamlessly.

During this process, a strange feeling that seemed to exist in the soul slowly emerged in Su Mo's mind, and his thoughts seemed to have entered a new world.

Just when Su Mo was immersed in this wonderful feeling, the energy of the outside world suddenly started to stir, swirling and boiling, setting off a gust of wind, and finally condensed into a spiral funnel visible to the naked eye above Su Mo's head, with the bottom connected to the top of Su Mo's head. Huge energy poured into the body.

At the same time, Su Mo's body gradually emitted a holy and blazing golden light. The light became stronger and stronger, wrapping his body like the sun, making everyone around him almost unable to open their eyes.

"Breakthrough begins!"

Isaac stood in the distance, squinting his eyes, glancing at the people around him with his peripheral vision, and sighed heavily in his heart.

On the outer layer of the planet, Bobo installed two space-based annihilation cannons on the meteorite next to him, and used some means to cover up the traces of the space-based cannons.

"Finally a breakthrough!"

Bobo's eyes lit up as he looked at the light and shadow on his watch.

After breaking through the natural disaster, maybe Su Mo can try that thing.


The force circulates hundreds or thousands of times in the body, and every time it circulates, it accumulates strength and attacks a certain layer of invisible shackles.

With the gradual integration of mental power, force power and body, the momentum of the force attack becomes more violent, like a beast struggling to break free from its cage.

Finally, under a certain impact, the shackles shattered!


The vortex above Su Mo's head became even larger, like a greedy plunderer, frantically absorbing the surrounding energy.

The soul sea continues to expand, and the Force continues to gallop and rise like a wild horse.

Originally, Su Mo thought that his physique had already broken through the natural disaster, so there would be no significant improvement this time.

But he was wrong.

After officially breaking through the natural disaster, a mysterious and warm energy suddenly appeared in his body. Its nature was similar to his power of holy light, but it seemed to carry some kind of evolutionary power.

Under the transformation of this mysterious energy, his physical fitness began to become stronger, and he could feel that the genetic level was also changing, evolving towards a more perfect direction.

The strange power is running, and the proficiency is almost soaring by leaps and bounds.

The majestic power of Qi and blood, mixed with the holy and blazing power of light, spread outward like a hurricane, causing billowing heat waves.

"Oh, what a strong force of energy and blood."

Isaac looked at the golden figure sitting cross-legged in amazement.

He could only feel this oppressive feeling of strong qi and blood from a natural disaster level martial artist, and he had to be a middle-level natural disaster martial artist or above.

Su Mo is a superpower, but why his physique is exaggerated to such an extent is really puzzling.

After an unknown amount of time, the closed eyes slowly opened.

The moment he opened his eyes, a bright golden light bloomed in his pupils, and a terrifying aura was like an awakened lion, roaring to the heaven and earth with an earth-shaking roar.

For a moment, the color of heaven and earth changed.

Cracks as thick as an arm opened on the ground, spreading outward like spider webs. The surrounding gravel was shaken into powder, and golden light shone brightly, as if gods were shining on the world.

Su Mo slowly opened his hands, feeling the majestic ocean-like force flowing through his body. Only after he was promoted to the natural disaster, did he realize how huge the gap between the force power between the commander and the natural disaster was.

The reason why natural disasters are called natural disasters is because their force power is so strong that they can destroy a city with one full blow. If they let go completely, they can even cause natural disaster-like destruction to the surface of the planet.

Not only his Force power, but his mental power also increased exponentially.

With the body as the center, mental power quickly spread out. Under the scanning of mental power, countless scenery was reflected into his mind, including the bumpy land, the mineral veins hidden under the rocks, the strange insects chewing the soil...

The majestic mental power can see everything within a radius of hundreds of miles. This feeling is like God's perspective, everything is under control.

When the mental power expanded to the limit, Su Mo's mind moved, and the mental power retracted like a flash of lightning, and after a few breaths, all of it returned to the soul sea.


Su Mo let out a breath, and then raised the corners of his mouth.

Finally, we officially entered the natural disaster.

Before his breakthrough, although he could fight against natural disaster experts with his excellent physique, most of the time he was getting beaten, relying on BUFF and recovery ability to stay alive, and occasionally using skills to catch him by surprise, but his lethality was also very high. limited.

The positioning is equivalent to a wet nurse wearing fanatic + green armor. The meat is meat, but there is no output.

Now... hum

Su Mo opened the system panel and checked the new skills.

The first thing that catches the eye is the strange force.

Strange power (LV6——530/3000)

The strange power directly increased by more than 400 proficiency points!

Su Mo was overjoyed. The increase in his strange power was much higher than he imagined.

His current physical strength is definitely among the best among middle-level natural disaster martial arts.

What an unexpected surprise~

Su Mo felt happy. He thought that even if he officially stepped into the natural disaster, his body would not change much. Who would have thought that he would strengthen so much all at once.

After Guai Li finished reading, the next step was his long-awaited new skill.

The skill list scrolled down, and when he saw the new skills, Su Mo's face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy.

Punishment Department——

[Unlimited Burst] Use the power of holy light to stimulate cells to achieve a significant increase in combat power, with a maximum increase of 1000%.

[Pearl of Apocalypse] Cast a pearl of light containing divine power. The attributes of the team members will increase while the pearl of light exists. After a certain period of time, the Pearl of Light turns into a Pearl of Darkness, and then emits powerful light to cause great damage to the enemy.

[Holy Dragon Chasing the Sun] Gather the divine power to form the Holy Dragon Giant Soldier, causing a devastating blow to the enemy.

[Light Clone] Generate a clone with certain intelligence. The clone can use most of the host's skills.

Holy Light System——

[Holy Baptism] Enhance the target's potential and qualifications, adjust the genetic structure to the best state of the current race, and improve all attributes

[Hegemony] Invincible for 5 seconds

[Damage Transfer] Transfer all injuries and negative status of teammates to yourself

[Holy Blessing Barrier] Generates a barrier. If teammates enter the barrier, they will continue to recover; enemies entering the barrier will receive periodic damage.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Su Mo screamed three times in his heart, he was so excited that he couldn't bear it.

The new skills are really more awesome than the last.

There are four skills in the punishment system, namely [Unlimited Explosion], [Pearl of Apocalypse], [Holy Dragon Chasing the Sun], and [Light Clone]

[Unlimited Burst] is undoubtedly the most eye-catching skill.

Use the power of holy light to stimulate cells to achieve a significant increase in combat power, with a maximum increase of up to 10 times

It can be called a weakened version of Super Saiyan.

Super Saiyan is too buggy. The super form increases the power by 50 times, but [Ultra Limit Burst] only increases power by ten times.

But who in the entire universe can achieve a 10-fold increase in combat power without paying any price?

There are some secret techniques in martial arts that can greatly increase combat effectiveness by burning lifespan or potential, but the increase in combat effectiveness will never reach ten times, and the cost is very heavy.

His lack of explosive power has always been one of his weaknesses. After all, none of his skills are super killer moves.

But now, with the Super Series... bah, over-the-limit explosion, we can also get excited for a while.

[Pearl of Apocalypse], a combination of assistance and damage skills. It’s unclear how powerful it is, but there is a line he must shout out——

Apoclesias! ! !

[Holy Dragon Chasing the Sun] is a single-target damage skill. Since it is a natural disaster-level skill, it must be more powerful than [Fist of Heaven], making it the strongest single-target skill in his hand.

[Light Clone], when he saw this skill, the first thought in his mind was - finally liberated.

In recent months, due to the steady flow of orders for Holy Light Potions, Holy Flame Spirit Seeds, Weapon Strengthening, etc., most of his life has been occupied by these businesses.

Of course it is fun to make money, but if you stay alone in the house all day, doing the same thing mechanically and repetitively without being able to rest, you will become very depressed after a long time.

After having the [Light Clone], he can leave these tasks to the clone.

The avatar has a certain amount of intelligence and is not good at dealing with people, but it is certainly no problem being an "assembly line worker".


After analyzing the punishment system, let’s look at the Holy Light system.

The first skill——[Holy Baptism]

Seeing this skill, he finally understood what the mysterious power of evolution was just now, that was [Holy Baptism].

(Enhancing the target’s potential and qualifications, adjusting the genetic structure to the best state of the current race, and improving all attributes)

"System dad, this is forcing me to develop my power!"

Su Mo murmured.

What is the best use of [Holy Baptism]?

Of course, it’s to train your subordinates.

You don’t need to eat anything, you don’t need to do anything, you just need the Holy Light to touch your head, and you will become stronger immediately.

Enhance potential and qualifications, adjust genes to perfect form, and improve all attributes. It can be said that this is a standard species evolution.

Those subordinates with poor qualifications can become little geniuses after being baptized, and those with strong qualifications can soar into the sky.

For example, Mundo's superpower [Physical Strengthening] has a B++ level potential, which can only reach the peak of leadership. However, if he accepts [Holy Baptism], his superpower potential is likely to directly exceed A level.

Hey, you are so happy to be my subordinate.

Su Mo boasted that not only was it for training his subordinates, [Holy Baptism] could also be used as an important tool for PY, just like [Weapon Strengthening].

The second Holy Light skill, [Hegemony]

The effect is simple and crude, five seconds of invincibility, five seconds of real manhood.

With this skill, he no longer has to be afraid of the enemy's high explosive skills. Within five seconds, even the God King cannot kill him.

Not only for defense, [Hegemony] is also very good for offense. He needs to design the specific tactics carefully.

The next skill - [Damage Transfer]: Transfer all injuries and negative status of teammates to yourself.

There's not much to say, it's a magical skill to save lives and heal the wounded.

Injuries that are not serious can actually be cured with BUFF, and there is no need for [Damage Transfer].

In his opinion, the best use of [Damage Transfer] is to combine with [Hegemony] or [Light Clone] to transfer injuries or negative conditions that cannot be cured by various BUFFs.

The last skill——[Holy Blessing Barrier]

Generate an enchantment. If teammates enter the enchantment, their status will be restored continuously. Enemies who enter the enchantment will receive periodic damage.

Both offense and defense~

Attack, directly release the enchantment, allowing the enemy to be in the enchantment and suffer periodic damage.

Defend, put teammates in the barrier, restore status, and provide barrier protection

"Brother is about to take off!"

Su Mo stood up and looked at Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu who were flying towards them, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

How much will the strength of Bobo, Isaac, Hutao and Qian Liuyu change after receiving baptism?


All Souls Religion

Headquarters of the Holy See of Light, Cathedral of San Antonio


The simple mirror engraved with complex patterns suddenly shook violently and burst into dazzling golden light.

The leader of the Light Church, Krayer, paused, closed the Bible in his hand, faced the audience, and said majestically:

"Everyone leaves immediately."


Everyone noticed the dazzling ancient mirror in front of them and realized that something must have happened, but they did not dare to ask more questions and left quietly and respectfully.

After everyone left, the leader of Guangming said solemnly:


"I'm here, Your Majesty the leader."

A man in white robes suddenly appeared in front of the leader, with thick black hair draped over his shoulders. He had a handsome appearance and a mature temperament with aloof indifference and majesty.

"Zenedin, the Son of Light has appeared."

The leader turned around and lightly touched the ancient mirror with his palm. Suddenly, a young and delicate face slowly appeared, sitting cross-legged, with rich golden light lingering around him, like a young Buddha, holy and solemn.

"Find him and bring him to the Holy See for baptism."

The leader said slowly: "The Son of God must not be left outside."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Chief."

Zenidin nodded and disappeared in front of the leader in a flash.

It is not difficult for the huge Illuminati Sect to find a person in the vast universe.

As for whether we can bring people back, there is no need to worry.

Because he is Zenedin, the sword of the Holy See of Light, and——

God King Strong

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